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Announcement templates

ultrasaurus edited this page Oct 13, 2014 · 3 revisions

Announcement for Students

Ruby on Rails Outreach Workshop for (constituency).

(For example, "women" or "high school students")


Installfest: (date/times)

Workshop: (date/times)

Afterparty: (date/time)


Organization/Company name

Full street address

City, State/Province




This workshop will be in Location city at Organization/Company name, Full street address, City. (If applicable, list nearby transit stops, and whether the location is wheelchair accessible.)

If you are focusing on a particular constituency, include text like the following: "RailsBridge workshops focus on providing opportunities for under-represented populations in tech. If you are not a member of an underrepresented group, you can only attend as a student if you're the guest of someone who is a member of the workshop's target population. The workshop provides an opportunity for you to participate in outreach efforts and encourage someone to attend with you who might not otherwise come."

In this workshop, we'll take you through building a complete web application using Ruby on Rails. By the end of the workshop, you'll have an application on the internet that connects to a database and reads and writes information. We'll meet up Friday night to install all of the software you need, and then spend workshop day learning and writing code.

Total programming novices, system administrators, developers in other languages, and folks who attended our previous workshops are all welcome. We'll have 5-7 different classes separated by experience level. Each participant needs to bring his or her own computer.

When you RSVP you'll be asked a few question about your operating system, level and type of programming experience, and whether you will require childcare. Childcare and private space for nursing or pumping is available -- just let us know.

(Sometimes people ask if the Friday night installfest is mandatory, and yes, it is! It's a crucial part of the weekend, even if you’ve already gone through the instructions independently. There are a ton of moving parts when setting up a development environment, and the reason that we’re able to get through the curriculum on Saturday is that every single student has had their dev environment checked and has been awarded a sticker for their successes. There are also enough changing parts that even if you’ve been to a workshop in the past, you should attend the Installfest to get re-verified, because this stuff changes almost constantly.)

We are looking for additional volunteers, both folks who know Ruby on Rails to TA and people who are willing to help with logistics. Please sign up here: (link to volunteer registration)

If you have questions or ideas for us, the best way to get in touch is to email organizer.

Announcement for Volunteers

Ruby on Rails Outreach Workshop for (constituency).

(For example, "women" or "high school students")


Installfest: (date/times)

Workshop: (date/times)

Afterparty: (date/time)


Organization/Company name

Full street address

City, State/Province




This workshop will be in Location city at Organization/Company name, Full street address, City. (If applicable, list nearby transit stops, and whether the location is wheelchair accessible.)

Got a desire to either help or teach and some RoR knowledge to share? Well, great! We need you!

We're looking for volunteer instructors and TAs, as well as some people to do some light lifting or moving things around and helping with clean up, welcoming and check-ins. Are you a big social networker? Let us know! We also want people posting pics with the hashtag #railsbridge.

The Railsbridge Workshop page recently underwent a big overhaul, and you can now find all your favorite resources here:

Highlights: we now have links to materials for the Installfest and the Curriculum, as well as the slides for the teacher training and beginner programming intro presentation that you'll use if you teach a beginner or advanced beginner section.

Teacher Training: (including teacher training details here if they exist)

Documenting Glitches: In recent workshops we've identified a Keeper of the Updates to serve as the main repository for documenting glitches and needed updates in the Installfest instructions. If that sounds fun, please let yourself be known.

Here’s the timeline for the day of the workshop:

  • 9:00-9:30 Sign-in/get coffee/make friends
  • 9:30-10:00 Intro Presentation
  • While we're doing the opening presentation, we're going to huddle and split students into classes. Therefore, arriving in advance of this meeting is critical.
  • 10:00-10:50 Session 1
  • 11:00-12:00 Session 2
  • 12:00-1:00 Lunch
  • 1:00-2:15 Session 3
  • 2:30-3:30 Session 4
  • 3:30-4:00 Wrap up & final questions
  • 4:00-4:15 Teacher/TA debrief & cleanup
  • 4:30 - ??? After party at TBD (All volunteers get a free drink and a chance to network)

Hope you can join us!

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