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fragments user clientside [WIP]


a log of pitfalls, limitations and things to be aware off

constructive feedback is very welcome : ) don't hesitate to open an issue !

a client side for fragments-user as the driver for designing (experimenting with) a clientside application combining hinoki, react, cursors and other technologies as the base for future production client side applications.

gone through several iterations. it's still in flux but its getting there.

  • isomorphic
  • extremely DRY across client and server
  • clientside dependency injection gives just enough structure to clientside applications
  • effortless sharing of dependencies between server and client
  • super simple but powerful routing (let react and cursors do most of the work)
  • cursors
  • ...

login tour

relevant files and folders


  • pull in window and document through the dependencies instead of relying on globals. the latter are difficult to test.
  • each react component name is camelcased and starts with Component
  • each page component corresponds to one path (url pattern)
  • all component local state must be connected to the root cursor state
    • the UI must be kept a pure function mapping state to DOM
  • be frugal with component helpers
    • extract common patterns into functions and give them descriptive names
    • each react components outermost tag/element has a class with the component name for easy and consistent component styling
    • style components using mixins
    • use sass to extend bootstrap styles in sass/public.sass
  • we use cookies only for the storage of the token in the browser. we ignore cookies on the server.
  • pass in the root cursor into "special" components like ComponentRoot, ComponentRouter, ComponentLoadCurrentUser, ComponentNavigation
    • maybe even into page components
  • pass in specialized cursors into all other components
  • get a cursor through props if the components render depends on the cursor and it should only update when the data the cursor is pointing to changes
    • a component must take all data that its rendering depends on via cursors from parent components
  • get a cursor through dependency injection ONLY if the component ONLY updates that cursor and does not render it
  • prefer getting cursors through props even if accessing via DI is more convenient
    • exceptions are the pathCursor for navigation and similar cursors
  • if a click should just change the display the prefer to just make it an a tag over changing the state in a handler. a click then simply changes the path (and possibly its query params). read the display state from the path and the query params. this way the path directly maps to the display state, the display state is linkable and survices a refresh.

state tree and cursors

  • path the current path in the browser url bar (example: /login). update to navigate.
  • currentUser the currently logged in user. null if no user is logged in.
    • id
    • email
    • name
    • rights
  • page the single place for the currently mounted page component to put its working state. it is a page components responsibility to clear this on mount. this subtree is documented per-component in detail here.
  • error if present a modal with this error message is overlaid. dismissing that modal clears this.

page state

  • ComponentLogin
    • data form data
      • identifier
      • password
    • errors errors for form data
      • identifier
      • password
    • alert error message that, if present, is shown above the form

instructions on getting it to run

cd {this-repository}
npm install

configure by changing .env to suit your needs.

source .env

(or use autoenv which is recommended)

make sure postgres is running.

create database thats in env var DATABASE_URL:

./app pg:create


./app pg:migrate

compile development assets:

gulp copy-fonts
gulp dev-js
gulp dev-css

start the server:

./app serve

...or start the development server (command includes gulp steps above):

gulp dev

insert a user so you can actually login and use the clientside app:

./app users:insert max [email protected] opensesame

give the user the right to read users:

./app rights:insert 1 canGetUsers

1 is the id of the user.

add some fake users to play around with:

./app fake:users 100

visit localhost:{the-port-you-put-into-.env}

give the user the right to delete users:

./app rights:insert 1 canDeleteUsers

you should now see delete buttons in the table view

query documentation

view function

one-way data flow

the query

mapping from page and perPage to offset and limit

components whose render depends on a cursor must take the cursor through props. otherwise they won't get rerendered on changes. other things can take it through dependencies.