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webextension-shim / 0.0.3-20220304042426-394694b

webextension-shim 0.0.3-20220304042426-394694b

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @dimensiondev/webextension-shim@0.0.3-20220304042426-394694b
Install via package.json:
"@dimensiondev/webextension-shim": "0.0.3-20220304042426-394694b"

About this version



This shim will run a compiler in runtime. It is slow when transforming big files. To speed up, prebuilt your JS files so it won't go through the compiler in runtime.

# web-ext-prebuilt [extension_id]/[runtime_path_for_your_js] [file_path_to_your_js]
web-ext-prebuilt eofkdgkhfoebecmamljfaepckoecjhib/js/index.js dist/js/index.js

Prebuilt all

# web-ext-prebuilts [extension_id] [folder]
web-ext-prebuilts eofkdgkhfoebecmamljfaepckoecjhib dist