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Multilayer Perceptron(MLP) Classification

Implementing the functions in

  • To implement the activation functions relu, identity, tanh and sigmoid we simply use numpy to implement the respective mathematical formulae.
  • The cross_entropy function which calculates the loss is given by - sum (yi * log(pi)), for all yi ∈ Y (true values) and pi ∈ P (predicted values). In a 2D space this result can be calculated by -np.sum(np.sum(y * np.log(p), axis=1)) / y.shape[0]. The true values are encoded using one_hot_encoding.

Implementing the MLP

The propagation (forward-feed) phase

  • Given our training input X, we feed this to the hidden layer and calculate its weighted sum Z1 = (X.wh) + bh. Where X.wh is the dot product of the input and the weights vector wh for the hidden layer, and bh is the bias vector. The output Z1 is fed to the activation function to give us G1.
  • Subsequently, G1 is fed to the output layer to calculate Z2 = (G1.wo) + bo. Where X.wo is the dot product of the input and the weights vector wo for the output layer, and bo is the bias vector. Z2 then goes through the output activation function (which in this case is softmax), to give us G2. G2 is the output of our MLP.

The backpropagation phase

  • Naturally, the MLP has to learn to predict accurate classes, it does so by minimizing its errors in the backpropagation phase. This is done immediately after the forward propagation phase.
  • In very simple terms, we propagate the error from the last layer to the input layer by 'reversing' the order of operations.
  • To start with, the error is calculated by a simple matrix subtraction EO = G2 - y. Then, we calculate the gradient of the weighted sum Z2, by passing it through the derivative of the softmax function, SO = softmax_derivate(Z2). We then calculate the difference (delta) DO = SO * EO (scalar matrix multiplication).
  • DO is back-propagated to calculate the error in the hidden layer EH = DO.woT, where woT is the transpose of the output layer weights vector wo. The gradient of the hidden layer with respect to SH = hidden_activation_derivative(Z1). We then calculate the delta for hidden layer DH = SH * EH.
  • After doing these calculations, we have the necessary ingredients to update the weights and biases, which are the essential steps that allow the MLP to make better predictions.
  • This is given by wh = XT.DH * LR, wo = G1T.DO * LR, bh = sum(DH) * LR and bo = sum(DO) * LR. Where XT is the transpose of the input, G1T is the transpose of G1 and LR is the learning rate. The learning rate essentially controls what percentage of weights and biases are updated.

The fit method

  • This method is responsible for running the forward and back propagation phases for a number of iterations. After every 20 iterations, the loss computed by cross_entropy should decrease, signifying the MLP improving its predictions.

The predict method

  • Once our MLP has finished training via the fit method, the new testing data is passed propagated (forward) to give us the predictions (which are probabilities of the class labels). To calculate the class labels, we simply get the argmax for these probabilities. np.array([np.argmax(x) for x in self.mlp_output]).


3 Layer forward-feed MLP with back-propagation






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