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flairR: An R Wrapper for Accessing Flair NLP Library

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{flaiR} is an R wrapper for the {flairNLP/flair} Python library, specifically tailored for R users, particularly in political science and the social sciences. flaiR provides easy access to the main functionalities of Flair NLP. Developed by Developed by [Zalando Research]( in Berlin, flair NLP is a straightforward framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) and is compatible with Hugging Face. Flair offers intuitive interfaces and exceptional multilingual support, particularly for various embedding models, transformers and state-of-the-art NLP tasks to analyze texts, such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, with support for a rapidly growing number of language models in the community.

For a comprehensive understanding of the {flairNLP/flair} architecture and NLP tagging models by Zalando Research, you can refer to the research article ‘Contextual String Embeddings for Sequence Labeling’ and the official manual written for its Python implementation.

{flaiR} unofficial platform provides R users with documentation, examples, and tutorials for using Flair NLP. The goal is to make it easier for R users to access the powerful NLP tools provided by Flair NLP.

Tutorial Updates

Installation via GitHub

The installation consists of two parts: First, install Python 3.8 or higher (avoid developmental versions and the very latest release for compatibility reasons). Secondly, install R 4.2.0 or higher.

System Requirement:

  • Python (>= 3.10.x)

  • R (>= 4.2.0)

  • RStudio (The GUI interface allows users to adjust and manage the Python environment in R)

  • Anaconda or miniconda (highly recommended)

We have tested flaiR using CI/CD with GitHub Actions, conducting integration tests across various operating syste These tests include intergration between R versions 4.2.1, 4.3.2, and 4.2.0 and Python 3.10.x. The testing also covers environments with flair NLP and PyTorch (given that Flair NLP is built on Torch). For stable usage, we strongly recommend installing these specific versions.

When first installed, {flaiR} automatically detects whether you have Python 3.8 or higher. If not, it will skip the automatic installation of Python and flair NLP. In this case, you will need to manually install it yourself and reload {flaiR} again. If you have correct Python installed, the {flaiR} will automatically install flair Python NLP in your global environment. If you are using {reticulate}, {flaiR} will typically assume the r-reticulate environment by default. At the same time, you can use py_config() to check the location of your environment. Please note that flaiR will directly install flair NLP in the Python environment that your R is using. This environment can be adjusted through RStudio by navigating to Tools -> Global Options -> Python. If there are any issues with the installation, feel free to ask in the Discussion .

First, understanding which Python environment your RStudio is using is very important. We advise you to confirm which Python environment RStudio is using. You can do this by checking with reticulate::py_config() or manually via Tools -> Global Options -> Python.


At this stage, you’ll observe that RStudio has defaulted to using the ‘flair_env’ environment (my personal environment) I have set up. Then, the Python Flair package will be installed within this environment. Should you wish to modify this setting, you have the option to either adjust it within RStudio’s settings or use the {reticulate} package to manage the Python environment in R

#> python:         /Users/*********/.virtualenvs/flair_env/bin/python
#> libpython:      /Users/*********/.pyenv/versions/3.10.13/lib/libpython3.10.dylib
#> pythonhome:     /Users/*********/.virtualenvs/flair_env:/Users/*********/.virtualenvs/flair_env
#> version:        3.10.13 (main, Oct 27 2023, 04:44:16) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)]
#> numpy:          /Users/*********/.virtualenvs/flair_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy
#> numpy_version:  1.26.2
#> flair:          /Users/*********/.virtualenvs/flair_env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/flair

#> NOTE: Python version was forced by use_python() function

Now, you can confidently install flaiR in your R environment.

remotes::install_github("davidycliao/flaiR", force = TRUE)

You will notice the following message, indicating a successful installation. This means that your RStudio has successfully detected the correct Python and has installed Flair in your Python environment.

