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Icon Develop a Kubernetes app in hybrid cloud

Develop a secure Docker app in public Cloud for staging and private Cloud for production

This Hello World application uses Docker with Node.js and includes a DevOps toolchain that is preconfigured for continuous delivery with Vulnerability Advisor, source control, issue tracking, and online editing, and staging deployment to the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) and final production deployment to IBM Cloud Private (ICP) or an Openshift Container Platform (OCP).


Application code is stored in source control, along with its Dockerfile and its Kubernetes deployment script. The target cluster is configured during toolchain setup (using a IBM Cloud API key and cluster name). You can later change these by altering the Delivery Pipeline configuration. Any code change to the Git repo will automatically be built, validated and deployed into Kubernetes clusters.



You need to get a non expiring token to deploy continuously into your prod Kubernetes cluster (ie. most user tokens have a short life span and are not suitable for a long running pipeline). This typically is accomplished using a permanent service account token that will be used by pipeline to deploy, and obtained by a cluster administrator.

Below are suggested instructions for forging such a permanent service account token for different Kubernetes providers, using your cluster admin credentials initially.

As a cluster administrator, you need first to connect to the prod cluster:

Find cluster master address/port

  • For an ICP or local Docker Desktop target, use the kubectl CLI: Run command kubectl cluster-info will show these information. E.g.

    Kubernetes master is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443
    KubeDNS is running at https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy

    Cluster master address is here kubernetes.docker.internal and port is 6443.

  • For an OpenShift Container Platform target, view the cluster server's address and port by using the oc config command: oc config view. The output of this command indicates the current context. The server adress is the server entry in the clusters lis. If jq (, and yq ( are installed, you can run the following command to obtain the openshift server:

    oc config view --raw | yq read - --tojson | jq -r --arg current_oc_cluster "$(oc config view --raw | yq read - current-context | awk -F/ '{print $2}')" '.clusters[] | select(.name==$current_oc_cluster) | .cluster.server'

Creating namespace

  • Create target cluster namespace if not already existing, ie. with command line:
kubectl create namespace ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}
  • If the target is an OCP, use instead:
oc new-project  ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}

Creating service account

  • Either create a specific service account in cluster, or leverage the existing default service account as instructed below to retrieve its token.
    • For Kubernetes clusters (such as ICP):
      SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl get sa "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}" --namespace="${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}" -o json | jq -r .secrets[0].name)
      SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret ${SECRET_NAME} --namespace ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE} -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d)
    • For an OCP cluster, use the oc CLI:
      oc project ${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}
      SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN=$(oc serviceaccounts get-token $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME)

Grant admin permission to service account

  • For Kubernetes cluster, ensure admin permission for chosen service account in specific namespace:
# grant admin permission (rbac)
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cd-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} 
  • If target is OCP cluster, instead use the following to scope in specific namespace only:
# grant admin permission (rbac)
kubectl create rolebinding cd-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --namespace=${CLUSTER_NAMESPACE}

Get permanent token for service account

  • Copy and save the value of SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN, it will be needed for later configuring pipeline in IBM Cloud public

To get started, click this button:

Create toolchain

Tutorial steps

  1. Setup this hybrid toolchain demonstrating how to build/test in IKS and deploy into private cluster (e.g. ICP or OCP)
  2. See 'prod' deploy failing because cannot connect from IBM Cloud public into private cluster target
  3. Install a pipeline private worker in that private cluster.
    • Ensure that this private cluster is allowed to pull images from registries: ibmcom/* and
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: tekton-private-worker
  - name: "*"
  - name: "*"
  1. Add a toolchain integration with this private pipeline worker, using the above service API key
  2. Configure 'prod' deploy stage to run on the configure private worker
    • Ensure this private cluster is allowed to pull images from IKS registry: **
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: iks-private-registries
  - name: "**"
  1. Re-run the pipeline and see the prod deployment stage succeeding


Pipeline DEPLOY (private) failing: "error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)"

Check that a valid service account token has been configured in the pipeline. This would typically occur over time when the target cluster got recreated, and forgot to re-run steps above to obtain a new service account token.

The service account token is configured in pipeline "DEPLOY (private)" stage, under its environmnent properties tab, property name is: KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN.

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