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Neo builds smart economy and we at NeoSPCC help them with that big challenge. In our blog you might find the latest articles how we run NeoFS public test net but it’s not the only thing we’re working on.


As you know network is composed of nodes. These nodes as of now have several implementations:

This article is about the last one since we’re developing it at NeoSPCC. Hope that this article will help you to get an idea of how everything is tied up and being able to start neo-go node, write smart contract and deploy it.

What is a node?


The main goal of the node is to interact with each other (through P2P) and synchronize blocks in the network. It also allows user to compile and run smart contracts within the blockchain network. Node consists of Client (CLI), Network layer, Consensus, Virtual Machine, Compiler and Blockchain. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.


Client (CLI) allows users to run commands from the terminal. These commands can be divided in 4 categories:

  • server operations
  • smart contract operations
  • vm operations
  • wallet operations

For example to connect node to the running private network you can use this command:

 go run cli/main.go node -p

Here you can find more information about Private Network and how to start it. Simply speaking private network -- it’s the network that you can run locally. Follow the link if you are interested in more detailed description medium article. Another usage example is to compile smart contract:

$ ./bin/neo-go vm 

    _   ____________        __________      _    ____  ___
   / | / / ____/ __ \      / ____/ __ \    | |  / /  |/  /
  /  |/ / __/ / / / /_____/ / __/ / / /____| | / / /|_/ / 
 / /|  / /___/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ / /_/ /_____/ |/ / /  / /  
/_/ |_/_____/\____/      \____/\____/      |___/_/  /_/   


Once we run this command we will get an interface to interact with virtual machine. To get a list of all supported operation you just use help:

NEO-GO-VM > help
   VM CLI - Official VM CLI for Neo-Go

    [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   exit        Exit the VM prompt
   ip          Show current instruction
   break       Place a breakpoint
   estack      Show evaluation stack contents
   istack      Show invocation stack contents
   sslot       Show static slot contents
   lslot       Show local slot contents
   aslot       Show arguments slot contents
   loadnef     Load a NEF-consistent script into the VM
   loadbase64  Load a base64-encoded script string into the VM
   loadhex     Load a hex-encoded script string into the VM
   loadgo      Compile and load a Go file with the manifest into the VM
   reset       Unload compiled script from the VM
   parse       Parse provided argument and convert it into other possible formats
   run         Execute the current loaded script
   cont        Continue execution of the current loaded script
   step        Step (n) instruction in the program
   stepinto    Stepinto instruction to take in the debugger
   stepout     Stepout instruction to take in the debugger
   stepover    Stepover instruction to take in the debugger
   ops         Dump opcodes of the current loaded program
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

As you can see there are a lot of options to play with it. Let’s take simple smart contract 1-print.go and compile it:

package main

import (

func Main() {
	runtime.Log("Hello, world!")

Use command loadgo to compile it:

NEO-GO-VM > loadgo 1-print.go
READY: loaded 21 instructions
NEO-GO-VM 0 >  

And there you can see how many instructions were generated and even if you are interested in opcodes of current program you can dump them:

NEO-GO-VM 0 > ops
0        PUSHDATA1    48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421 ("Hello, world!")    <<
15       SYSCALL      System.Runtime.Log (cfe74796)
20       RET

Later we will use this compiled contract in a workshop =). You can find more information on how to use the CLI here


Network layer is one of the most important parts of the node. In our case we have P2P protocol which allows nodes to communicate with each other and RPC -- which is used for getting some information from node like balance, accounts, current state, etc. Here is the document where you can find supported RPC calls.


Consensus is a mechanism allowing nodes to agree on a specific value (block in case of blockchain). We use our own go-implementation of dBFT algorithm.


Compiler allows to build byte code, so you can write Smart Contract in your favourite Golang. All the output you saw in this example above was generated by the compiler.

Virtual machine

Virtual machine runs compiled byte code. NeoVM is a stack-based virtual machine. It has 2 stacks for performing computation.


And what is the Blockchain piece? It’s quite a big one since it contains operations with accepting/validation transactions, signing transactions, working with accounts, assets, storing blocks in database (or in cache).


