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Building this project will first require installations of Rust, cbindgen and LLVM 14

Installing Rust with LLVM 14

To start, install rustc and rustup from the rust web site

Next step is to set the rust version to one that used LLVM 14. It was first added in version 1.60 and last used in version 1.64.0. To do this for a version such as 1.64.0, use the following command:

rustup install <version>
rustup default <version>

To check that the update worked, run the following command to view the rustc version being used along with the version of LLVM being used:

rustc --version --verbose

The rust library contained in this project contains a rust-toolchain.toml to set the version to that needed for compatability with LLVM 14 and the required rust compiler flags. If building the project with additional crates, ensure to add a rust-toolchain.toml file in the crate directory setting the default toolchain channel to nightly-2022-08-01.

Installing cbindgen

Using cargo, install cbindgen and add it to your path:

cargo install --force cbindgen
export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin

Installing LLVM 14 Tools

First ensure that clang and lld are installed and based on LLVM version 14

sudo apt install clang-14 lld-14

To check installation, run

clang-14 --version
ld.lld-14 --version


As a prerequisite, follow this guide to build SeaHorn locally.

  1. Create a build directory

    mkdir build
    cd build
  2. Configure with cmake

    cmake \
     -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-14 \
     -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-14 \
     ../ -GNinja

    Where SEAHORN_ROOT is the directory containing your local seahorn build.

    Alternatively, the project can be configured using cmake presets. To do this, simply run the following command:

    cmake --preset <PRESET_NAME>

    Where PRESET_NAME is the preset you would like to use. The presets that are currently available are: default-jammy. These presets assume that seahorn is in your home directory.

    This will also allow the project to be configured and compiled within VS Code using the CMake Tools extension.

    If you would like to use different compilation settings or if you have seahorn in any other directory, you will need to make your own CMakeUserPresets.json file with your own presets.

  3. Compile



    cmake --build .

Running on Windows with Docker

In order to use the project on Windows, a Docker container is used to run the project. To set this up, do the following:

  1. Install and setup the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

  2. Install Docker Desktop for Windows

  3. Install the Dev - Containers extension for VS Code

  4. From a command prompt, enter WSL using:

  5. Configure git inside of WSL

    git config --global "Your Name"
    git config --global "Your Email"
  6. Setup an SSH key for GitHub by following this guide

  7. Clone the project into your home directory

    cd ~
    git clone [email protected]:thomashart17/c-rust.git
  8. Build the Docker container

    From the root of the project, run:

    docker pull seahorn/seahorn-llvm14:nightly
    docker build -t c-rust -f docker/c-rust.Dockerfile .
  9. Run the Docker container

    docker run -it c-rust

    After completing this step, you will be able to stop and start the docker container from the Docker Desktop application. Running this again will create a new container that will not contain any of the changes made in the previous container.

  10. Open the project in VS Code

    Once the container is running, open VS Code and select the Dev Containers: Attach to Running Container... command from the command palette. Select the container that was just created and wait for the project to open.

Custom Print Macros

To avoid increased runtime for jobs using print macros, custom print macros can overwrite the standard print macros and remove their functionality. These macros are defined in sea and can be imported as follows:

use sea::print;
use sea::println;
use sea::eprint;
use sea::eprintln;

Build Process

Generating C Headers From Rust Crate

Use CBindGen to generate C header files for Rust library. First install CBindGen

cargo install -force cbindgen
export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin

Next create a cbindgen.toml file in the crate's directory. For the test lib in this project,

cd /project-path/src/test-lib
echo -e "language = \"C\"\n\ninclude_guard = \"TEST_LIB_H_\"" > cbindgen.toml

Once configured, inside the same directory, run the cbindgen command

cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml --output ./inc/lib.h

This will generate a header file lib.h inside the crate's folder inside of a new inc folder.


Link Time Optimization was based off the resource available here.

Before running LTO between rust and C, clang and lld must be installed as described in Installing LLVM 14 Tools Now to build the lto files

When building for LTO, certain flags are set for the rust compiler rustc, the LLVM C frontend and the LLVM linker.

Rustc flags

The flags needed for LTO with the rustc compiler are set in the Cargo.toml file and will be implemented by the cargo tool automatically. They are described here.

  • crate-type = static-lib - Will generate a static system library as the output of crate compilation.
  • opt-level = 2 - Sets optimizer level 2
  • Clinker-plugin-lto - Defers LTO optimization to the final linking stage. Passed as a profile RUSTFLAG.
  • Zemit-thin-lto=no - Experimental flag to running thin LTO pass when using the LTO linker plugin. Passed as a profile RUSTFLAG.

C flags

The flags needed for LTO with the clang compiler are passed as compiler arguments. They are described here.

  • flto - Defers LTO optimization to the final linking stage
  • O2 - Sets optimizer level 2

Compiler flags

The flags needed for LTO with the lld linker are passed as arguments. They are described here

  • flto - Enables LTO
  • fuse-ld=lld-14 - Enables using the LLVM linker LLD of version 14
  • Wl,--plugin-opt=-lto-embed-bitcode=post-merge-pre-opt - Embeds the post merge, pre optimized bitcode to the resultant binary file
  • O2 - Set optimizer level 2

Outputting LLVM

Once the binary is generated, it is necessary to extract the bitcode from the file. This is done using the llvm-objcopy-14 and llvm-dis-14 tool

objcopy a.out --dump-section .llvmbc=llvm.bc
llvm-dis-14 llvm.bc