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Parametric CSS for the modern age


Installation and usage

Standalone usage

Paramour can be used as a standalone library in any project or framework that allows for the insertion of arbitrary CSS files. The built-in CLI can be used both to generate CSS files for use, and in more complex application pipelines to (re)generate CSS as required.

The steps below demonstrate the basic usage of the CLI, which can be used as a starting point for more advanced used cases.

To begin, install Paramour from NPM:

npm i @paramour/css

With the package installed, you can now interact with its CLI via the use of npx. For example, to generate your styles at the path ./public/paramour.css using the default configuration:

npx paramour --output=./public/paramour.css

To generate styles using a custom configuration, use the --config parameter:

npx paramour --config=./styleguide.mjs --output=./public/paramour.css

The CLI can also be used more programmatically by including it as a script in your package manifest:

  "scripts": {
    "paramour": "paramour --config=./styleguide.mjs output=./public/paramour.css"

This script can be run just like any other NPM script, using npm run paramour. This can then be factored into other processes in your application pipeline if required.

For Enhance

Paramour works seamlessly with Enhance apps via its Architect plugin.

To get started, install the Paramour CSS plugin:

npm i @paramour/arc-plugin-paramour-css

Next, add the plugin in your project’s .arc file:


# Define your plugins pragma and add the Paramour CSS plugin

# Enable the plugin
# Optionally use a custom configuration file
config ./styleguide.mjs

Finally, include the generated styles in your project’s head.mjs file:

import { getStyles } from '@paramour/arc-plugin-paramour-css'

// create an object with the generated stlyes in multiple formats
const styles = getStyles.all() 

// Choose your preferred method for including styles:
const link =   // a <link> tag pointing to your generated styles
const style = // a <style> tag containing your generated styles

export default function Head () {
  return `
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <-- other head contents… -->

Restart your development server. You now have Paramour up and running in your Enhance project. Styles will be automatically regenerated if changes are made to your custom configuration (if one exists).


Paramour is a configurable CSS toolkit for generating CSS that adheres to the principles of an approach we refer to as parametric CSS, and which is optimized for performance, versatility, and scalability.

What is parametric CSS?

‘Parametric CSS’ is a term we use to refer to our particular approach of authoring CSS. We consider our approach to be an incremental evolution of existing CSS methodologies, based on many years of research and usage.

In short, we define parametric CSS as follows:

  1. Parametric CSS is derived from a configurable styleguide that constrains the central characteristics of a design language to a predefined set of values (for example: font sizes, spacing intervals, a color palette…).
  2. Parametric CSS generates discrete, single purpose units of style that are composable (single units can be combined to build complex designs), complementary (units implement one style and one style only, and thus do not interact or introduce side effects), and constant (the style a unit implements does not change unless the configuration is updated). These units of style can be in the form of classes, classes utilizing custom properties, or custom properties on their own.
  3. Parametric CSS serves as a base for design systems and global styles. While it can be used to apply those styles to discrete components, it is not intended to create bespoke styles local to specific components. Other CSS methodologies can be used in tandem for these design challenges, while relying on parametric CSS as a common baseline for performance, scalability, and versatility.

Optional classes

Out of the box, Paramour provides a wide base of parametric single purpose classes and custom properties that can be used as a global styling system. These classes and custom properties are derived from a fully configurable styleguide, making Paramour ideal for use with new and preexisting design systems and brand standards.

For those who wish to construct their own CSS classes, Paramour can be configured to emit only custom properties, which can be used in your own application stylesheets. This allows authors to leverage its parametric configurability (and its automation of creating fluid scales, color palettes, etc) while utilizing whichever CSS methodologies they feel most comfortable with.

For further guidance on working with Paramour, refer to the docs

Prior art

By referring to our approach as parametric CSS rather than by the name (or a modification of) an existing methodology, we’re not looking to disregard the important, category defining work of other authors, but rather to clarify and assert the principles behind our approach.

Our modelling of parametric CSS draws on the work of designers and developers such as Tim Brown (and his work on modular type on the web), Adam Morse (Tachyons, Components AI), Brent Jackson (Theme UI), and James Gilyead & Trys Mudford (Utopia), among others.

Paramour began its life as Enhance Styles, a styling library for Enhance apps.