There are 3 types of network. Private net -- it’s the private one which you can run locally. Testnet and Mainnet where much of the nodes across the world now running. Neo has a nice monitor where you can find particular node running in the blockchain network. Neo Monitor

Workshop. Content

The workshop contains a guide, examples and tips on Neo smart contracts development and dApps development for Neo ecosystem using development kit offered by NeoGo. The workshop is divided into multiple parts:

  1. Preparation. Learn how to run a Neo private network, transfer some funds from multi-signature account to a simple signature account using NeoGo CLI and check the balance via JSON RPC call.
  2. Part 1. Compile, inspect, deploy and invoke simple Hello, world! smart contract written in Go.
  3. Part 2. Investigate Neo JSON RPC protocol and NeoGo CLI utilities to retrieve information from Neo RPC nodes. Get acquainted with the concept of a smart contract storage. Compile, deploy and invoke contract that demonstrates how to use its storage.
  4. Part 3. Learn more about NEP-17 token standard and take a look at the NEP-17 compatible contract.
  5. Part 4. Summarize knowledge about smart contracts. Create, compile and invoke more complicated contract.
  6. Part 5. Learn how to develop simple decentralized application for the Neo ecosystem using tools provided by NeoGo.

Workshop. Preparation

In this part we will setup the environment: run private network, connect neo-go node to it and transfer some initial GAS to our basic account in order to be able to pay for transaction deployment and invocation. Let's start.


For this workshop you will need Debian 10, Docker, docker-compose, go to be installed:

Step 1

If you already have neo-go or go smart-contracts, please, update go modules in order to be up-to-date with the current interop API changes. If not, download neo-go and build it (master branch):

$ git clone
$ cd neo-go
$ make build 

Step 2

To run NeoGo-based 4-node private network use this commands:

$ make env_image
$ make env_up

Result: running privatenet:

=> Bootup environment
Creating network "neo_go_network" with the default driver
Creating volume "docker_volume_chain" with local driver
Creating neo_go_node_four  ... done
Creating neo_go_node_two   ... done
Creating neo_go_node_one   ... done
Creating neo_go_node_three ... done

In case you need to shutdown environment you can use:

$ make env_down

Step 3

Start neo-go node which will connect to previously started privatenet:

$ ./bin/neo-go node --privnet


2020-12-17T14:51:53.200+0300	INFO	no storage version found! creating genesis block
2020-12-17T14:51:53.203+0300	INFO	starting rpc-server	{"endpoint": ":20331"}
2020-12-17T14:51:53.203+0300	INFO	service is running	{"service": "Prometheus", "endpoint": ":2112"}
2020-12-17T14:51:53.203+0300	INFO	service hasn't started since it's disabled	{"service": "Pprof"}
2020-12-17T14:51:53.203+0300	INFO	node started	{"blockHeight": 0, "headerHeight": 0}

    _   ____________        __________
   / | / / ____/ __ \      / ____/ __ \
  /  |/ / __/ / / / /_____/ / __/ / / /
 / /|  / /___/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ / /_/ /
/_/ |_/_____/\____/      \____/\____/


2020-12-17T14:51:53.204+0300	INFO	new peer connected	{"addr": "", "peerCount": 1}
2020-12-17T14:51:53.206+0300	INFO	started protocol	{"addr": "", "userAgent": "/NEO-GO:0.91.1-pre-657-gc13d6ecc/", "startHeight": 0, "id": 3172166887}
2020-12-17T14:51:54.204+0300	INFO	blockchain persist completed	{"persistedBlocks": 0, "persistedKeys": 71, "headerHeight": 0, "blockHeight": 0, "took": "765.955µs"}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.204+0300	INFO	new peer connected	{"addr": "", "peerCount": 2}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.204+0300	INFO	new peer connected	{"addr": "", "peerCount": 3}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.205+0300	INFO	new peer connected	{"addr": "", "peerCount": 4}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.205+0300	INFO	new peer connected	{"addr": "", "peerCount": 5}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.205+0300	INFO	started protocol	{"addr": "", "userAgent": "/NEO-GO:0.91.1-pre-657-gc13d6ecc/", "startHeight": 0, "id": 90708676}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.206+0300	WARN	peer disconnected	{"addr": "", "reason": "already connected", "peerCount": 4}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.206+0300	INFO	started protocol	{"addr": "", "userAgent": "/NEO-GO:0.91.1-pre-657-gc13d6ecc/", "startHeight": 0, "id": 410946741}
2020-12-17T14:51:56.207+0300	INFO	started protocol	{"addr": "", "userAgent": "/NEO-GO:0.91.1-pre-657-gc13d6ecc/", "startHeight": 0, "id": 4085957952}
2020-12-17T14:52:35.213+0300	INFO	blockchain persist completed	{"persistedBlocks": 1, "persistedKeys": 19, "headerHeight": 1, "blockHeight": 1, "took": "518.786µs"}
2020-12-17T14:52:50.217+0300	INFO	blockchain persist completed	{"persistedBlocks": 1, "persistedKeys": 19, "headerHeight": 2, "blockHeight": 2, "took": "384.966µs"}
2020-12-17T14:53:05.222+0300	INFO	blockchain persist completed	{"persistedBlocks": 1, "persistedKeys": 19, "headerHeight": 3, "blockHeight": 3, "took": "496.654µs"}

Step 4

Transfer some GAS from multisig account to our account.

