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Setup guide

1. Setup swan

  1. Flashing Ubuntu 16.04 to Beaglebone (on Ubuntu 16.04).
  2. Setup beaglebone (wifi, gpio, miscellaneous).
  3. Install ROS Kinetic.
  4. Install ROSwan.
  5. Additional tools (optional).

2. Setup remote computer

  1. Install ROS Kinetic. Please refer to ROS wiki.
  2. Install ROSwan.

Running Naviagtion

Change environment variables in .bashrc

export THRUSTER=trex_driver
export IMU=os5000
export GPS=gps
export CONTROLLER=diff_controller
export MAP=pandan

Connect to Angsa wifi and launch minimal configuration for navigation:

roslaunch swan_bringup minimal.launch

Run loiter (in a new terminal):

rosrun r2c2 captain_loiter_test

Run missions (in a new terminal):

rosrun r2c2 captain_mission_test

The missions points are specified in mission_points.json

After setting up the remote computer, you can run rviz or rqt to visualize the swan. The rviz and rqt configurations are stored inside visualization tools folder.

File structure explained

  • swan_bringup: All the launch files and parameters for operation excluding parameters for move_base.
  • swan_driver: Drivers for the swan including compass and thruster.
  • swan_controller: There are 3 packages inside this folder.
    • swan_controller: A controller node that handles PID and differential drive.
    • swan_localization: Estimate odometry base on command and dynnamic property or compass and gps.
    • swan_sim Some nodes that were used for testing.
  • swan_navigation: Parameters for the nav stack and move_base. Nav stack tuning guide:
  • r2c2: Command and control . It is not fully written yet currently. The ones inside this package are written only for field trial testing.
  • bag: bag files from field trial.
  • visual_tools: rqt and rviz plugins (Only for remote computer).
  • swan_msgs: custom msgs. (Used only for PID tuning currently.)

For more details please refer to the README inside each package