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ODC Redesign

Local Dev

The project worfklow uses Gulp automation. Sources are written in PostCSS and plain JS. Uses Webpack for JS compiling - although not really neeed.

Don't forget to install dev dependencies npm install


Configure the local domain in line 11 of gulp/tasks/watch.js: proxy: "http://odc2.ovs/" by changing it to another virtual host if needed.

Run gulp watch to start the server.


All CSS and JS source files are locin /src. Both CSS and JS compiled files have source maps enabled.

CSS Sources

  • Located in /src/styles/. Main file /src/styles/styles.css loads all other modular PostCSS files.
  • /src/styles/global/ contains the global styles, variables and mixins.
  • Mobile first approach with responsive mixins.
  • BEM approach attempted.
  • compiles to styles/styles.css

JS sources

  • Located in /src/scripts/
  • App.js is the main file, it includes all other custom JS files from the /src/scripts/modules/ folder;
  • compiles to /scripts/App.js
  • vendor files /scripts/vendor/ folder.

Minification / Compression

CSS and JS files are minified automatically via PHP with the ProCache Module, accessible in the back-end from Setup > ProCache > Minify You need to turn off minification on development environment so that source maps work properly.

PHP Templates

The main template file is /main.php. It acts as the basis for all page templates, including different files based on the template name.

Always start with this file if you want to make changes to a particular template - by following the PHP require / include directives you can get to any piece of code you need to modify.

There are other separate template files:

  • /full-screen-gallery.php - for the full-screen gallery template
  • /blogs-main.php - for the blog templates

Also some defautl php template files:

  • admin.php for the back-end - do not edit.
  • 404.php for the 404 page.


The Key CDN is integrated via ProCache module. settings accessible in the back-end from Setup > ProCache > CDN


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