  1. Create NEP-17 transfer transaction:

        $ ./bin/neo-go wallet nep17 transfer -w .docker/wallets/wallet1.json --out my_tx.json -r http://localhost:20331 --from NVTiAjNgagDkTr5HTzDmQP9kPwPHN5BgVq --to NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB --token GAS --amount 29999999


    • ./bin/neo-go runs neo-go
    • wallet nep17 transfer - command with arguments in neo-go
    • -w .docker/wallets/wallet1.json - path to the wallet for the first node in the private network
    • --out my_tx.json - output file for the signed transaction
    • -r http://localhost:20331 - RPC node endpoint
    • --from NVTiAjNgagDkTr5HTzDmQP9kPwPHN5BgVq - multisig account to transfer GAS from
    • --to NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB - our account from the wallet
    • --token GAS - transferred token name, which is GAS
    • --amount 29999999 - amount of GAS to transfer

    Enter the password one:

    Enter password >

    The result is transaction signed by the first node my_tx.json.

  2. Sign the created transaction using the second node address:

    $ ./bin/neo-go wallet sign -w .docker/wallets/wallet2.json --in my_tx.json --out my_tx2.json --address NVTiAjNgagDkTr5HTzDmQP9kPwPHN5BgVq


    • -w .docker/wallets/wallet2.json - path to the wallet for the second node in private network
    • --in my_tx.json - previously created transfer transaction
    • --out my_tx2.json - output file for the signed transaction
    • --address NVTiAjNgagDkTr5HTzDmQP9kPwPHN5BgVq - multisig account to sign the transaction

    Enter the password two:

    Enter password >

    The result is transaction signed by both first and second nodes.

  3. Sign the transaction using the third node address and push it to the chain:

    $ ./bin/neo-go wallet sign -w ./.docker/wallets/wallet3.json --in my_tx2.json --out my_tx3.json --address NVTiAjNgagDkTr5HTzDmQP9kPwPHN5BgVq -r http://localhost:20331

    Enter the password three:

    Enter password >

    The result is transaction signed by the first, second and third nodes and deployed to the chain.

  4. Check the balance:

    Now you should have 29999999 GAS on the balance of NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB account. To check the transfer was successfully submitted use getnep17transfers RPC call:

    curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getnep17transfers", "params": ["NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

    The result should look like the following:

   "result" : {
      "received" : [
            "txhash" : "0x7f1a2c41f0c03107f7a44ac510fa95fe11dde4c4994d30d61439f73f27e70f0d",
            "transfernotifyindex" : 0,
            "transferaddress" : "NVTiAjNgagDkTr5HTzDmQP9kPwPHN5BgVq",
            "blockindex" : 27,
            "timestamp" : 1657014304108,
            "amount" : "2999999900000000",
            "assethash" : "0xd2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf"
      "address" : "NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB",
      "sent" : []
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "id" : 1

Workshop. Part 1

Now you have all things done to write your first smart contract, deploy and invoke it. Let’s go!

Step 1

Use the "Hello World" smart contract contained in the repository in its own 1-print directory. The code is rather simple:

package main

import (

func Main() {
	runtime.Log("Hello, world!")

Contract configuration is available in the same directory, 1-print.yml.

Step 2

Compile "Hello World" smart contract:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract compile -i 1-print/1-print.go -c 1-print/1-print.yml -m 1-print/1-print.manifest.json


  • ./bin/neo-go runs neo-go
  • contract compile command with arguments in neo-go
  • -i 1-print/1-print.go path to smart contract
  • -c 1-print/1-print.yml path to configuration file
  • -m 1-print/1-print.manifest.json path to manifest file, which is required for smart contract deployment


Compiled smart-contract: 1-pring.nef and smart contract manifest 1-print.manifest.json

To dump all the opcodes, you can use:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract inspect -i 1-print/1-print.nef

