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CLI controllable version of hlb-gpt by tysam-code

Fern's hlb-gpt is a package for training transformers really, really fast, to high quality.

This package extends that one that one to be easily controllable over the CLI. It also adds extensive logging.

Why does this exist?

  1. It makes ablations really easy
  2. It gives you extremely detailed logs

Just provide a whole bunch of settings over the command-line, and automatically run highly repeatable experiments at different model scales, and log their results in high detail to either wandb and/or a local .csv-file.


How about we ablate the number of attention heads over different widths and depths? You could run:

python -cw --wandb_project test --seed 1000 --num_runs 5 --max_epochs 5 --depth 4 8 16 32 --width 192 384 --num_heads 1 3 6

What does that do?

  • -cw: Equivalent to --log_csv --log_wandb. Log both to a .csv-file (by default, "results_041.csv"), and to a wandb-project.
  • --wandb_project test: Log to the wandb-project "test"
  • --seed 1000: Manually set the seed.
  • --num_runs 5: For each setting, do train 5 times. Each run is initialized with a different seed, starting with the one given in --seed. So here, in each settings, the corresponding 5 runs would have the seeds [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004], making them highly comparable and repeatable.
  • --max_epochs 5: Training runs for 5 epochs. An eval is guaranteed at the end.
  • --depth 4 8 16 --width 192 384 --num_heads 1 3 6: Every combination of these values represents one setting, and will be run for 5 runs. If width % num_runs != 0 in some settings, that setting won't be run. The idea of the package is that you can extend the code to add whatever change you want as a setting, and easily test it together with several other setups.

As you can see, it is easy to run very large and highly repeatable ablations of different settings. I tried to make the code easy to extend, so that you can easily ablate your own settings. More on that below.


There are several versions of hlb-gpt. The ones that I found relevant are v0.3.0, which implements a classic transformer with subsequent Attention and MLP layers, and v0.4.1, which implements a fused Attention and MLP architecture, where GELU is applied to the values in Attention.

So far, I only implemented a CLI interfacte to the latter, under, though I do plan to write a script, too.

Existing args

Here are the CLI-args that you can currently use to run this script.

  • -c, --log_csv (FLAG)
    • If set, log results to .csv-file.
  • --append (FLAG)
    • If set, the previous logfile won't be overwritten but appended to, if it already exists.
  • --logfile (TYPE: str, DEFAULT: 'results_041.csv')
    • Log the results to this file.
  • -w, --log_wandb (FLAG)
    • If set, log results to Weights & Biases.
  • --wandb_project (TYPE: str, DEFAULT: 'speedy-lang')
    • Weights & Biases project to log to.
  • --review_settings (FLAG)
    • Print the settings before proceeding to review them.
    • Useful because some settings might be pre-filtered (for example, if you have different widths and num_heads, only the combinations where width is divisible by num_heads are used). If something is wrong with the settings, you can easily see it here, return early, and fix it.
  • --num_runs (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: 1)
    • Number of times to run each experiment for.
    • Each run for a single setting will start with a different seed, but over the different settings, the seeds are repeated run-by-run to get comparable results.
    • Increase this to get more statistically significant results.
  • --max_epochs (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: 1)
    • If epoch>=max_epochs, stop training and eval one last time.
    • By default, this is the determining factor for training length.
    • This way, you can be sure that your model was trained on the entire dataset, and can quantify data repetition.
    • At some point, more datasets might be supported, in which case this makes for the most flexible setting.
  • --max_steps (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: int(1e9))
    • If step>=max_steps, stop training and eval one last time.
    • Very high by default so that epochs are the determining factor by default.
    • One step does not correspond to a constant number of tokens, as the batch size and sequence length are adjusted dynamically.
    • Therefore, this is a measure of limited utility, and is mostly included for the sake of completeness.
  • --max_tokens (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: int(1e12))
    • If token>=max_tokens, stop training and eval one last time.
    • Very high by default so that epochs are the determining factor by default.
    • Due to the automatically adjusted batchsize and sequence length, you are not guaranteed to get a consistent number of tokens used in training this way.
  • --max_time_seconds (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: int(1e9))
    • If t_secs>=max_time_seconds, stop training and eval one last time.
    • Very high by default so that epochs are the determining factor by default.
    • Due to the automatically adjusted batchsize and sequence length, the actual time that the training stops after may vary over the runs.
  • --max_epochs_between_evals (TYPE: float, DEFAULT: 0.25)
    • Eval after at most this many epochs.
    • By default, only do a full eval every 50 steps (and a partial one on training data every 10 steps).
    • But over training, the number of tokens seen per step increases, which can mean several epochs between evals.
    • This parameter makes sure that you have enough eval data.
  • --model_scale (TYPE: float, DEFAULT: 1.0, NARGS: '+')
    • Scale the model size.
    • Can be overwritten by setting depth and width.
    • You can provide multiple values to test multiple scales.
    • After scaling, the width will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 64, meaning that the true scale may differ slightly from the one provided here.
    • The true model scale will, however be calculated and logged.
  • --depth (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: -1, NARGS: '+')
    • Depth of the model.
    • If <1, will be automatically determined via model_scale.
    • You can provide multiple values to test multiple depths.
    • If you set depth >= 1, you also have to set width to >= 1.
  • --width (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: -1, NARGS: '+')
    • Width of the model.
    • If <1, will be automatically determined via model_scale.
    • Will always be rounded to the nearest multiple of 64.
    • You can provide multiple values to test multiple widths.
    • If you set width >= 1, you also have to set depth to >= 1.
  • --num_heads (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: 1, NARGS: '+')
    • Number of attention heads.
    • The original implementation is single-headed, but this might prove valuable for some experiments.
    • You can provide multiple values to test multiple numbers of heads.
    • Only settings in which width % num_heads == 0 are ever run.
  • --linear_value (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: 0, NARGS: '+')
    • If 0, use Gelu on the value in attention (the default setting of this package), else don't.
    • If you provide several values (for example, 0 1 2 3 4), will be reduced to their booleans without repetition (so False, True).
    • TODO: make this bool? More typing but clearer.
  • --gpu_capacity_scalar (TYPE: float, DEFAULT: 1.0)
    • Determines the combination of maximum sequence length and maximum batchsize to control max GPU memory usage.
    • 1.0 is for a 40GB A100; reduce or increase as needed.
    • You may need to include some slack.
    • The adaptation is pretty good, but not perfect.
  • --seed (TYPE: int, DEFAULT: 100)
    • Seed for the random number generator.
    • This determines the initial seed per experiment.
    • At each run, 1 is added to the seed, until the next setting.
    • For example: you have two settings and 3 runs each, with an initial seed of 100. Then the seeds for the 3 runs of setting 1 will be [100, 101, 102], and the seeds for the 3 runs of setting 2 will be identical to make them comparable.

