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Overview of Test Suites and Test Leads

ghobona edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 39 revisions

To search all the current Executable Test Suites (ETS) repositories available for OGC Standards in Github click here.

All Test Leads are invited to add their profiles to the wiki page TEAM and Major Contributors to the OGC Compliance Program.

Repository Implementation Beta? Production? Test Lead
CSW 2.0.2 CTL x x open
CAT 3.0 TestNG x x open
GeoPackage 1.0 TestNG x x open
GeoPackage 1.2 TestNG x x Jeff Yuztler
GeoPackage NSG TestNG x open
GML 3.2 TestNG x x Dirk Stenger
SOS 1.0 CTL x x Aries Lai
SOS 2.0 CTL x x Aries Lai
SPS 1.0 CTL x x open
SPS 2.0 CTL x x open
STA 1.0 TestNG x x Tania Khalafbeigi
SFS 1.1 CTL x x open
SFS 1.2 CTL x x open
SensorML 1.0 CTL x x Aries Lai
SensorML 2.0 TestNG x x Aries Lai
WCS 1.0 CTL x x open
WCS 1.1 CTL x x open
WCS 2.0 CTL x x open
WFS 1.0 CTL x x Dirk Stenger
WFS 1.1 CTL x x Dirk Stenger
WFS 2.0 TestNG x x Dirk Stenger
OGC API - Features 1.0 TestNG x x Dirk Stenger
WFS 2.0 NSG TestNG x open
WMS 1.1 CTL x x Dirk Stenger
WMS 1.3 CTL x x Dirk Stenger
WMS 1.3 Client CTL x x open
WMS 1.3 NSG TestNG x open
WMTS 1.0 CTL x x Dirk Stenger
WMTS 1.0 NSG TestNG x open
DGIWG WMS 1.3 TestNG x open
DGIWG WFS 2.0 TestNG x open
OWC 1.0 TestNG x open
KML 2.2 CTL x x open
KML 2.x TestNG x open
WPS 1.0 TestNG x Aries Lai
WPS 2.0 TestNG x Aries Lai
SWECommon 2.0 TestNG x Aries Lai
OM 2.0 TestNG x x Aries Lai
GML in JPEG 2000 2.0 TestNG x x open
OGC GeoTIFF 1.1 TestNG x x Dustin Jutras
GML Documents TestNG open
ISO 19139 TestNG open
WaterML 2.0 TestNG open
OpenSearch EO Extension TestNG open
OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions TestNG open
Indoor GML 1.0 TestNG open
WCS 2.0.1 Scaling Extension (1.0) CTL open
WCS 2.0.1 Interpolation Extension (1.0) CTL open
WCS 2.0.1 Processing Extension (1.0) CTL open
WCS 2.0.1 Range Subsetting Extension (1.0) CTL open
WCS Earth Observation Profile 1.0 CTL open
WCS 2.0.1 Earth Observation Application Profile (1.0) CTL open
WMS SLD 1.1 CTL open
STA Client 1.0 CTL Tania Khalafbeigi
CDB 1.0 TestNG James Badger
GeoRSS 1.0 TestNG x open
OGC API - Tiles 1.0 TestNG open
OGC API - Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR API) 1.0 TestNG open
OGC API - Processes 1.0 TestNG Testbed-17 CITE team
PipelineML 1.0 TestNG open
InfraGML 1.0 TestNG open
CIS ReferenceableGridCoverage 1.0 TestNG open
OWS Context (Atom enconding) 1.0 TestNG open
OGC EO Dataset Metadata GeoJSON(-LD) 1.0 TestNG open