#> flaiR: An R Wrapper for Accessing Flair NLP 0.13.0


For R users, {flairR} primarily consists of two main components. The first is wrapper functions in {flaiR} built on top of {reticulate}, which enables you to interact directly with Python modules in R and provides seamless support for documents and tutorial (in progress) in the R community. The {flaiR} package enables R users to leverage Flair’s capabilities to train their own models using the Flair framework and state-of-the-art NLP models without the need to interact directly with Python.

Flair offers a simpler and more intuitive approach for training custom NLP models compared to using Transformer-based models directly. With Flair, data loading and preprocessing are streamlined, facilitating the easy integration of various pre-trained embeddings, including both traditional and Transformer-based types like BERT. The training process in Flair is condensed to just a few lines of code, with automatic handling of fundamental preprocessing steps. Evaluation and optimization are also made user-friendly with accessible tools. In addition, Flair NLP provides an easy framework for training language models and is compatible with HuggingFace.

Training Models with HuggingFace via flaiR

The following example offers a straightforward introduction on how to fully train your own model using the Flair framework and import a BERT model from HuggingFace 🤗. This example utilizes grandstanding score as training data from Julia Park’s paper (When Do Politicians Grandstand? Measuring Message Politics in Committee Hearings) and trains the model using Transformer-based models via flair NLP through {flaiR}.

Step 1 Load Necessary Modules from Flair

# load training data: grandstanding score from Julia Park's paper

Load necessary classes from flair package.

# Sentence is a class for holding a text sentence
Sentence <- flair_data()$Sentence

# Corpus is a class for text corpora
Corpus <- flair_data()$Corpus

# TransformerDocumentEmbeddings is a class for loading transformer 
TransformerDocumentEmbeddings <- flair_embeddings()$TransformerDocumentEmbeddings

# TextClassifier is a class for text classification
TextClassifier <- flair_models()$TextClassifier

# ModelTrainer is a class for training and evaluating models
ModelTrainer <- flair_trainers()$ModelTrainer

Step 2 Split and Preprocess Data with Corpus Object

Split data into train and test sets using basic R functions.

# split the data
text <- lapply(gs_score$speech, Sentence)
labels <- as.character(gs_score$rescaled_gs)

for (i in 1:length(text)) {
  text[[i]]$add_label("classification", labels[[i]])
sample <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), length(text), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.8, 0.2))
train  <- text[sample]
test   <- text[!sample]

If you do not provide a development split (dev split) while using Flair, it will automatically split the training data into training and development datasets. The test set is used for training the model and evaluating its final performance, whereas the development set (dev set) is used for adjusting model parameters and preventing overfitting, or in other words, for early stopping of the model.

corpus <- Corpus(train=train, test=test)
#> 2023-12-19 17:06:22,210 No dev split found. Using 0% (i.e. 282 samples) of the train split as dev data

Alternatively, you can also create dev sets splitting test set. The following code splits the data into train, test, and dev sets with a ratio of 8:1:1.

sample <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), length(text), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.8, 0.2))
train  <- text[sample]
test   <- text[!sample]

test_id <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), length(test), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.5, 0.5))
test   <- test[sample]
dev   <- test[!sample]
corpus <- Corpus(train=train, test=test, dev=dev)

Step 3 Load Transformer Embeddings

document_embeddings <- TransformerDocumentEmbeddings('distilbert-base-uncased', fine_tune=TRUE)

First, $make_label_dictionary function is used to automatically create a label dictionary for the classification task. The label dictionary is a mapping from label to index, which is used to map the labels to a tensor of label indices. expcept classifcation task, flair also supports other label types for training custom model, such as ner, pos and sentiment.

label_dict <- corpus$make_label_dictionary(label_type="classification")
#> 2023-12-19 17:06:24,754 Computing label dictionary. Progress:
#> 2023-12-19 17:06:24,813 Dictionary created for label 'classification' with 2 values: 0 (seen 1480 times), 1 (seen 1336 times)

Besides, you can also create a label dictionary manually. The following code creates a label dictionary with two labels, 0 and 1, and maps them to the indices 0 and 1 respectively.

