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per1234 edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 4 revisions

Quick Start

  • Connect a receiver to Pin #2 of your Arduino.
  • Upload the ReceiveDemo sketch which is provided in the libary.
  • Open the Serial Monitor (9600 baud)
  • Press any key on your remote



(You can also use any other external interrupt pin of your Arduino instead of interrupt #0/Pin #2)

How it works

With the enableReceive method the Arduino will listen to incoming signals on the external interrupt (first parameter). Note that most boards have only two external interrupts: number 0 (on digital pin 2) and 1 (on digital pin 3) (The Arduino Mega has some more).

(... deprecated stuff removed here ...)

Please take a look at the ReceiveDemo examples which are delivered with the library.

Note: receiving is disabled when compiling for ATtiny85/45/25/84/44/24.