What is being logged?

By default, the following things are being logged:

Config stuff:

  • model_scale: The scale of the model relative to the default of width=384 and depth=8
  • depth: The number of transformer blocks in the network
  • width: The width of the residual stream
  • num_params: The total number of parameters in the model
  • num_non_embedding_params: The number of non-embedding parameters
  • num_heads: The number of attention heads
  • linear_value: Whether or not linear values are used in the run
  • seed: The actual seed for each run
  • run_num: The run number


  • train_loss: The train losses
  • val_loss: The validation losses
  • train_acc: The training accuracies
  • val_acc: The validation accuracies
  • train_pplx: The training perplexity
  • val_pplx: The validation perplexity
  • grad_norm: The L2-norm of the model gradients. Each entry corresponds to one entry in training, not validation
  • cumulative_time_train: Cumulative time for each recorded training step
  • cumulative_time_val: Cumulative time for each recorded validation step
  • tokens_seen_train: Cumulative number of tokens seen during training
  • tokens_seen_val: Cumulative number of tokens seen during validation
  • epochs_train: The fractional epoch at each recorded training step
  • epochs_val: The fractional epoch at each recorded validation step
  • batch_sizes_train: The batch size at each recorded training step; recorded because it is dynamically adjusted
  • batch_sizes_val: The batch size at each recorded validation step
  • seq_lengths_train: The sequence length at each recorded training step
  • seq_lengths_val: The sequence length at each recorded validation step
  • lrs_train: The learning rates corresponding to each recorded training step; different params have different learning rates. Their relative scales are recorded in hyp and not touched, so you can calculate the actual lr from them. TOOD: automatically record the learning rates for the different parameters
  • lrs_val: The learning rates corresponding to each recorded validation step
  • weight_decays_train: The weight decays corresponding to each recorded training step
  • weight_decays_val: The weight decays corresponding to each recorded validation step

How to extend the code

Will write more about this after some refactoring to make this easier. TODO

Plotting the .csv

I have provided some utilities for plotting the results in the .csv-files in, if you want those.

There is also an example_plot_fct-function, so that you can see how the utils are meant to work together. It provides great flexibility in plotting your sweeps.


  • Make the dataloader independent of the dataset, or at least easily changeable
  • Improve the CLI interface based on community feedback, if any is incoming
  • Reformat the code to make it more hackable
  • Write, with an interface that is consistent with that of
  • Make plotting utils for the .csv-files available


As already mentioned, the code is based on Fern's hlb-gpt:

cff-version: 1.2.0
message: "Citations would be appreciated if you end up using this tool! I currently go by Fern, no last name given."
  given-names: "Fern"
title: "hlb-gpt"
version: 0.4.1
date-released: 2023-03-05
url: ""

If you want to cite me as well, just cite this repo and my name & GitHub handle.


CLI controllable version of hlb-gpt by tysam-code







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