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Turn your webcam into a face-detector with Rust, tract-onnx and axum!


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InferCam ONNX

Client/server face detection from your webcam with tokio, axum, tract-onnx and the lightweight ultraface network.

Concurrent inference

In the example image above, we use two laptops. Both run a socket_sender client and send image streams to the second laptop, which runs the inference for face detection on both of those streams concurrently with the infer_server. We access both streams from the first laptop. This show-cases a few features:

  • Concurrent inference of several streams on the server
  • Sending image streams from edge devices over the network (by separating the capturing and inference of streams, we can have low-powered devices to send streams while a performant server does the inference)
  • Access to the streams over the network

Run with:

# server
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --release --bin infer_server

# client
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --release --bin socket_sender

Then check e.g.


This is my second implementation of this project. Changes to the first version:

  • In the first version, we had a monolith that captured frames, infered faces, drew the results on the frames and served them in the browser. In this version, capturing frames and infering them are separated into two binaries. By separating the capturing from the inference/serving, we can capture and send a stream also from devices which are not powerful enough to do the inference. Inference in the cloud also becomes possible.
  • The infer_server is powered by the axum framework, receives streams and serves endpoints of both the raw streams and streams with faces infered. The previous version used actix-web as web framework, switching to axum was mostly curiosity.
  • socket_sender establishes a TCP connection to the infer_server and streams frames to it which can be shown raw or infered in the browser.
  • In the first version, opening a tab to either the raw or infered stream endpoint triggered an independent run of the capture function. So opening four tabs meant having four streams capture independently. In the refactored version, one stream can be viewed by many people at the same time.
  • Broadcast channels enable us to serve the same raw stream to many people.
  • With a combination of mpsc and broadcast channels, we make sure that a raw stream is only infered if there is at least one person watching the infered stream and that at the same time several people can watch the stream while the inference has to be done only once per frame.
  • In the first version, we used the JPEG encoding/decoding built into the image-rs library. On my machine, this means 60-70ms delay to decode a frame. For this reason, we captured the frame directly as raw bitmap when we wanted to do inference with it. This however cannot be streamed directly to the browser. In this version, we capture the frames as JPEG so that they can be served directly as raw stream to the browser, but we use the performant turbojpeg library which yields far better performance for decoding/encoding (around 15ms instead of 60ms on my machine).

Things that stayed the same:

  • Images are captured from the /dev/video0 interface using the libv4l-dev library on Linux with the rscam crate.
  • Captured frames are passed through a pre-trained network stored in the onnx format, powered by the no-frills onnxruntime wrapper tract.
  • Post-processing (mainly non-maximum suppression) is done in native Rust.
  • Detected faces are drawn as bounding boxes on the frame with their confidences using imageproc.

Building & Running

  • Make sure that you have the libv4l-dev package and a few other build-related libraries installed on your system:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libv4l-dev build-essential nasm
  • Download a build of the onnxruntime from Microsoft here and install it on your system (e.g. copying the .so files to `~/.local/lib).

  • The pretrained ultraface networks will be auto-donwloaded to the local cache directory.

  • Run an infer_server and a socket_sender in release mode (for more FPS):

# Run server in one terminal
RUST_LOG=infer_server=debug cargo run --release infer_server

# Run socket sender in another terminal
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --release --bin socket_sender


Initially, I considered using the onnxruntime crate, but that did not work out of the box and when I checked on GitHub, the project seems to be a lot less active than tract.

Not having a dedicated GPU on my private laptop, I did not go through the process of setting up inference with onnxruntime on GPU, but it should not be so much different.

It also took a while to understand the exact meaning of the network output since I could not find a paper/blogpost explaining it in the level of detail that I needed here. At the end, I went to the python demo code and reverse-engineered the meaning. I believe the output can be interpreted like this:

  • K: Number of bounding box proposals.
  • result[0]: 1xKx2 tensor of bounding box confidences. The confidences for having a face in the bounding box are in the second column, so at [:,:,1].
  • result[1]: 1xKx4 tensor of bounding box candidate border points.

Every candidate bounding box consists of the relative coordinates [x_top_left, y_top_left, x_bottom_right, y_bottom_right]. They can be multiplied with the width and height of the original image to obtain the bounding box coordinates for the real frame.

Before this project, I had only used non-maximum suppression as library function and had an idea of how it worked. Implementing it myself in Rust was fun :) All in all, it was a nice project for me and a valuable proof of concept that Rust is definitely a candidate language when considering to write an application for inference on edge devices.


Turn your webcam into a face-detector with Rust, tract-onnx and axum!



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