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ROS navigation stack based on OKVIS 2 and Supereight 2 submaps.


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This repository relies on Okvis2 as a submodule. Okvis2 is not public yet. This means you won't be able to build the software as you don't have access to all the submodules. Until Okvis2 is released, you are most welcome to browse the code.


This is a ROS navigation stack based on OKVIS 2 and Supereight 2 submaps. The implicit global map is made of multiple local occupancy submaps. The node takes in sensor measurements (IMU, stereo, depth) as ROS topics. The user can plan trajectories on the fly by sending the 3D coordinates of a goal position. The planner is RRT connect, with a submaps-compatible collision function. Can easily edit the code and switch to other planners by using the same collision function.

This is an image


You need to install OMPL to use the planner. Follow this guide.

You also need all the dependencies listed in Okvis 2 and Supereight 2:

sudo apt-get install git g++ cmake libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev freeglut3-dev libopenni2-dev make libgoogle-glog-dev libatlas-base-dev libsuitesparse-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev

Additional stuff that my project needs:

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-desktop-full ros-noetic-cv-bridge ros-noetic-pcl-ros ros-noetic-pcl-conversions ros-noetic-image-transport libpcl-dev

This project contains submodules (Okvis 2 and Supereight 2). After you clone it, you should run this command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Source the ros setup:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

Build the packages: (need the last two flags to build okvis w/o librealsense & libtorch)


You can also do this using catkin profiles:

catkin config --profile release -x _release --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DHAVE_LIBREALSENSE=Off -DUSE_NN=Off
catkin build --profile release

Now copy and paste the "utils" folder in the outer directory of your workspace (must be 2 directories before the ros_submapping folder). it contains the DDoW vocabulary that Okvis needs, plus an empty foldr where submap meshes will be generated for visualization (old ones are deleted at each new run of the app).

Set the config file

The app needs 2 config files to work. One is related to the IMU + stereo sensor and is needed by Okvis. The other is needed by the mapping part. The latter also contains additional stuff like the distance threshold to generate new submaps (if new keyframe + distant_enough -> generate new map) and the planner bounds. You'll find some ready configs that work with the uHumans dataset and with a Realsense D455.

To run on the uHumans2 dataset

This app has been tested on the uHumans2 dataset. I chose it because it's one of the few that provides both RGB-D and stereo data. Just download one of the bags (preferably one with no humans: the ones that end with _00h) following the guide here. Play the bag, then launch the pipeline using the default args:

roslaunch ros_submapping ros_submapping.launch

To run on a bag that follows the ASL format topic names

Just remember to always use the correct configs for depth, stereo & IMU, and to scale the depth images so that you have float values on 32 bits and 1m depth = 1.0. Make sure to also set the planner bounds properly. You can find a script that converts an ASL dataset into a rosbag in the utils folder. Please feel free to contact me if you need ready-to-use rosbags.

roslaunch ros_submapping ros_submapping.launch config_okvis:="config_realsense_D455_Tommaso.yaml" config_s8:="config_realsense_D455_depth_Tommaso.yaml" imu_topic:="/imu0" cam0_topic:="/cam0" cam1_topic:="/cam1" depth_topic:="/depth0"

Using the planner

Just publish a goal on the /navgoal topic like this. This goal is a point in the odom frame (it's the okvis world reference frame).

rostopic pub -r 0.5 /navgoal geometry_msgs/Point '{x: 1.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}'


Starting the pipeline automatically launches Rviz wih a default config. If you open the panel, you'll find a list of extra ROS topics you might want to visualize (stereo and depth frames, Okvis trajectory, ...). If you don't want Rviz, just launch with rviz:=false.


ROS navigation stack based on OKVIS 2 and Supereight 2 submaps.








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