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SOA RAG Reference Architecture

In this post we’re going to explore a Service-Oriented Retrieval Augmented Generation reference architecture.


We’ll start with high level design theory, then discuss an implementation.


High Level

One key to efficient Retrieval Augmented Generation is to pre-process segment data and query embeddings before a user required to use them.

To achieve this an architect may design a data pipeline that contains several stages.

Sample Data Pipeline:

Data Source → Data Landing Zone → ETL → Vector DataStore

Let’s discuss each of these stages.

Data Source

Data sources from our point of view are anything that produces data that our system consumes.

In our demo architecture we use DataFaker to produce inputs to our pipeline.

Here is a sample message body sent to data landing zone:

  "firstName": "Claud",
  "lastName": "Sporer",
  "streetName": "Zemlak Tunnel",
  "streetAddress": "9843 Botsford Inlet",
  "zipcode": "18282",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "cell": "(555) 555-5555",
  "roomType": "balcony",
  "excursions": [
      "1": "Beach",
      "2": "JetSki",
      "3": "Beach"
  "mealOptions": [
      "1": "Italian",
      "2": "Italian",
      "3": "WineTasting"

Data Landing Zone

When data is created and transmitted to our system, the collection of endpoints, brokers, and other services which collect primary data live here.

Examples: Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka

In our demo architecture we use Apache ActiveMQ as a JMS data sink.


Extract, Transform, Load is a design paradigm.

Incoming data is first extracted, then transformed into something we can process, the data may be enriched, then sent (loaded) for further processing or storage. In modern implementations business rules for cleaning/filtering data may be augmented with Machine Learning to improve data quality & apply metadata for improved reuse.

Examples: Apache Camel, Apache Flink

In our demo architecture we use Apache Camel to implement an ETL pattern.


Here we illustrate incoming JSON bodies are extracted from JMS queue, Transformed into a format our system can use, Metadata enrichment occurs, then we load this data into Chroma DB.

<!-- Camel configuration -->
    <camelContext id="etl-camelContext" trace="false" xmlns="" >

        <!-- Accept the order -->
        <route id="ETL">
            <!-- Take message off broker queue, pass json body to camel pipeline -->
            <from id="Extract" uri="jmsConsumer:queue:reservations"/>
            <!-- Transform and add Metadata to embedding document -->
            <process id="Transform" ref="TransformProcessor"/>
            <!-- Load into Chroma -->
            <process id="Load" ref="LoadChromaProcessor"/>


Our ETL Camel route is wired in Blueprint XML.

public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
    //Use body and data sources to generate metadata for this embedding.
    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
    metadata.put("tenant", "savoir");
    metadata.put("chargeBacks", String.valueOf(chanceOf(2)));
    metadata.put("altercations", String.valueOf(chanceOf(2)));
    metadata.put("casinoUsed", String.valueOf(chanceOf(50)));
    metadata.put("loyaltyLevel", randomLoyaltyLevel());
    TextSegment textSegment = TextSegment.from(body, metadata);

Above, our Transform Camel Processor handles making TextSegments. LangChain4j provides a Metadata structure which we append to our TextSegments.

public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    TextSegment textSegment = exchange.getIn().getBody(TextSegment.class);
    EmbeddingModel embeddingModel = new OSGiSafeBgeSmallEnV15QuantizedEmbeddingModel();
    Embedding embedding = embeddingModel.embed(textSegment).content();
    chromaDataStore.add(embedding, textSegment);

Our Chroma DB loading Camel Processor performs an add action upon our datastore.

Vector Database

In generative AI settings a Vector Database acts as the memory for running agents.

Embeddings are efficiently indexed in a way to increase performance, accuracy, and relevance of data & query processed by the LLM.

Examples: Chroma, Pinecone

In our demo architecture we use Chroma.

Agent System

The Agent System is where our interaction with our application, the Vector Datastore & the LLM occur.

We use Apache Karaf with a Backend-For-Frontend design to provide a web interface, and integration to LocalAI via LangChain4j.


When a user question is posted to the system we enter the Retrieval Augmentation workflow.

