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A Python PyQt5 GUI wrapper for the BOSSA SAM Programmer


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SparkFun LoRaSerial Kit - 915MHz

SparkFun LoRaSerial Kit - 915MHz (WRL-19311)


Our BOSSA (Basic Open Source SAM-BA Application) GUI is a convenient way to upgrade the firmware on many SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards. We wrote it to make it easy to upgrade the firmware on our LoRaSerial boards, but you can use it to upload binary firmware to any board running the SAM-BA bootloader.

  • The BOSSA GUI is a PyQt5 'wrapper' for the excellent Python SAM-BA Loader
  • Our GUI makes it easy to select the firmware file and COM port
  • The actual upgrade is done by the Python SAM-BA Loader

If you need to install the application, see the Installation section of this page.

Using the BOSSA GUI

  • Click Browse and select the firmware file you'd like to upload (should end in .bin)
  • Attach the SAMD target board over USB
  • For SAMD51 boards:
    • Double-click the board's reset button to put the SAMD51 into bootloader mode (indicated by the fading LED)
  • For SAMD21 boards:
    • Check the SAMD21 check-box
    • The GUI will attempt to put the SAMD21 into bootloader mode automatically
  • Select the COM port from the dropdown menu
    • On macOS, two ports will appear. Select the one called tty.usbmodem


  • Click Upload Binary
    • The GUI will detect the board, erase, program and verify the firmware and then reset the board

For SAMD21 boards, the GUI will attempt to put the SAMD into bootloader mode automatically. This feature is machine-dependent and occasionally fails to work correctly. If it is not working for you:

  • Uncheck the SAMD21 check-box
  • Double-click the board's reset button to put the SAMD21 into bootloader mode (indicated by the fading LED)
  • Select the COM port from the dropdown menu
  • Click Upload Binary


You will find the zipped BOSSA_GUI executables attached to each release.

BOSSA GUI Release Assets

Windows Installation

  • Download the GitHub release zip file -
  • Unzip the release file -
  • This results in the application executable, BOSSA__GUI.exe
  • Double-click BOSSA__GUI.exe to start the application
  • The BOSSA__GUI executable is not signed, so Windows will not run the application and will display a warning dialog


  • Click More Info


  • Click Run anyway to start the GUI

macOS Installation

  • Download the GitHub release file - BOSSA__GUI.dmg


  • Double-click the BOSSA__GUI.dmg file to mount the disk image. A Finder window will open:


  • Install the BOSSA__GUI app by dragging it onto the Applications in the Finder Window, or copying the file to a desired location
  • Once complete, unmount the BOSSA__GUI disk image by right-clicking on the mounted disk in Finder and ejecting it


To launch the BOSSA__GUI application:

  • Double-click BOSSA__GUI app icon to launch the application
  • The BOSSA__GUI app is not signed, so macOS will not run the application and will display a warning dialog. Click OK to dismiss the window


  • Open the macOS Settings and navigate to Privacy and Security
  • Scroll down and click Open Anyway to launch the BOSSA__GUI app


  • A second warning dialog will appear. Click Open to open the app


  • Two COM ports will appear when a board is connected. Select the one called tty.usbmodem



  • Download the GitHub release file - BOSSA__GUI.linux.gz
  • Unzip the release file - BOSSA__GUI.linux.gz
  • Un-gzip the file, either by double-clicking in on the desktop, or using the gunzip command in a terminal window. This results in the file BOSSA__GUI
  • To run the application, the file must have execute permission. This is performed by selecting Properties from the file right-click menu, and then selecting permissions. You can also change permissions using the chmod command in a terminal window.
  • Once the application has execute permission, you can start the application a terminal window. Change directory to the application location and issue ./BOSSA__GUI

Python Package

The BOSSA__GUI app is also provided as an installable Python package. This is advantageous for platforms that lack a pre-compiled application.

To install the Python package:

  • Download the package file - BOSSA_GUI-2.0.0.tar.gz (note - the version number might vary)
  • At a command line - issue the package install command:
    • pip install BOSSA_GUI-2.0.0.tar.gz
  • Once installed, you can start the BOSSA__GUI app by issuing the command ./BOSSA__GUI at the command line. (To see the command, you might need to start a new terminal, or issue a command like rehash depending on your platform/shell)


  • A path might be needed to specify the install file location.
  • Depending on your platform, this command might need to be run as admin/root.
  • Depending on your system, you might need to use the command pip3

The GUI is uninstalled by issuing this pip command:

  • pip uninstall BOSSA__GUI

Raspberry Pi

We've tested the GUI on 64-bit Raspberry Pi Debian. You will need to use the Python Package to install it.


  • On 32-bit Raspberry Pi, with both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, use sudo pip3 install BOSSA_GUI-2.0.0.tar.gz
  • On 64-bit Raspberry Pi, use sudo pip install BOSSA_GUI-2.0.0.tar.gz
  • By default, the executable will be placed in /usr/local/bin
  • The sudo is required to let install python3-pyqt5 and python3-pyqt5.qtserialport using sudo apt-get install

When the SAMD goes into bootloader mode, it may cause a new drive dialog to appear. Click Cancel to dismiss it

BOSSA GUI Raspberry Pi

Example Firmware

The Test_Sketches folder contains some example firmware binaries for the SAMD21 RedBoard Turbo and the SAMD51 Thing Plus. These blink the on-board LED at different speeds and are a useful way of confirming that the code is being uploaded successfully.

Command Line

You can run the Python SAM-BA Loader direct from the command line. Download the full repo zip file. Extract it. Python SAM-BA Loader is in the BOSSA_GUI\SAMBALoad sub-folder.

  • python will display the help. So will python -h or python --help
  • python -p COM1 info will display part information from the board on COM1 (Windows). Replace with /dev/ttyACM0 if you are on Linux.
  • python -p COM1 erase -a 0x2000 will erase the flash memory starting at address 0x2000 (SAMD21). Use 0x4000 for SAMD51.
  • python -p COM1 write -a 0x2000 -f myCode.bin will write myCode.bin to flash memory, starting at address 0x2000 (SAMD21). Use 0x4000 for SAMD51.
  • python -p COM1 verify -a 0x2000 -f myCode.bin will verify the flash memory against myCode.bin, starting at address 0x2000 (SAMD21). Use 0x4000 for SAMD51.
  • python -p COM1 read -a 0x2000 -l 0x1000 -f myCode.bin will read 0x1000 bytes from flash memory, starting at address 0x2000 and write them into myCode.bin. Use 0x4000 for SAMD51.
  • Add the --reset switch to reset the board when the operation is complete. E.g. python -p COM1 --reset verify -a 0x2000 -f myCode.bin
  • Add the -v switch to display helpful verbose messages. Add -vv for even more verbose messages.


Big thanks go to Dean Camera (@abcminiuser) and the contributors to Python SAM-BA Loader.

Big thanks go to Scott Shumate (@shumatech) and the contributors to BOSSA.

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License Information

This product is open source!

Please review the file for license information.

If you have any questions or concerns on licensing, please contact technical support on our SparkFun forums.

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

  • Your friends at SparkFun.