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               OmniRPC Grid RPC system (ver. 1.0)
             High performance Computing System Lab.
                      University of Tsukuba

This a release 1.0 of OmniRPC system.

1) What is OmniRPC system?

OmniRPC is a Grid RPC system which enables seamless parallel
programming in cluster and Grid environment. OmniRPC's characteristics
are as follows.

- Supports typical master/worker grid applications such as parametric
  execution programs.

- OmniRPC provides an automatic-initializable remote module to send
  and store data to a remote executable invoked in the remote
  host. Since it may accept several requests for subsequent calls by
  keeping the connection alive, the data set by the initialization is
  re-used, resulting in efficient execution by reducing the amount of

- OmniRPC inherits its API from Ninf, and the programmer can use
  OpenMP for easy-to-use parallel programming because the API is
  designed to be thread-safe. And OmniRPC supports the persistence
  feature, which holds the remote executable's state, and makes,
  programs more effective.

- Using the asynchronous call API, we can parallize a programs calling
  RPCs. Additionally, OmniRPC is designed to be thread-safe for easy
  parallel programming. We can easily parallelize existing sequential
  programs with direct based parallel programming such as OpenMP.

- The OmniRPC system supports local environments with "rsh," grid
  environments with Globus, and remote hosts with "ssh." Furthermore,
  the user can use the same program over OmniRPC for both clusters and
  grids because a typical grid resource is regarded simply as a
  cluster of clusters distributed geo-graphically.

- For a cluster over a private network, an agent process running the
  server host functions as a proxy to relay communications between the
  client and remote executables by multiplexing the communications
  into one connection to the client. This feature allows a single
  client to use approximately one-thousand remote computing hosts.

- Support of the job scheduler which considers the administrative
  policy of each computer resource. Now OmniRPC supports PBS and SGE
  as job schedulers.

For details or new features, please refer the OmniRPC web.

2) OmniRPC software requires other software.

 - For authentication on the remote systems, you need either the ssh
 - or the Globus.
 - gnu bison or yacc to make the parser.
 - If you want to use our OmniRPC with OpenMP program, you need Omni
    OpenMP Compiler.
 - Java Development Kit, JDK, if you want to use the performance profiler.

3) Unpacking this distribution file

When you unpack our distribution file, you will find the following
directories and files:
 OmniRPC/                 -- top directory
   doc/                   -- documentations
       html/book1.html    -- manual in HTML which is speparated page by chapter
			 htm/omnirpc.htm    -- manual in HTML which is one page
			 htdocs.ja/         -- Japanese manual in HTML
   src/                   -- source files
       libomrpc/          -- OmniRpc library 
       omrpc-agent/       -- OmniRpc Agent 
       omrpc-gen/         -- OmniRpc IDL compiler 
       omrpc-register/    -- OmniRpc registration tools
   include/               -- include files
   test/                  -- test programs
   examples/              -- examples
   tools/                 -- tools
       monitor/           -- OmniRpc monitor
       tlogview/          -- performance profile viewer
   utils/                 -- misc.
   configure		  -- configure command to make and install

4) Platforms

We have tested our software in Linux platform of x86.

5) Installation

Belows are general installation procedures. 

 1. Get the OmniRPC distribution,"OmniRpc.tar.gz". Unpack the distribution
	% gzip -dc OmniRpc.tar.gz | tar xvf -

 2. Change the current directory to OmniRpc directory.

	% cd OmniRpc

 2.5 ***** replace cc or gcc with mpicc and set -fPIC flag *****
        % export CC="mpicc -fPIC"

 3. Run "configure". 

	% configure 
 	% configure --prefix=<your_install_directory>

   More detailed feature options, see Install.html.

 4. Run "make" to compile the sources.

	% make

 5. Run "make install" to install the compiler. When you install the
   default configuration, you must run as root because the default install
   directory is /usr/local/omrpc/

	% make install

 6. Make sure that the command path includes install_directory/bin.

8) Where to Find More Information

The directory "doc" contains the user's manual about the OmniRPC system

You can obtain the most recent documents and software release at our
web site:

9) Reporting bugs and requesting features

To report bugs or features requests, send E-mail to:
	[email protected]
Your feedback and bug reports will be greatly appreciated.

-- Enjoy!