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RML Guide: Mocap and Force Plate Setup

Joe Norby edited this page May 21, 2022 · 1 revision

This document is for internal RML infrastructure, and is not relevant for external users.

  1. Make sure all force plate amplifiers and cameras are on (Indicated by the lights on the amplifier and the blue rings around each camera).
  2. Launch Motive
  3. Do camera calibration or load an existing calibration file.
  4. In the devices pane on motive, make sure the sampling frequency on the force plates is 1 khz and cameras at 100 hz. If they are not, click on eSync 1 under the device panel, under sync input settings make sure the clock frequency is 1 khz and input divider is 10.
  5. Select the three markers on the calibration square and right click on force plate 1 and click set position. That should situate the force plate with its origin in the back right corner.
  6. Click on the force plate, in properties set the Y values to zeros and and XX (TBD)
  7. Go to view -> data, make sure you are in the right directory (right click, add session folder and either make your folder or go to the right one)
  8. After you have collected your data go to file -> export tracking data, navigate to the correct folder and save the data. Make sure the export device data is toggled On.