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ROS2 Distro Build Status Package build
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This is a ROS 2 package for integrating the ros2_control controller architecture with the Gazebo simulator. More information about ros2_control can be found here:

This package provides a Gazebo-Sim system plugin which instantiates a ros2_control controller manager and connects it to a Gazebo model.

ROS version Gazebo version Branch Binaries hosted at APT key
Humble Fortress humble ros-humble-ign-ros2-control
Iron Edifice iron only from source
Iron Fortress iron ros-iron-gz-ros2-control
Iron Garden iron only from source
Iron Harmonic iron only from source
Jazzy Harmonic jazzy ros-jazzy-gz-ros2-control
Rolling Harmonic rolling ros-rolling-gz-ros2-control

Build status

ROS 2 Distro Branch Build status Documentation
Rolling rolling gazebo_ros2_control CI - Rolling Documentation
API Reference
Jazzy jazzy gazebo_ros2_control CI - Jazzy Documentation
API Reference
Iron iron gazebo_ros2_control CI - Iron Documentation
API Reference
Humble humble ign_ros2_control CI - Humble Documentation
API Reference


See the documentation file or

Compile from source

Note that gz_ros2_control depends on the version of Gazebo that is provided by the Gazebo Vendor packages gz_plugin_vendor and gz_sim_vendor. Currently, for ROS 2 Jazzy and Rolling, the Gazebo version is Harmonic.

To compile gz_ros2_control from source, create a workspace, clone the correct branch of this repo and compile it:

mkdir -p ~/gz_ros2_control_ws/src
cd ~/gz_ros2_control_ws/src
git clone -b {ROS_DISTRO}
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y
cd ~/gz_ros2_control_ws
colcon build