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React Native interfaces for managing secure storage in iOS and Android.


npm install @pagopa/io-react-native-integrity
# or
yarn add @pagopa/io-react-native-integrity


The Android implementation is based on the Play Integrity API which provides a set of APIs to help developers protect their apps from tampering. The usage of this API also requires a backend server to verify the integrity token generated by the app. An example is provided in the example/backend directory. Make sure to follow the instructions in the example/ file to set up the backend server and update the .env file with the correct values to test the library. The flow provided by the library is the standard one. The main difference from iOS is that Android relies on Google Play Services and a remote service provided by Google.

A (Key Attestation)[] can be generated using the getAttestation method. During key attestation, a key pair is generated along with its certificate chain hich can be used to verify the properties of that key pair. If the device supports hardware-level key attestation, the root certificate of the chain is signed using an attestation root key protected by the device's hardware-backed keystore.


Returns a boolean value indicating whether the Play Services are available on the device or not.

try {
  const isServiceAvailable = await isPlayServicesAvailable();
  if (isServiceAvailable) {
    // Proceed with the following steps
  } else {
    // Return an error message
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


Prepares the integrity token provider before obtaining the integrity verdict. This function can be called well before the moment an integrity verdict is needed, for example when starting the application. It can also be called time to time to refresh it. A Google Cloud Project Number is required to use this API. Follow the official documentation provided by Google here.

try {
  await prepareIntegrityToken(GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER);
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


Requests an integrity token which is then attached to the request to be protected. It must be called AFTER prepareIntegrityToken has been called and resolved successfully. The token is a base64 encoded string.

try {
  const token = await requestIntegrityToken();
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


Returns a Key Attestation which can later be verified by the backend server.

try {
  const attestation = await getAttestation();
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


The iOS implementation is based on the DCAppAttestService which is availabe from iOS 14.0 onwards. It's a framework provided by Apple for iOS that allows apps to verify if a specific device has been used to perform a particular action, without revealing the identity of the device itself or its owner. It is useful for preventing abuse by users who try to manipulate the system or use the app fraudulently. This implementation doesn't relay on any remote service.


Generates a hardware key that can be used into the attestation process when calling getAttestaiton.

try {
  const key = await generateHardwareKey();
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


Generates an attestation for the given challenge and hardware key. The hardware key generated at the previous step can be used here.

try {
  const attestation = await getAttestation(challenge, key);
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


Generates a signature for the given client data given an hardware key. The hardware key generate at the previous step can be used here.

try {
  const signature = await generateHardwareSignatureWithAssertion(
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


Decodes the CBOR encoded attestation returned by the getAttestation method. Returns an object containing signature and authenticatorData as base64 encoded strings.

try {
  const decoded = await decodeAttestation(attestation);
} catch (e) {
  const error = e as IntegrityError;


TypeName Description
SecureStorageError This type defines the error returned by the secure storage engine and includes an error code and an additional information object

Error Codes

TypeName Platform Description
WRONG_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER_FORMAT Android A wrong value for GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_NUMBER has been provided to prepareIntegrityToken
PREPARE_FAILED Android A critical error occurred during the prepareIntegrityToken operation
PREPARE_NOT_CALLED Android The requestIntegrityToken has been called without calling prepareIntegrityToken beforehand
REQUEST_TOKEN_FAILED Android A critical error occurred during the requestIntegrityToken operation
REQUEST_ATTESTATION_FAILED Android A critical error occurred during the getAttestation operation
KEY_IS_NOT_HARDWARE_BACKED Android The device doesn't support hardware backed keys, thus it cannot be trusted
KEYSTORE_NOT_INITIALIZED Android A critical error occurred while initializing the keystore service
GENERATION_KEY_FAILED iOS A critical error occurred during the generateHardwareKey operation
ATTESTATION_ERROR iOS A critical error occurred during the getAttestation operation
UNSUPPORTED_IOS_VERSION iOS The device has a version of iOS that doesn't support the DeviceCheck App Attestation Service (<14.0)
CHALLENGE_ERROR iOS An error occured while encoding the provided challenge to getAttestation
CLIENT_DATA_ENCODING_ERROR iOS An error occured while encoding the provided client data to generateHardwareSignatureWithAssertion
GENERATION_ASSERTION_FAILED iOS A critical error occurred during the generateHardwareSignatureWithAssertion operation
UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE iOS/Android The device doesn't support the requested functionality


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