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ui-library / 0.4.0

ui-library 0.4.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @hivemq/ui-library@0.4.0
Install via package.json:
"@hivemq/ui-library": "0.4.0"

About this version

UI Library

The HiveMQ UI Library provides components on top of Chakra UI for various applications.



Git Hooks

We use pre-commit to manage the project wide pre-commit-hooks for git.

Please install it using brew (the pip-option is also ok, but you won't end up having to maintain a python-env using brew):

brew install pre-commit

Then run from the repo-root the following commands to install the hooks:

pre-commit install


Install the following dependencies to start the development of the project.

Tool Description Link
PNPM Node package manager to install frontend dependencies
NVM Node.js version manager

Then you can install the node.js version of the project by running

nvm install

After that you need to install the node_modules of the project by running the following command:

pnpm install --frozen-lockfile

Start Demo

Then start the application by running

pnpm storybook

That's it happy development 🎉

CLI Commands

Since all dependencies are installed on your machine you can now execute the following commands.

Command Description Example
pnpm storybook Boot up the development environment to view the UI
pnpm test:unit Run all project unit tests


If you want to contribute to the HiveMQ Extension SDK, see the contribution guidelines.


The HiveMQ UI Library is licensed under the APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0. A copy of the license can be found here.



  • ui-library-0.4.0.tgz

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