Paramour’s generated custom properties and classes can be configured to your liking, making it extremely suitable for integration with new and existing design systems and brand guidelines.

Customization is managed via a configuration file; see Installation and usage for guidance on how to specify the configuration file based on how you’re using Paramour.

The configuration file must provide an object as its default export (i.e. export default { /*…*/ }. The properties of this configuration object are documented below.

Property Description Type Default
classes Enable to include single purpose classes in Paramour’s output; disable to only emit custom properties boolean true
reset Enable to include a CSS reset with Paramour’s output; disable to exclude it boolean true
borders The parent object for border configurations object -
borders.radii Values to use for border radius properties and classes array of strings and/or numbers [2, 4, 8, 9999]
borders.widths Values to use for border width properties and classes array of strings and/or numbers [1, 2, 4]
breakpoints Named breakpoints enumerating min-width viewport media query values; breakpoint scoped classes will be suffixed with the names of the keys of this object at the viewport width specified object -
color The parent object for color configurations object -
color.scales Set of named colors with values to use as the median entry for generated color scales; resulting scales will use the key of each entry as their name plus a base 100 suffix from 100 to 900; entries from 400–100 will be progressively lighter; entries from 600–900 will be progressively darker; the -500 entry will duplicate the value provided for each color; colors must be suppled as hexadecimal values object of string values { gray: '#808080' }
color.spots Set of named spot colors to use for color custom properties; colors can be supplied in any standardized format object of string values -
customProperties Set of arbitrary names and values to use for CSS custom properties object of string values -
fonts Set of named font stacks to use for font custom properties and classes object of string values { sans: '…', serif: '…', mono: '…' }
grid The parent object for grid configurations object -
grid.steps The number of steps to use when generating [column|row]-[start|end] grid classes number 6
spaceScale Configuration for the fluid modular spacing scale custom properties and margin, padding, and gap classes object -
spaceScale.steps The number of symmetrical intervals to create for the space scale, plus the base size number 6
spaceScale.viewportMin The width, in pixels, of the minimum viewport width the scale should be fluid within number 320
spaceScale.viewportMax The width, in pixels, of the maximum viewport width the scale should be fluid within number 1500
spaceScale.baseMin The base spacing interval size, in pixels, at the minimum viewport width number 16
spaceScale.baseMax The base spacing interval size, in pixels, at the maximum viewport width number 18
spaceScale.scaleMin The ratio, either as a rational number or a named ratio, to use for spacing intervals at the minimum viewport width number or string minor-third
spaceScale.scaleMax The ratio, either as a rational number or a named ratio, to use for spacing intervals at the maximum viewport width number or string perfect-fourth
typeScale Configuration for the fluid modular type scale custom properties and associated font size classes object -
typeScale.steps The number of positive intervals, including the base size, for the type scale (two negative intervals added automatically) number 6
typeScale.viewportMin The width, in pixels, of the minimum viewport width the scale should be fluid within number 320
typeScale.viewportMax The width, in pixels, of the maximum viewport width the scale should be fluid within number 1500
typeScale.baseMin The base font size, in pixels, at the minimum viewport width number 16
typeScale.baseMax The base font size, in pixels, at the maximum viewport width number 18
typeScale.scaleMin The ratio, either as a rational number or a named ratio, to use for font size intervals at the minimum viewport width number or string minor-third
typeScale.scaleMax The ratio, either as a rational number or a named ratio, to use for font size intervals at the maximum viewport width number or string perfect-fourth

For the space and type scales, the following common ratios can be referenced by name for the scaleMin and scaleMax properties:

  'minor-second': 1.067,
  'major-second': 1.125,
  'minor-third': 1.2,
  'major-third': 1.25,
  'perfect-fourth': 1.333,
  'augmented-fourth': 1.414,
  'perfect-fifth': 1.5,
  'golden-ratio': 1.618,
  'major-sixth': 1.667,
  'minor-seventh': 1.778,
  'major-seventh': 1.875,
  octave: 2,

If you’d like to visualize the output of these scales before you have content to test them with, we recommend tools such as Tim Brown’s to do so.

Migrating from Enhance Styles

If you’re adopting Paramour for an app that currently uses Enhance Styles (Paramour’s predecessor), please refer to our migration guide

Further documentation

Additional documentation and guidelines can be found on the docs