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A MongoDB ODM for Deno

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Getting Started
  3. Query
  4. Schema
  5. Authors
  6. License


dangoDB is a light-weight MongoDB Object Document Mapper (ODM) library built for the Deno runtime. It provides the core functionality and familiar look and feel of established Node-based libraries. With dangoDB, developers can construct schemas and models, and they can enforce strict type-casting and schema validation to structure their databases. The query functions available from the deno_mongo driver can all be accessed with ease.

In addition, we built a user-friendly web-based GUI that auto-generates schema for users to copy and paste directly into their code.

Getting Started

First, be sure that you have Deno runtime installed and configured.

Quick Start

In your application, import the dangoDB module from the module.

import { dango } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";

Connect to your Database

Next, open a connection to your MongoDB database using your URI string.

await dango.connect('URI_STRING');

await dango.disconnect();

Define Your Schema

Now, you can define a schema and create a reference to it as illustrated below.

const dinosaurSchema = dango.schema(
    name:                 // A property accepts the below options. Only type is required and must be a valid selection.
        type: 'string',   // Valid data types listed below.
        required: true,   // A boolean to indicate if the inserted property must have a value specified. Defaults to false.
        unique: true,     // A boolean to indicate if the inserted property much be unique in its value in the collection. Defaults to false.
        default: 'T-Rex', // A value to default to if none specified and required = false. Defaults to null.
        validator: null   // A user provided validation function that must return true with the casted value as input for the data to pass schema validation. Defaults to null.
    age: 'number',        // A property can also accept a schema value with only a type indicated.

*  Valid datatypes:
*  - 'number'
*  - 'decimal128'
*  - 'string'
*  - 'boolean'
*  - 'objectid'
*  - 'uuid'
*  - 'date'
*  - userSchema            // User defined schema.
*  - array **              // In progress - Not yet implemented.

Create Your Model

Great! Now you have a schema with one property, name, which will be a 'string.' The next step is compiling our schema into a Model.

const Dinosaur = dango.model('Dinosaur', dinosaurSchema);

Make a Query

Now, let's insert a document into the Dinosaur model.

await Dinosaur.insertOne({ name: 'Stegosaurus' });

Now, let's say you wanted to display all the dinosaurs in our collection. You can access all of the dinosaur documents through our Dinosaur model.

const dinosaurs = await Dinosaur.find({ });
// [ { name: 'Triceratops', age: 70,000,000 }, { name: 'Brontosaurus', age: 150,000,000 }, { name: 'Stegosaurus', age: null }];

Now you've successfully inserted a document into the Dinosaur collection at your MongoDB database.

Congratulations! That's the end of the quick start. You've successfully imported dangoDB, opened up a connection, created a schema, inserted a document for Stegosaurus, and queried all the dinosaurs in your Dinosaur model using dangoDB. Explore the rest of the readme.MD for more detailed instructions on how to use dangoDB.


All queries in dangoDB are performed using models. The queries are built on the deno_mongo drivers. The documentation there may help guide query options. Listed below are all the query functions available in the dangoDB library.