QueryTransformer queryTransformer = new CompressingQueryTransformer(chatLanguageModel);

The Query is processed by a Query Transformer, in our demo we use Compression to allow the LLM to compress a given query and previous conversation into a single query. There are other transformer options one may use here such as Query Expansion, Query re-writing, Step-back prompting, and Hypothetical document embeddings (HyDE).

ContentRetriever cruiseInformationRetriever = EmbeddingStoreContentRetriever.builder()

        Filter cruiseFilter = metadataKey("loyaltyLevel").isEqualTo("gold");

        ContentRetriever reservationInformationRetriever = EmbeddingStoreContentRetriever.builder()

We build Embedding Content Retrievers for our base Cruise Information, and our Customer Reservation store. In the case of our reservations, we filter by a metadata key for loyalty level equal to gold. This greatly reduces the amount of data the LLM may need to consider.

QueryRouter queryRouter = new DefaultQueryRouter(cruiseInformationRetriever, reservationInformationRetriever);

We plug our Information Retrievers into a Query Router. The router will determine which sets of content should be considered by our LLM.

RetrievalAugmentor retrievalAugmentor = DefaultRetrievalAugmentor.builder()

Now we plug all of the above into our Retrieval Augmentor.

return AiServices.builder(CruiseAssistant.class)

Finally, we connect our Retrieval Augmentor and Chat Language Model to become avaialble to process requests.

The Result

Once this pipeline is created, an agent may use the pre-populated embedding stores for the LLM.


In the screen capture above, we can see our simple Agent UI chat functionality. Users post questions to the Agent, and the Agent replies.


Now that we’ve covered the high level design, lets build our demo implementation and deploy it. We’ve taken care to curate several of the components as Dockers. Leaving the initial data generation as a small Java tool we can execute from the command line, and our Agent system - which we’d like to dive deep into.


The scenario we’re modeling is a Cruise line processing passenger information with respect to an upcoming cruise.

Our Cruise Agent AI will allow the Cruise operator to get a 'feel' for their operational needs beyond the base logistics of providing food, entertainment, and accommodations. The user may prime the AI Assistant with a prompt; we could do this in code however for flexibility of the demo we pass this along to the user.

Build our demo project:

cd agentSystem
mvn clean install

To setup ETL as a Dockerized Container:

cd ETLDocker/target
docker build -t etl .

Start supporting services:

cd docker
docker compose up

You may want to grab a cup of coffee while docker handles downloads, and service initializations.

When the Message Broker is running, you may populate the reservations queue using the provided dataSource script.

Script build and run instructions:

cd dataSource
mvn clean install
java -cp target/dataSource-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Setup Apache Karaf 4.4.6, and start the process to access Karaf’s console.

We use the following console commands to setup the Agent system:

feature:repo-add mvn:com.savoir.soa.rag.ref.arch/AppFeature/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
feature:install agent
feature:install war
install -s webbundle:mvn:com.savoir.soa.rag.ref.arch/AppWar/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/war?Web-ContextPath=chat

Before starting a conversation between the system and the AI, we check that LocalAI has llama-3.2-1b-instruct:q4_k_m model installed - if not, we use the provided gallery to obtain the model and install it.

In general we use the provide UI to interact with the system, however you may want to directly communicate to the ai endpoint. To do so you may use a command such as below:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' --header 'Accept: text/plain' -d 'test'


We created this SOA RAG reference architecture to help simplify discussion of how these systems come together to form business relevant AI Agents. Under this architecture many parts of our design implementation may be replaced/substituted with other technologies. Apache Kafka and Apache Flink may replace Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Camel for ETL. Any number of vector databases may replace Chroma. Our choice of LocalAI and llama 3.2 1B model could be replaced by several other AI/Models.

The key takeaways are the data pipeline to pull relevant information into possible consumption by the LLM, and the RAF Query workflow to wire content stores, query transformation, query routing, and retrieval augmentation for our LLM. The deployment foot-print provides a starting point for understanding the various services relate to each other in your datacenter/cloud.

About the Authors

Jamie Goodyear

Reaching Out

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions and comments, here on the Blog, or through the Savoir Technologies website at

With Thanks

Thank you to the DataFaker, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Camel, Apache Karaf, Apache CXF, LangChain4j, and LocalAI communities.

(c) 2024 Savoir Technologies


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