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Computer Systems Organization : Recitation 5


Before we begin, let us take a quick recap through gdb.

Here's a great tutorial.


Strings are actually one-dimensional array of characters terminated by a null character '\0'. Thus a null-terminated string contains the characters that comprise the string followed by a null. Following is an example of how you would initialize strings in C:

	char greeting[6] = {'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0'};
	char greeting[] = "Hello";

In both cases, the length of the char array (or the string) is 6. You index individual characters of the string just like you would do with elements in an array.

	printf("First character: %c \n", greeting[0]);

	// prints: "First character: H "


  • Complete the function countVowels in vowels.c that counts and returns the number of vowels in a given string.

  • Complete the toLowerCase function in lower.c. It should return the input string with all characters set to lower case. To do this, you may find the ASCII representation of characters useful. Refer to the following:


In C, all the characters are saved as a number sequence that represent the ASCII value (code) of the preferred character. Some important ASCII values are:

0 – character NULL ('\0')

32 – space (' ')

48 – 57 – numbers '0'-'9'

65 – 90 – capital letters 'A' to 'Z'

97 –122 – small letters 'a' to 'z' (97 – 65 = 32 - difference between small and capital letter!)

As an example. Consider the code:

	char c = 65;
	printf("%c \n", c);

	// prints: "A"
  • Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ' ', return the length of last word in the string. If the last word does not exist, return 0. You fill find the function stub in lastword.c.


So far you have used the C compiler, command gcc, to compile your C programs.

Typically, we do not directly type gcc to compile programs. There are several reasons for why not:

  • The gcc command for large software is very long
  • We need to compile many source files individually and combine them into a single execuable later.
  • We need to obey dependencies during compilation. e.g. First compile x, then compile Y (if Y uses X).
  • We only want to compile those source files that have changed.

To address all above problems, we use a classic tool called make, developed by GNU. To use make, you write a Makefile. The meat of a Makefile consists of a bunch of rules. Here's what a rule looks like

target: dependency1 dependency2

In the make directory, there is a Makefile that compiles the source files therein into and executable called foo:

foo: foo.o main.o
    gcc -o foo foo.o main.o
main.o: main.c
    gcc -c main.c
foo.o: foo.c
    gcc -c foo.c
    rm -f foo.o foo

Question: type make, what is the order of the commands being run? why?

To make writing such rules more succinct, you use variables and do pattern matchingin Makefile.

  • Define variables as FILES:=file1 file2, use it later as $FILES

There are several important automatic variables.

  • $@ (target name)
  • $^ (name of all pre-requisites, i.e. dependencies)
  • Pattern-matching using % and *. As an example:
  %.b: %.a
       cp  $*.a $*.b

Above rule copies any file with suffix .a into another file with the same name except having suffix .b


  • Rewrite the given Makefile using pattern matching and variables. Make it as clean and re-usable as possible.


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