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InsertCoin ROM documentation project

Welcome to the official community-driven documentation project for InsertCoin ROM.

The documentation is maintained in a Git repository. If you want to contribute to this project, you're free to fork the repository, work on it and then send a pull request. We'd love to merge your changes.

If you don't know how to work with Git or why the hell we're using it, please refer to our little Wiki on first.

File naming conventions and folder structure

The documentation is automatically fetched by a staging server which generates a documentation website from the source files in this repository. To make your files appear correctly on this website you have to follow five guidelines:

  • Docs for a specific major or minor version are stored in separate branches named major.minor (e.g. 2.3 for everything that's specific to Version 2.3.x). The current version is always stored in the master branch, which is the top-most branch. If you don't know what branches are and how to use them and you actually don't care to write docs for older versions, ignore all this stuff about branches. It doesn't matter then. Just commit to the repository and changes should automatically be recorded in the master branch, i.e. in the branch for the latest InsertCoin version.
  • You can create as many folders as you like, but you should keep the directory structure shallow. The directories can have any name, but they should not contain special caracters or spaces. Each new directory should contain a file called index.markdown which is the default file for this directory.
  • The top-most directory defines the language. Its name must be a language code (e.g. en-US for American English, en-GB for British English, de-DE vor German, de-AT for Austrian German etc.). If you want to start a translation, just copy over the en-US folder, rename it to your language and start translating.
  • The docs are written in Markdown, a very simple markup language. You might already know it from several blogs or wikis. These files MUST have the extension .markdown (only lowercases, no spaces). Otherwise they will be ignored by the staging server. If you want to upload other files (e.g. images) create a folder called assets in your current directory. This folder can contain files with any extension. Note that each file should at least contain one first-level heading. This is used by the staging server to extract the page title.
  • You can link your files by using the Markdown link syntax. However, you shouldn't link your files as file.markdown but as file.html since the file extension will be rewritten by the staging server. Use absolute paths containing the branch and the language you want to link (if you haven't checked out any specific branch, your branch is always master). That is, if you want to link a file en-US/foo/bar.markdown in the master branch use /master/en-US/foo/bar.html (mind the leading slash and the file extension!).

That's it. You can get more information about the Markdown syntax on Wikipedia or the official Markdown documentation. Note that you can only use Markdown. HTML is not allowed and will be escaped by the staging server.

How do I edit the files?

You can do that with any text editor you like but it needs to be a plain text editor. I.e. you shouldn't use OpenOffice or MS Word.

Windows users can use Notepad which ships with Windows, but that produces a lot of problems. Better use another editor such as Notepad++.

Linux users can edit the files with editors such as Gedit, Geany, Kate or whatever ships with your distribution. If you don't have any of these have a look at your software package manager.

OS X users may download TextWrangler or Smultron.

But of course you can also use any other editor which supports editing plain text files.

A few things about writing style, grammar and spelling

In an ideal world, docs are a pleasure to read. Actually, this can't be always the case but we also shouldn't make things worse than necessary.

When you write for the docs, make sure, you use plain sentences with correct grammar and spelling (in the English docs as well as in any other language). If you're not a native speaker, this is not a serious issue. Just try to avoid very obvious mistakes. Don't use chat slang, offending language, unnecessary technical terms or too many abbreviations.

Also make sure the text you wrote is not just a list of things but a text consisting of full sentences. Lists my be appropriate when it comes to step-by-step instructions, but they should be use rarely and deliberately.

Check if there isn't already a similar thing documented before creating a new file. Better extend an existing one if possible. If you create a new page, don't foget to add it do the index file.

And the credit goes to…

Have you worked on the docs? Great! The least we can do is to credit that to you. Feel free to add your name to the credits.markdown file. You can use your real name or any pseudonym you like (both is also okay). If you like, you can also set a link to your homepage (unless it contains unlawful, offending, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate content, of course).

You may also add your name to this file if you just corrected a spelling mistake or so. That is also important work which needs to be done and not many people feel like doing it.

Where can I find the live version?

The staging server can be found on This copy will always contain the latest revisions from all branches parsed to HTML. If people ask you something about InsertCoin direct them to this website.


Official documentation project for InsertCoin ROM






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