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    Repositories list

    • Module - Software Engineering
      Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
      1420Updated Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
    • Benchmark of OSS projects on GitHub
      GNU General Public License v3.0
      2014117Updated Sep 26, 2024Sep 26, 2024
    • Module - Open Source Software Management
      Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
      1890Updated Sep 26, 2024Sep 26, 2024
    • civil42

      Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
      0250Updated Sep 16, 2024Sep 16, 2024
    • cas-pst

      CAS - Public Sector Transformation
      Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
      0200Updated Sep 13, 2024Sep 13, 2024
    • Slides for the latest "Clean up your laptop! 💻🧹" Workshop
      Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
      0100Updated Apr 30, 2024Apr 30, 2024
    • module-template

      Public template
      Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
      0010Updated Oct 1, 2023Oct 1, 2023
    • Open Source Circle
      1130Updated Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
    • Dokku plugin to manage discourse on your dokku server
      MIT License
      8001Updated May 9, 2023May 9, 2023
    • nlp-demo

      0000Updated Apr 24, 2023Apr 24, 2023
    • OSPO 101 Training Modules
      Apache License 2.0
      654500Updated Feb 17, 2023Feb 17, 2023
    • Visualization and filtering of linked animal diseases data published by the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office.
      01038Updated Jan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023
    • event-app-mobile

      Public archive
      Mobile app to display overview and resources of selected events.
      GNU General Public License v3.0
      03036Updated Jan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023
    • greencup

      Public template
      Mobile application to scan and manage QR-codes on reusable beverage cups for the Swiss federal railway company SBB.
      GNU General Public License v3.0
      04069Updated Jan 5, 2023Jan 5, 2023
    • Swiss Procurement Classifier
      Jupyter Notebook
      0108Updated Aug 23, 2022Aug 23, 2022
    • temp-osa

      0000Updated Jun 3, 2022Jun 3, 2022
    • JavaScript
      0000Updated Apr 29, 2022Apr 29, 2022
    • Nativescripts Plugins
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022
    • event-app-backend

      Public archive
      Backend Service for the FDN Event Mobile App.
      0100Updated Dec 16, 2021Dec 16, 2021
    • hitobito

      A web application to manage complex group hierarchies with members, events and a lot more.
      GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
      109000Updated Nov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021
    • nativescript hook for supporting custom xcode 8 entitlements, see
      MIT License
      6000Updated Nov 12, 2021Nov 12, 2021
    • Automatic Let's Encrypt TLS Certificate installation for dokku
      MIT License
      92000Updated Nov 3, 2021Nov 3, 2021
    • HTML
      1001Updated Jan 15, 2020Jan 15, 2020
    • JavaScript
      GNU General Public License v3.0
      0000Updated Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019
    • TypeScript
      GNU General Public License v3.0
      0100Updated Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019
    • TypeScript
      GNU General Public License v3.0
      0000Updated Nov 25, 2019Nov 25, 2019
    • digisam

      General-purpose web application framework using Angular in the frontend and Sails.js in the backend.
      GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
      0100Updated Jul 15, 2019Jul 15, 2019
    • oss_directory

      Public archive
      GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
      0000Updated Mar 8, 2019Mar 8, 2019
    • Inject self-contained Micro-Apps into your Sails App using a hook. Each micro-app is a mini sails app that you can develop decoupled from your main apps, which you then inject using this util.
      MIT License
      6000Updated Feb 24, 2019Feb 24, 2019