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Benchmarking repository

Reproduce results

Runtimes & system requirements

Training the model and generating the counterfactuals was conducted in parallel on a computer with a 2.60 GHz Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor, and 32 CPUs.


  1. Get data: < 1 minute
  2. Fit models: running models/train_models.R took overall 53 hours spread over 15 CPUS, models/resample.R took ~ 116 hours.
  3. Generate counterfactuals: running cfactuals/find_counterfactuals.R took ~ 37 hours spread over 14 CPUS
  4. Evaluation: running evaluation/db_setup.R took a few minutes, evaluation/evaluate.R < 1 minute.

Test the code in reasonable time

A Makefile is a available to reproduce results.
Since reproducing all experiments takes considerable time, per default only a few experiments are conducted when running any of the make commands (this can be changed by setting TEST = FALSE in config.R, further details are given in the section "Run all experiments" below).

Running make all in your console conducts the following steps:

  1. install-packages: This runs libs.R, which installs all packages required to run the benchmark.
  2. get-data: This runs data/get_data.R, which scrapes data from the OpenML platform.
  3. train-models: This runs models/train_models.R, which trains models on the data (in test mode only logistic regression models are fitted).
  4. resample: This runs models/resample.R, which computes resampling performance results (in test mode this is only done for the logistic regression models).
  5. find-counterfactuals: This runs cfactuals/find_counterfactuals.R, which generates counterfactuals with the three available methods (in test mode this is only done for the diabetis data, logistic regression model and first point of interest).
  6. plot-results: This runs evaluation/db_setup.R, evaluation/evaluate.R and evaluation/analysis.R, which creates the data basis evaluation/db_evals_test.db, evaluates the counterfactuals and generates plots which are saved in the folder evaluation/figures_test (in test mode only the plots only show the results for the diabetis data, logistic regression model and first point of interest).

Outputs of all steps are saved in the corresponding .Rout files (get_data.Rout, train_models.Rout, find_counterfactuals.Rout, etc.). If any of the steps fail, they can be inspected to identify the error.

Reproduce figures

To reproduce the results figures in the manuscript, the following script can be used: reproduce_figures.R. This file unzips evaluation/ to evaluation/db_evals.db and calls the plotting functions of evaluation/analysis_helper.R. The figures are then saved as pdfs in the folder evaluation/figures.

Run all experiments

⚠️ According to "Runtimes & system requirements", this takes a lot of time

To run all experiments, TEST = FALSE must be set in config.R. Afterwards, make all can be called again in the console.

Important: Outside testing mode (TEST = FALSE in config.R) neural networks are fit to the data, which requires the keras R package and consequently the availability of python on your local machine.


1) Data (data/)

  • Loads the required datasets from OpenML:
  • For the hill-valley dataset, data subsets are created with randomly selected features (10 features and 30 features).
  • Stores the datasets and the x_interest as lists in .rds files in the directory prod.
  • Main functions: get_data.R

2) Models (models/)

  • Trains, tunes, and stores 5 models for each dataset: randomForest, xgboost, svm, logistic regression, and neural network
  • Performs nested resampling (5-fold CV for the inner and outer loop) for estimating the classification accuracies of each (tuned) model on each dataset
  • The neural network had to be saved differently due to keras (the autotuner could not be saved as usual; the models need to be stored as .hdf5 files)
  • The results are saved in a batchtools registry in the folder prod and subfolder results
  • Main functions: train_models.R, resample.R, get_resample_results.R

3) Counterfactuals (cfactuals/)

  • Runs the counterfactuals methods for all datasets, x_interest, and parameter configurations and stores the counterfactuals as counterfactuals::Counterfactuals objects.
  • The results are saved in a batchtools registry in the folder prod and subfolder results
  • Counterfactual methods: WhatIf, NICE, MOC
  • Main functions: find_counterfactuals.R

4) Evaluation (evaluation/)

4.1) DB setup

  • Reads in the counterfactuals::Counterfactuals objects and stores the counterfactuals and some metainfo (such as the algorithm name and configurations) in a sql_lite database (db_evals.db) for quick retrieval
  • Main functions: db_setup.R

4.2) Evaluate

  • Evaluates the counterfactuals and applies the strategies mentioned in the paper
  • It then stores the results in a clean data format in separate _EVAL tables
  • Main functions: evaluate.R

4.3) Analysis

  • Creates box plots for comparing the counterfactuals of the different methods w.r.t to several evaluation measures
  • Creates box plots for comparing the speed of the different methods
  • All data are queried from the database db_evals.db
  • The resulting figures are saved in evaluation/figures
  • Main functions: analysis.R


Benchmark code for paper on counterfactuals R Package






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