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Frontend dependencies

DevDependency Purpose Current Version
@ember/optional-features Is used for standard ember app 2.0.0
@ember/test-helpers Used in multiple testing files 2.6.0
@glimmer/component Give all the benefits describe in Natice classes above, don't need EmberObject API's, Lifecycle hooks are greatly simplified and easier to use 1.0.3
@glimmer/tracking Used to tell Ember that Value might change 1.0.3
babel-eslint Used for types (Flow) or experimental features not supported in ESLint itself yet 10.0.3
bootstrap Styling 4.6.1
ember-auto-import Just import from NPM, with zero configuration 1.10.1
ember-autofocus-modifier Focus an element in DOM right after rendering ember component 1.0.1
ember-bootstrap Styling 3.1.4
ember-bootstrap-power-select Integrate Ember Power Select into your Ember Bootstrap forms 2.0.0
ember-changeset Represents a set of valid changes to be applied onto any Object 3.3.8
ember-changeset-validations Is a companion validation libary to ember-changeset 3.3.8
ember-cli Command line tool for developing ambitious ember.js apps 4.1.1
ember-cli-app-version Adds Ember App's version to Info tab in Ember Inspector. 5.0.0
ember-cli-babel Allows to use latest JavaScript in EmberCli 7.26.11
ember-cli-clipboard Copy username or password to clipboard 0.16.0
ember-cli-dependency-checker Checks for missing npm and bower dependencies before running ember commands 3.2.0
ember-cli-eslint ESLint for Ember CLI apps and addons 5.1.0
ember-cli-htmlbars 6.0.1
ember-cli-inject-live-reload Plugin for ember-cli that injects live-reload script into HTML content 2.1.0
ember-cli-moment-shim ember-cli ES6 module shim for momentjs and moment timezone within your Ember applications. 3.4.0
ember-cli-password-strength ember-cli wrapper for zxcvbn 2.0.0
ember-cli-sass Preprocess ember cli app style 10.0.1
ember-cli-sri Used for genrating hashes for ember applications 2.1.1
ember-cli-string-helpers String helpers for Ember. Extracted from the great DockYard's ember-composable-helpers. 6.1.0
ember-cli-template-lint ember-cli-template-lint lints templates and add a test for each asserting that all style rules have been satisfied 1.0.0-beta.3
ember-cli-terser JavaScript parser and mangler/compressor toolkit to minify our JavaScript. 4.0.1
ember-cli-update Updating a project's boilerplate code from an older Ember version to a newer one 0.56.0
ember-data ember-data is a library for robustly managing data in applications built with Ember.js. 3.24.0
ember-fetch HTML5 fetch polyfill from github wrapped and bundled for ember-cli users 8.1.1
ember-file-upload used for uploading files 4.0.3
ember-i18n-iso-countries Ember.js Addon Wrapper for the node-i18n-iso-countries. 1.5.0
ember-in-viewport check if a Component or DOM element has entered the browser's viewport 3.9.0
ember-intl Used for testing 5.7.2
ember-load-initializers A tiny add-on to autoload your initializer files in ember-cli. 2.1.2
ember-markdown-html Convert static Markdown files to HTML using Showdown at build time. 0.0.1
ember-moment moment.js template helpers for Ember.js 8.0.1
ember-notify Displays wee little notification messages down the bottom of your Ember.js app. 6.0.2
ember-power-select Ember Power Select is a select component written in Ember with a focus in flexibility and extensibility. 4.0.3
ember-power-select-typeahead ember-power-select addon 0.9.0
ember-power-select-with-create Simple variation of ember-power-select that allows you to create a new entry based on the search text. 0.9.1
ember-qunit ember-qunit simplifies testing of Ember applications with QUnit 5.1.5
ember-resolver Looking up code in your application and converting its naming conventions into the actual classes, functions and templates 8.0.3
ember-source Ember.js is a JavaScript framework that greatly reduces the time, effort and resources needed to build any web application. 3.24.0
ember-toggle Checkbox based Toggle Switch component for Ember 9.0.3
eslint-config-prettier Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier 8.3.0
eslint-plugin-ember An ESLint plugin that provides a set of rules for Ember applications 10.5.9
eslint-plugin-node Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js 11.1.0
eslint-plugin-prettier Runs Prettier as an ESLint rule and reports differences as individual ESLint issues. 3.4.1
loader.js Minimal AMD loader 4.7.0
prettier Code formatter 2.2.1
qunit Testing 2.17.2
qunit-dom High Level DOM Assertions for QUnit 2.0.0
sass Provides a command-line sass executable and a Node.js API. 1.49.7
zxcvbn Password strength estimator 4.4.2
Webpack Bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser 5.65.0
Engine Purpose Current Version
node javascript runtime environment >= 14.*
Dependency Purpose Current Version
@puzzleitc/puzzle-shell To append Puzzle ITC design 1.0.0
@sentry/browser Testing Browser 6.17.6
@sentry/integrations Pluggable integrations that can be used to enhance JS SDKs 6.17.6
minimist parse argument options 1.2.5
text-security A simple module that encrypts/decrypts the keys of a given object 3.1.1
Resolution Purpose Current Version
hosted-git-info Identify and transform various git hosts URLs between protocols >=3.0.8
lodash Makes JavaScript easier with methods for iteraing Arrays or manipulating/testing values >=4.17.21
handlebars Provides the power necessary to let you build templates effectively. >=4.7.7
ur-parse Small footprint URL parser that works seamlessly across Node.js and browser environments >=1.5.0
ssri Node.js utility for parsing, manipulating, serializing, generating, and verifying Subresource Integrity hashes. >=8.0.1
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