# load Dictionary object from flair_data
Dictionary <- flair_data()$Dictionary

# manually create label_dict with two labels, 0 and 1
label_dict <- Dictionary(add_unk=FALSE)

# you can specify the order of labels. Please note the label should be a list and character (string) type.
specific_order_labels <- list('0', '1')

for (label in seq_along(specific_order_labels)) {
  label_dict$add_item(as.character(specific_order_labels [[label]]))

Then, we can use the $item2idx method to check the mapping from label to index. This is very important to make sure the labels are mapped correctly to the indices and tensors.

#> [[1]]
#> b'0'
#> [[2]]
#> b'1'
#> $`b'0'`
#> [1] 0
#> $`b'1'`
#> [1] 1

TextClassifier is used to create a text classifier. The classifier takes the document embeddings (importing from 'distilbert-base-uncased' from HugginFace) and the label dictionary as input. The label type is also specified as classification.

classifier <- TextClassifier(document_embeddings,

Step 4 Start Training

specific computation devices on your local machine. If you have a GPU, you can use flair_gpu to specify the GPU device. If you don’t have a GPU, you can use flaiR::flair_device to specify the CPU device.

#> TextClassifier(
#>   (embeddings): TransformerDocumentEmbeddings(
#>     (model): DistilBertModel(
#>       (embeddings): Embeddings(
#>         (word_embeddings): Embedding(30523, 768)
#>         (position_embeddings): Embedding(512, 768)
#>         (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-12, elementwise_affine=True)
#>         (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
#>       )
#>       (transformer): Transformer(
#>         (layer): ModuleList(
#>           (0-5): 6 x TransformerBlock(
#>             (attention): MultiHeadSelfAttention(
#>               (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
#>               (q_lin): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
#>               (k_lin): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
#>               (v_lin): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
#>               (out_lin): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
#>             )
#>             (sa_layer_norm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-12, elementwise_affine=True)
#>             (ffn): FFN(
#>               (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
#>               (lin1): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
#>               (lin2): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
#>               (activation): GELUActivation()
#>             )
#>             (output_layer_norm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-12, elementwise_affine=True)
#>           )
#>         )
#>       )
#>     )
#>   )
#>   (decoder): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=2, bias=True)
#>   (dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
#>   (locked_dropout): LockedDropout(p=0.0)
#>   (word_dropout): WordDropout(p=0.0)
#>   (loss_function): CrossEntropyLoss()
#> )

ModelTrainer is used to train the model, which learns from the data based on the grandstanding score.

trainer <- ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)
trainer$train('grand_standing_model',          # output directory
              learning_rate=0.02,              # learning rate: if batch_growth_annealing activates,lr should starts a bit higher.
              mini_batch_size=8L,              # batch size
              anneal_with_restarts = TRUE,
              max_epochs=10L)                  # Maximum number of epochs

Step 5 Evaluate the Model

During and after the model training process, evaluating the performance of the trained model on the development set is straightforward and easy.

# import the performance metrics generated during the training process
performance_df <- read.table(file = "grand_standing/loss.tsv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
#> 1     1  13:07:11          0.02     0.6071   0.6314        0.7250     0.7250
#> 2     2  13:11:19          0.02     0.4509   0.6139        0.7393     0.7393
#> 3     3  13:21:47          0.02     0.3294   0.6228        0.7464     0.7464
#> 4     4  13:25:03          0.02     0.2513   0.6628        0.7393     0.7393
#> 5     5  13:28:10          0.02     0.1109   0.6920        0.7429     0.7429
#> 6     6  13:31:16          0.02     0.0553   0.7023        0.7429     0.7429
#> 1 0.7250       0.7250
#> 2 0.7393       0.7393
#> 3 0.7464       0.7464
#> 4 0.7393       0.7393
#> 5 0.7429       0.7429
#> 6 0.7429       0.7429
ggplot(performance_df, aes(x = EPOCH)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = TRAIN_LOSS, color = "Training Loss")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = DEV_LOSS, color = "Development Loss")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = DEV_RECALL, color = "Development Recall")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = DEV_F1, color = "Development F1")) +
  labs(title = "Training and Development Loss per Epoch",
       x = "Epochs / Grandstanding Classifier",
       y = "") +
                     values = c("Training Loss" = "blue",
                                "Development Loss" = "red",
                                "Development F1" = "green"))+

The overall performance of the model on the test set is also straightforward and easy to evaluate. You can find the performance metrics in the model/training.log file.

