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Common patterns to develop EQL API's.

This guide will cover both EQL as a abstract API and common libraries usage, like fulcro and pathom


Keep it flat

If you have 1..1 relationship, it should be accessible without a join

;; good: a session has a account, so I can access account attributes directly

;; good: it's OK to have a explicit relationship attribute between them, but keeping it flat
;; adds more leverage, because in flat paths you only need to know the end-point, but nested
;; data requires the knowing of each item in the path.
 {:app.current-session/account [:app.account/display-name]}]

Global namespaces

Avoid use the same name both in "global" and "contextual"

;; good: there is `:app.authed-account/email` for global and `:app.account/email` to local
 {:app.authed-account/account [:app.account/email]}]

;; avoid: `:app.session/email` is used both for global and local context.
 {:app.authed-account/account [:app.account/email]}]


Group by output

Prefer to group your resolvers by output

;; good: Group by output
(ns ...authed-account)

(pc/defresolver email [env input]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.current-session/id}
  ::pc/output [:app.authed-account/email]}

;; avoid: Group by input
(ns ...current-session)

(pc/defresolver authed-account-email [env input]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.current-session/id}
  ::pc/output [:app.authed-account/email]}

Resolve it flat

If it's a 1..1 relationship, keep it flat. See Keep it flat from EQL

;; good
(pc/defresolver main-address [env input]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.account/id}
  ::pc/output [:app.address/street]}

Once there is placeholders, clients can as [:app.account/id {:>/main-address [:app.address/street]}] if it needs

Trust in qualified keys

With spec in mind, you should trust your input

;; good
(pc/defresolver main-address [env {:app.account/keys [id]}]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.account/id}
  ::pc/output [:app.address/street]}
  (db/main-address env id))
;; avoid
(pc/defresolver main-address [env {:app.account/keys [id]}]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.account/id}
  ::pc/output [:app.address/street]}
  (db/main-address env (UUID/fromString (str id)))

Explicit transformations

If client send a thing and you need to transform, name it!

;; good :app.account/id-as-str will always be a string, :app.account/id will always be a uuid
(pc/defresolver id-as-ast->id [env {:app.account/keys [id-as-str]}]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.account/id-as-str}
  ::pc/output [:app.address/id]}
  {:app.address/id (UUID/fromString id-as-str)})
;; avoid: `:app.account/id` can both be both a `string?` or a `uuid?`
(pc/defresolver main-address [env {:app.account/keys [id]}]
 {::pc/input  #{:app.account/id}
  ::pc/output [:app.address/street]}
  (db/main-address env (UUID/fromString (str id)))

DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

If your resolvers follow a similar process to resolve the data, make sure that you factor it away in a separate function that will exist only once in your codebase. You can use the ::pc/transform key for this purpose.


Please join this issue and share your problems/solutions with us.

Be careful using attribute-based authentication with p/ident-reader and p/open-ident-reader. Consider the following case:

(pc/defresolver authed-account [env _]
  {::pc/input  #{}
   ::pc/output [:app.authed-account/email]}
  (when-let [email (some-auth-logic env)]
    {:app.authed-account/email email}))

(pc/defresolver sensitive-data [{:keys [parser] :as env}
                                {:app.authed-account/keys [email]}]
  {;; (1) do NOT require input for auth
   ::pc/input  #{:app.authed-account/email}
   ::pc/output [:sensitive-data]}
  (when-let [{:app.authed-account/keys [email]}
             ;; (2) do NOT call parser with current env for auth attr
             (seq (parser env [:app.authed-account/email]))]
    {:sensitive-data [,,,]}))

In this case, sensitive data can be retrieved by providing context in the query:

[{[:app.authed-account/email "[email protected]"]

Instead, prefer either calling parser without entity:

(let [entity-key (or (::p/entity-key env) ::p/entity)]
  (parser (dissoc env entity-key) [:app.authed-account/email]))

Or add a parser, closured against the initial value of the env, to the env:

(defn make-parser []
  (let [parser (p/parser {,,,})]
    (fn wrapped-parser [env tx]
        (assoc env :parser* (partial wrapped-parser env))
;; then inside resolvers
(let [{:keys [parser*]} env]
  (parser* [:app.authed-account/email]))


Use flat keys

See Keep it flat from EQL

;; good
(defsc MainView [this {:account/keys [name]
                       :session/keys [valid? account] :as props}]
       {:ident (fn [] [:component/id :session])
        :query [:session/valid?
                {:session/account (comp/get-query AccountProjectList)}]
        :initial-state {}}
         (div (str "Hello, " name "!"))
         (ui-account-project-list account)))

;; bad: the MainView depends on AccountProjectList query/data
(defsc MainView [this {:session/keys [valid? account] :as props}]
       {:ident (fn [] [:component/id :session])
        :query [:session/valid?
                {:session/account (conj (comp/get-query AccountProjectList) :account/name)}]
        :initial-state {}}
         (div (str "Hello, " (:account/name account) "!"))
         (ui-account-project-list account)))


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