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Hilbert Yi edited this page Apr 15, 2022 · 4 revisions

1 Call out function list


This instruction will produce different results for different senders, such as master and simple user.

1.1 Structure of function list

The function list text area looks like

# Area 1
1. xxx
2. xxx
# Area 2
# Area 3
  • The area 1 can be called by both 🔢 order number and 💬 instruction text.
  • The area 2 needs instruction and text which should be operated. You can use it following the example in brackets.
  • The area 3 is master function list. Only the master of the wechat bot:godmode: can use them. The way to use is also like the example in brackets.

2 Tips 💡

Most instructions have the example in brackets of the function list. So here will explain some 💥complex instructions in detail.

2.1 Password book(密码簿)🗺️

This function can map a piece of text content to a keyword. You can use it for recording some complex passwords, shopping praise on Taobao or Jingdong, and so on. Use below instruction to add one record to the password book.

map key value [Secret-key Initialization-vector]

[] means it is not necessary. Secret-key and Initialization-vector are used for encryption algorithms. If a record is added to the password book without them, then use below instruction can get the content of the record.

get key

Of course, if the Secret-key and Initialization-vector are declared when adding a record, change the instruction to

get key Secret-key Initialization-vector

Since aes-128-cbc is used, the key and initialization vector are both 16 characters. You can also generate them randomly, but be sure to remember them

2.2 Timing message(定时消息)⏲️

As the name suggests, this function can send a specified message at a specified time node. Use below instruction:

定时 target-person message is the pattern of time string. Here are some examples:

All time strings default to the current year.

  • 2022-04-15 14:23:30 ➡️ or

Every time number can be unit number or double digits, such as converting April to 4 or 04.

  • 2022-04-15 14:00:00 ➡️ 4.15.14 or

This means that if the time does not need to be accurate to minutes or seconds, they can be omitted. 🕥But at least point out the hours!

Also you can send timing messages to multiple contacts, change the instruction like this:

群发 target-person1,target-person2[,...] message

2.3 Destroy the timing message

If you find the timing message you set need to be cancel before it be sended, use below instruction:

销毁 message-id

The message-id will be provided by your wechat bot when you set the timing messages.

2.4 Ignore some contacts' message

If your bot is online and you want to make it ignore some contacts' message, then use it.

屏蔽 target-contact-alias

⚠️Please use the alias, not the username of the contact. For example, Huateng Ma is your boss, then his wechat username can be aa today and change to bb tomorrow by himself. But if you set an alias called boss for him, then his alias will be boss forever if you do not change.

For unignore, like below instruction:

解除屏蔽 target-contact-alias

⚠️Wechat contact data is updated incrementally, and this process takes some time. May be seconds or minutes. So if you change someone's alias, it may not take effect immediately. Please be patient.