- F-score (micro) 0.7443
- F-score (macro) 0.7438
- Accuracy 0.7443

By class:
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           1     0.6781    0.8519    0.7551       324
           0     0.8362    0.6516    0.7324       376

    accuracy                         0.7443       700
   macro avg     0.7572    0.7517    0.7438       700
weighted avg     0.7630    0.7443    0.7429       700

Step 6 Apply the Trained Model on Unseen Data for Prediction

We use the statement in the dataset as an example.

# load the trained model
Sentence <- flair_data()$Sentence

text <- statements[1, "Statement"]
sentence <- Sentence(text)

lassifier$predict function is used to predict the label of the sentence. The function returns a sentence object with the predicted label.

#> Sentence[55]: "Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today not just as a legislator, but as a defender of our very way of life! We are facing a crisis of monumental proportions, and if we don't act now, the very fabric of our society will unravel before our eyes!" → 1 (0.8233)

sentence$labels is a list of labels, each of which has a value and a score. The value is the label itself, and the score is the probability of the label. The label with the highest score is the predicted label.

#> [1] "1"
#> [1] 0.8232907

Step 7 Reload the Model with the Best Performance

When you train the model with save_final_model=TRUE, the model with the best performance on the development set will be saved in the output directory. You can reload the model with the best performance using the load function.

Sentence <- flair_data()$Sentence
TextClassifier <- flair_models()$TextClassifier
classifier <- TextClassifier$load('grand_standing/')

We can create a function to classify the text using the specified Flair classifier.

classify_text <- function(text, classifier) {
  # Classifies the given text using the specified Flair classifier.
  # Args:
  # text (str): The text to be classified.
  # classifier (TextClassifier): The Flair classifier to use for prediction.
  # Returns:
  #   list: A list containing the predicted class label and score as strings.  
  sentence <- Sentence(text)
  return(list (labels  = sentence$labels[[1]]$value, score  = as.character(sentence$labels[[1]]$score)))

Before performing classification task, let’s quickly check the exmaple dataset.

#>                                        Type
#> 1                Dramatic Appeal to Emotion
#> 2      Exaggerated Praise for a Local Issue
#> 3 Over-Simplified Solution to Complex Issue
#> 4             Personal Anecdote Over Policy
#> 5               Blaming Political Opponents
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Statement
#> 1 Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you today not just as a legislator, but as a defender of our very way of life! We are facing a crisis of monumental proportions, and if we don't act now, the very fabric of our society will unravel before our eyes!
#> 2                  I want to bring attention to the extraordinary achievement of the Smallville High School baseball team. Their victory is not just a win for Smallville, but a symbol of hope for our nation! This is what true American spirit looks like!
#> 3                                               The solution to our nation's economic struggles is simple: cut taxes. That's it. Cut them. The economy will skyrocket like never before. Why complicate things when the answer is right there in front of us?
#> 4                        I remember, back in my hometown, old Mr. Jenkins used to say, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' That's exactly how I feel about our current healthcare system. We don't need reform; we just need good, old-fashioned common sense.
#> 5                                                     Every problem we face today can be traced back to the disastrous policies of the other party. They are the reason we are in this mess, and until we recognize that, we cannot move forward as a nation.