Create, Read, Update, Delete Operations

  • Model.deleteMany()
* @description Deletes all of the documents that match the conditions from the DB collection. It returns an object with 
* the property deletedCount, indicating how many documents were deleted. 
* @param queryObject - Query to specify which documents to delete.
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [callback]
* @returns object with property deletedCount, value number. 
  • Model.deleteOne()
* @description Deletes the first document that matches the conditions from the DB collection. It returns an object 
* with the property deletedCount, indicating how many documents were deleted. 
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching document.
* @param options [optional]
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns object with property deletedCount, value number.
  • Model.find()
* @ description Returns all documents that satisfy the specified query criteria on the collection or view. 
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching documents.
* @param options - [optional] Additional options for the operation (e.g. lean, populate, projection)
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns All matching documents in an array.
  • Model.findById()
* @description Returns document that matches user provided ObjectId.
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching document, using id.
* @param options - [optional] - Additional options for the operation (e.g. lean, populate, projection)
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns Matching document.
  • Model.findByIdAndDelete()
* @description Deletes the first document that matches the id from the DB collection. It returns the document 
* with the matched property. 
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching document, using id.
* @param options [optional]
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns the deleted document.
  • Model.findByIdAndRemove()
* @description Deletes the first document that matches the id from the DB collection. It returns the document 
* with the matched property. 
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching document, using id.
* @param options [optional]
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns the document matched and removed.
  • Model.findByIdAndUpdate()
* @description Updates the first document that matches the id from the DB collection. It returns the document 
* with the matched property. 
* @param filter - id used to find matching document.
* @param replace - User document to replace matching document at database.
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns the document matched.
  • Model.findOne()
* @description Returns first document that matches query.
* @param queryObject - Query used to find matching document. 
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns Matching document.
  • Model.findOneAndDelete()
* @description Deletes the first document that matches the filter from the DB collection. It returns the document 
* with the matched property. 
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching document.
* @param options [optional]
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns the deleted document.
  • Model.findOneAndRemove()
* @description Deletes the first document that matches the filter from the DB collection. It returns the document 
* with the matched property. 
* @param queryObject - The query used to find matching document.
* @param options [optional]
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns the deleted document.
  • Model.findOneAndReplace()
* @description Finds a matching document, removes it, and passes in user's document. Replacement document retains same ObjectId as original document. 
* @param filter - Query used to find matching document.
* @param replace - User document to replace matching document at database.
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns object displaying count for how many documents were upserted, matching, modified.
  • Model.findOneAndUpdate()
* @description Updates the first document that matches filter from the DB collection. It returns the document 
* with the matched property. 
* @param filter - id used to find matching document.
* @param replace - User document to replace matching document at database. 
* @param callback [optional]
* @returns the document matched.
  • Model.insertOne()
* @description Inserts one document into database collection. 
* @param document - User provided object to be inserted into the database.
* @returns ObjectId of inserted document.
  • Model.insertMany()
* @description Insert multiple documents into database. 
* @param document - Array of document(s) to be inserted into database.
* @param options - [optional] 
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns documents that passed validation.
  • Model.replaceOne()
* @description Finds a matching document, removes it, and passes in user's document. Replacement document retains same ObjectId as original document. 
* @param filter - Query used to find matching document.
* @param replace - User document to replace matching document at database. 
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns The updated object.
  • Model.updateMany()
* @description Updates all documents that match queryObject. The matching fields in the DB collection will be set to the values in the updateObject.
* @param document - query used to find document(s) to update.
* @param update - object containing field(s) and values to set them to.
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns object with properties upsertedId, upsertedCount, matchedCount, modifiedCount.
  • Model.updateOne()
* @description Updates one document. The fields in the updateObject will be set to their respective values.
* @param document - query used to find document to update.
* @param update - object containing field(s) and values to set them to.
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns object with properties upsertedId, upsertedCount, matchedCount, modifiedCount.

Other Operations

  • Model.aggregate()
* @ description Aggregation operations process multiple documents and return computed results. You can use aggregation operations to:
* Group values from multiple documents together.
* Perform operations on the grouped data to return a single result.
* Analyze data changes over time.
* @param Aggregation pipeline as an array of objects.
* @returns Documents returned are plain javascript documents; 
  • Model.countDocuments()
* @description Counts number of documents matching filter in a database collection.
* @param document - query used to find document to update. 
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns a count (number);
* example: query.countDocuments({ username: 'test' });
  • Model.dropCollection()
* @description DropCollection drops current model/collection that user is connected to.
* @returns undefined
  • Model.estimatedDocumentCount()
* @description Returns the count of all documents in a collection or view. The method wraps the count command.   
* @param options - [optional]
* @param callback - [optional]
* @returns a count (number);


When creating a schema, either a type can be assigned to each property in string format, or an object with schema options properties.

Schema Options

  • type - Number, decimal128, string, boolean, objectid, UUID, date, object. Specified as a lowercase string.
  • required - Boolean, specifies whether a value is required in an inserted document or replacement document.
  • unique - Boolean, specifies whether a value is designated as unique for the property.
  • default - Default value if no value is provided by user. Defaults to null.
  • validator - User can provide a function test which the values to be inserted/updated need to pass before being inserted. Defaults to null.

To set the type for an embedded object, create a schema for that object, and assign that schema to the property that corresponds with the object.

addressSchema = dango.schema(
    house_number: 'number', 
    unit: 'string', 
    street: 'string', 
    city: 'string'

personSchema = dango.schema(
    name: 'string', 
    address: addressSchema 



This product is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

This is an open source product.

This product is accelerated by OS Labs.