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haraka-tld / 1.0.34

haraka-tld 1.0.34

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @haraka/haraka-tld@1.0.34
Install via package.json:
"@haraka/haraka-tld": "1.0.34"

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Haraka TLD utilities


npm install haraka-tld


const tlds = require('haraka-tld');
if (tlds.get_organizational_domain('') === '') {
    // do something

Functions exported


Reduces a hostname to an Organizational Domain.

The O.D. is the portion of a domain name immediately delegated by a registrar and the portion that is no longer 'Public'

com               <-- TLD (or Public Suffix)       <-- Organizational Domain  <-- hostmame

get_organizational_domain(''); // ->

Haraka usage example:

const tlds = require('haraka-tld');
const from_dom = tlds.get_organizational_domain(;
const to_dom = tlds.get_organizational_domain(;
if (from_dom == to_dom) {
    // the envelope sender domain matches the envelope receiver domain
    // eg: [email protected] would match [email protected]


Split FQDN to host and domain

const split = tlds.split_hostname('');
// split[0] = 'host.sub1.sub2';
// split[1] = '';


if (tlds.is_public_suffix('com')) {
    // true
if (tlds.is_public_suffix('')) {
    // false

Directly access lists

Check for a TLD

if (tlds.top_level_tlds['com']) {
    // true

The following files are included

  • public-suffix-list

A list of all Public Suffixes (the parts of a domain name exactly one level below the registrar). Includes punycoded international domains, is maintained by the Mozilla project, and accomplishes roughly the same task as the *-tlds files.

  • top-level-tlds

The list of TLDs valid on the internet. Update URL

  • two-level-tlds

A list of 2nd level TLDs. Update URL

  • three-level-tlds

A list of 3rd level TLDs. Update URL

  • extra-tlds

This allows for additional 2nd and 3rd level TLDs from a single file. Used for site customizations or for the URIBL hosters.txt. Update URL


  • run the update script (see below)
  • update file
  • update version in package.json
  • publish to npm
.release/ patch



  • haraka-tld-1.0.34-npm.tgz

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