Let’s apply the function to the dataset.

for (i in seq_along(statements$Statement) ) {
  out_come <- classify_text(statements$Statement[[i]], classifier)
  statements[i, 'predicted_labels'] <- out_come[[1]]
  statements[i, 'prop_score'] <- out_come[[2]]
statements[c("Type", "predicted_labels", "prop_score")]
#>                                        Type predicted_labels        prop_score
#> 1                Dramatic Appeal to Emotion                1 0.998062312602997
#> 2      Exaggerated Praise for a Local Issue                1 0.985962450504303
#> 3 Over-Simplified Solution to Complex Issue                1 0.967254757881165
#> 4             Personal Anecdote Over Policy                1 0.998513281345367
#> 5               Blaming Political Opponents                1 0.999097466468811

Performing NLP Tasks in R

Flair NLP also provides a set of functions to perform NLP tasks, such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and part-of-speech tagging.

First, we load the data and the model to perform NER task on the text below.

Yesterday, Dr. Jane Smith spoke at the United Nations in New York. She discussed climate change and its impact on global economies. The event was attended by representatives from various countries including France and Japan. Dr. Smith mentioned that by 2050, the world could see a rise in sea level by approximately 2 feet. The World Health Organization (WHO) has pledged $50 million to combat the health effects of global warming. In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Smith emphasized the urgent need for action. Later that day, she flew back to London, arriving at 10:00 PM GMT.

Classifier <- flair_nn()$Classifier
Sentence <- flair_data()$Sentence

# load the model flair NLP already trained for us
tagger <- Classifier$load('ner')
#> 2023-12-19 17:06:29,680 SequenceTagger predicts: Dictionary with 20 tags: <unk>, O, S-ORG, S-MISC, B-PER, E-PER, S-LOC, B-ORG, E-ORG, I-PER, S-PER, B-MISC, I-MISC, E-MISC, I-ORG, B-LOC, E-LOC, I-LOC, <START>, <STOP>

# make a sentence object
text <- "Yesterday, Dr. Jane Smith spoke at the United Nations in New York. She discussed climate change and its impact on global economies. The event was attended by representatives from various countries including France and Japan. Dr. Smith mentioned that by 2050, the world could see a rise in sea level by approximately 2 feet. The World Health Organization (WHO) has pledged $50 million to combat the health effects of global warming. In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Smith emphasized the urgent need for action. Later that day, she flew back to London, arriving at 10:00 PM GMT."
sentence <- Sentence(text)

# predict NER tags

# print sentence with predicted tags
#> Sentence[115]: "Yesterday, Dr. Jane Smith spoke at the United Nations in New York. She discussed climate change and its impact on global economies. The event was attended by representatives from various countries including France and Japan. Dr. Smith mentioned that by 2050, the world could see a rise in sea level by approximately 2 feet. The World Health Organization (WHO) has pledged $50 million to combat the health effects of global warming. In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Smith emphasized the urgent need for action. Later that day, she flew back to London, arriving at 10:00 PM GMT." → ["Jane Smith"/PER, "United Nations"/ORG, "New York"/LOC, "France"/LOC, "Japan"/LOC, "Smith"/PER, "World Health Organization"/ORG, "WHO"/ORG, "The New York Times"/ORG, "Smith"/PER, "London"/LOC, "GMT"/MISC]

Alternatively, to facilitate more efficient use for social science research, {flairR} expands {flairNLP/flair}’s core functionality for working with three major functions to extract features in a tidy and fast format– data.table in R.

The expanded features in flaiR can be used to perform and extract features from the sentence object in a tidy format.

For example, we can use the get_entities function and load_tagger_ner("ner")in flaiR to extract the named entities from the sentence object in a tidy format.

