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This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

About Hidden Gem Spot

This is a Next.js project utilizing Tailwind CSS and TypeScript, aimed at providing people with a platform to create and share content about their favorite attractions.


Users can compile their personal attractions and publish them to the public as a "Map Post," complete with attached content. Others can then like your map post, show appreciation for your attractions with a ❤️, and even duplicate any attraction to their own private map.

The project is deployed on Vercel, using CloudFlare for DNS services, available at

You can check out the demo here. It's completely in Mandarin.

🎦👨 DEMO Here

I also have a bilingual (English, Traditional Chinese) slide here.

💻 💬 Slide Here

Database: Utilizes Firebase Firestore for NoSQL DB and Firebase Storage for static database operations. Authentication: Employs Firebase Auth (Email, Google) and is integrated with Clerk for third-party authentication, supporting both traditional web applications and blockchain-based logins via MetaMask.

The application incorporates the Quill Markdown Editor and the native Leaflet & OpenStreetMap for mapping functionalities, among other third-party modules. To enhance the user experience, it includes features such as lazy loading and drag-and-drop (for images). Additionally, it has successfully passed several Jest tests.

What Else:

  1. Mini-Game Drag-and-Drop Module: This module allows users to drag attraction pins into a "bowl," which serves as the designated drop area. Once dropped, these attractions are added to the Map Post being created.

  2. NFT Minting: Utilizing Web3.js and Clerk, users can mint their own NFTs. A simple HashLip NFT Contract was deployed using Remix and linked to a self-designed image (.png) stored on the IPFS service, Pinata, and then to the Polygon Mainnet. Anyone with a MetaMask Wallet can interact with the contract via the UI or PolyScan to mint the NFT at Hidden Gem Spot 旅圓 (

  3. Google API Integration: Through fetch requests to the Google Places API, users can effortlessly discover attractions near their selected location.

  4. KML & GeoJSON Upload: Users can upload their .KMZ/.KML files or GeoJSON data, which may be generated by Google Maps' "My Map" feature or the Takeout function for exporting favorite (❤️) attractions and comments. We then convert these files into attractions and save them into the database.



  • useContext: Utilizes the React context API to manage and share global state within the application, simplifying state management without introducing additional libraries.

  • Redux / Zustand: These state management libraries offer scalable solutions for handling application state. Redux Toolkit simplifies Redux application development, making it more efficient and easier to manage. Zustand provides a minimalist and flexible approach to state management, suitable for handling specific features like KMZ/KML and GeoJSON data integration.


  • SSR (Server-Side Rendering): Implemented for the Home Page and Member Page, SSR enhances performance and SEO by rendering pages on the server before sending them to the client.

  • SSG (Static Site Generation): Used for the Landing Page, SSG generates static pages at build time, improving load times and reducing server requests.


  • Indexing: Efficiently manages database queries to ensure fast retrieval of data, crucial for real-time applications.


  • The /map component integrates Leaflet for map functionalities, allowing users to create, edit, and delete places associated with markers. It supports numerous plugins like mini-map, search console, and routing machine, enabling route creation between markers (places).


  • Offers comprehensive tools for content creation and management. Users can add titles, contents, tags, choose categories, and upload images for any spot. Features include search & filter by tags or keywords, show/hide UI elements for a cleaner interface, and switch between "Spot" and "Post" modes for focused interaction.

Redux Toolkit / Zustand:

  • Simplifies state management across the application. Zustand is specifically used for directly managing KMZ/KML and GeoJSON data with the map component, while Redux Toolkit handles broader state management needs, such as maintaining public map data for editing.


  • Facilitates login state management across the application. Integrates with Firebase Auth and Clerk for diverse authentication methods (Email, Google), leveraging useContext for efficient state handling.


  • Implements internationalization using i18n-Next, allowing users to browse the project in either English or Mandarin (Taiwan), enhancing accessibility and user experience.

OnBoarding Process (Private Personal Map)



Browsing Map Posts (Public)



Server Components

Since I used Page Router to support some older versions of Next.js projects and to facilitate the creation of new pages, it was inevitable that all pages were React Client Components by default. This resulted in poor efficiency and SEO. To address these issues, I have undertaken the following initiatives:

🌟 Changed the Landing Page to SSG (Static Site Generation) to optimize SEO.

🌟 Changed the Explore Page to SSR (Server Side Rendering) to enhance SEO. Additionally, this page retrieves map data from Firestore (NoSQL DB), making server-side rendering a suitable approach in such cases.

🌟 Changed the Member Page to SSR. Updating 'Member Data, followers, and following too often would burden the servers unnecessarily.

🌟 While it's necessary to add the line 'use Client' in App Router, Page Router simplifies the construction of highly interactive pages in my applications by utilizing a variety of hooks.

⚠️ Further Optimization: For enhanced efficiency, RSC (React Server Components) could be considered to reduce JS bundle size and mitigate lags caused by request waterfalls. This became a pressing issue as the project expanded. Monitoring through LightHouse revealed that utilizing RSC could significantly improve efficiency.

See the slides for a complete pitch here:

Slide Here

Getting Started with Next

npm install or use yarn to install packages first.

Second, run the development server

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the pages by modifying everything under src/pages The page auto-updates as you edit the file since it's a Next App

About Next.js

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

Check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Vercel

Using Vercel Platform.

Reference: Next.js deployment documentation