tagger_ner <- load_tagger_ner("ner")
#> 2023-12-19 17:06:33,159 SequenceTagger predicts: Dictionary with 20 tags: <unk>, O, S-ORG, S-MISC, B-PER, E-PER, S-LOC, B-ORG, E-ORG, I-PER, S-PER, B-MISC, I-MISC, E-MISC, I-ORG, B-LOC, E-LOC, I-LOC, <START>, <STOP>
results <- get_entities(text = text, 
                        doc_ids = "example text",
#>           doc_id                    entity  tag
#>  1: example text                Jane Smith  PER
#>  2: example text            United Nations  ORG
#>  3: example text                  New York  LOC
#>  4: example text                    France  LOC
#>  5: example text                     Japan  LOC
#>  6: example text                     Smith  PER
#>  7: example text World Health Organization  ORG
#>  8: example text                       WHO  ORG
#>  9: example text        The New York Times  ORG
#> 10: example text                     Smith  PER
#> 11: example text                    London  LOC
#> 12: example text                       GMT MISC

In most cases, we need to extract the named entities from a large corpus. For example, we can use Stefan’s data from The Temporal Focus of Campaign Communication (JOP 2022) as an example.

examples <- head(cc_muller, 10)
examples[c("text", "countryname")]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    text                                                              countryname
#>    <chr>                                                             <chr>      
#>  1 And to boost the housing we need, we will start to build a new g… United Kin…
#>  2 In many cases, their value to society in economic, social and en… Ireland    
#>  3 However, requests for Standing Order 31 adjournments of Dáil bus… Ireland    
#>  4 We will work with the Pig Industry Stakeholder group to enhance … Ireland    
#>  5 The legacy of the Celtic Tiger includes 'ghost' housing estates,… Ireland    
#>  6 We must not allow ISIS to hold a safe haven from which it can pu… Canada     
#>  7 The declaration of the G20 as the premier forum for internationa… Australia  
#>  8 This funding represents the next instalment (Round Five, Phase O… Australia  
#>  9 We'll provide free after-school care and holiday programmes for … New Zealand
#> 10 This will properly manage the adverse environmental effects of a… New Zealand
tagger_ner <- load_tagger_ner("ner")
#> 2023-12-19 17:06:36,707 SequenceTagger predicts: Dictionary with 20 tags: <unk>, O, S-ORG, S-MISC, B-PER, E-PER, S-LOC, B-ORG, E-ORG, I-PER, S-PER, B-MISC, I-MISC, E-MISC, I-ORG, B-LOC, E-LOC, I-LOC, <START>, <STOP>
results <- get_entities(text = examples$text, 
                        doc_ids = examples$countryname,
#>             doc_id                   entity  tag
#>  1: United Kingdom                     <NA> <NA>
#>  2:        Ireland                     <NA> <NA>
#>  3:        Ireland                     Dáil  ORG
#>  4:        Ireland        Order of Business  ORG
#>  5:        Ireland          Standing Orders MISC
#>  6:        Ireland Pig Industry Stakeholder  ORG
#>  7:        Ireland             Celtic Tiger  ORG
#>  8:         Canada                     ISIS  ORG
#>  9:      Australia                      G20  ORG
#> 10:      Australia               Round Five MISC
#> 11:      Australia                Phase One MISC
#> 12:      Australia    Rudd Labor Government  ORG
#> 13:    New Zealand                    OSCAR  ORG
#> 14:    New Zealand  Exclusive Economic Zone MISC

In addition, to handle the load on RAM when dealing with larger corpus, {flairR} supports batch processing to handle texts in batches, which is especially useful when dealing with large datasets, to optimize memory usage and performance. The implementation of batch processing can also utilize GPU acceleration for faster computations.

Contribution and Open Source

{flaiR} is maintained and developed by David Liao and friends in Connected_Politics Lab in UCD. R developers who want to contribute to {flaiR} are welcome – {flaiR} is an open source project. I warmly invite R users who share similar interests to join in contributing to this package. Please feel free to shoot me an email to collaborate on the task. Contributions – whether they be comments, code suggestions, tutorial examples, or forking the repository – are greatly appreciated. Please note that the flaiR is released with the Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

The primary communication channel for R users can be found here. Please feel free to share your insights on the Discussion page and report any issues related to the R interface in the Issue section. If the issue pertains to the actual implementation of Flair in Python, please submit a pull request to the offical flair NLP.


flairR: An R Wrapper for Accessing Flair NLP







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