Step 3

Deploy smart contract to the previously setup network:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract deploy -i 1-print/1-print.nef -manifest 1-print/1-print.manifest.json -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json


  • contract deploy is a command for deployment
  • -i 1-print/1-print.nef path to smart contract
  • -manifest 1-print/1-print.manifest.json smart contract manifest file
  • -r http://localhost:20331 node endpoint
  • -w my_wallet.json wallet to use to get the key for transaction signing (you can use one from the workshop repo)

Enter password qwerty for the account:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >

CLI will print transaction fees and ask for confirmation. Here and later enter y to relay the transaction:

Network fee: 0.0151452
System fee: 10.0104553
Total fee: 10.0256005
Relay transaction (y|N)> y


Sent invocation transaction b0436603d27d14e3aa27280e1bc2cdb17d4def8cb8cda2204c3b6a203203e6bf
Contract: bfad19135422aaddf2fc86f86ec5d4b1371e8e93

At this point your ‘Hello World’ contract is deployed and could be invoked. Let’s do it as a final step.

Step 4

Invoke contract.

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json bfad19135422aaddf2fc86f86ec5d4b1371e8e93 main


  • contract invokefunction runs invoke with provided parameters
  • -r http://localhost:20331 defines RPC endpoint used for function call
  • -w my_wallet.json is a wallet
  • bfad19135422aaddf2fc86f86ec5d4b1371e8e93 contract hash got as an output from the previous command (deployment in step 6)
  • main - method to be called

Enter password qwerty for account:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0117652
System fee: 0.0196731
Total fee: 0.0314383
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de

In the console where you were running step #5 you will get:

2022-07-05T12:52:49.413+0300	INFO	runtime log	{"tx": "60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de", "script": "bfad19135422aaddf2fc86f86ec5d4b1371e8e93", "msg": "Hello, world!"}

Which means that this contract was executed.

This is it. There are only 4 steps to make deployment and they look easy, aren’t they? Thank you!

Workshop. Part 2

In this part we'll look at RPC calls and try to write, deploy and invoke smart contract with storage. Let’s go!

RPC calls

Let's check what's going on under the hood. Each neo-go node provides an API interface for obtaining blockchain data from it. The interface is provided via JSON-RPC, and the underlying protocol uses HTTP for communication.

Full NEO JSON-RPC 3.0 API described here.

RPC-server of started in step #3 neo-go node is available on localhost:20331, so let's try to perform several RPC calls.


GetRawTransaction returns the corresponding transaction information, based on the specified hash value.

Request information about our deployment transaction:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getrawtransaction", "params": ["b0436603d27d14e3aa27280e1bc2cdb17d4def8cb8cda2204c3b6a203203e6bf", 1] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp


  • "jsonrpc": "2.0" is protocol version
  • "id": 1 is id of current request
  • "method": "getrawtransaction" is requested method
  • "params": ["b0436603d27d14e3aa27280e1bc2cdb17d4def8cb8cda2204c3b6a203203e6bf", 1] is an array of parameters, where
    • b0436603d27d14e3aa27280e1bc2cdb17d4def8cb8cda2204c3b6a203203e6bf is deployment transaction hash
    • 1 is verbose parameter for detailed JSON string output
  • json_pp just makes the JSON output prettier


   "id" : 1,
   "result" : {
      "nonce" : 2596996162,
      "sysfee" : "1001045530",
      "size" : 531,
      "attributes" : [],
      "blocktime" : 1657014649346,
      "script" : "DOZ7Im5hbWUiOiJIZWxsb1dvcmxkIGNvbnRyYWN0IiwiYWJpIjp7Im1ldGhvZHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJtYWluIiwib2Zmc2V0IjowLCJwYXJhbWV0ZXJzIjpbXSwicmV0dXJudHlwZSI6IlZvaWQiLCJzYWZlIjpmYWxzZX1dLCJldmVudHMiOltdfSwiZmVhdHVyZXMiOnt9LCJncm91cHMiOltdLCJwZXJtaXNzaW9ucyI6W10sInN1cHBvcnRlZHN0YW5kYXJkcyI6W10sInRydXN0cyI6W10sImV4dHJhIjpudWxsfQxjTkVGM25lby1nby0wLjk5LjEtcHJlLTEwMy1nM2ZiYzEzMzEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABUMDUhlbGxvLCB3b3JsZCFBz+dHlkCTKBNVEsAfDAZkZXBsb3kMFP2j+kNG6lMqJY/El92t22Q3yf3/QWJ9W1I=",
      "validuntilblock" : 51,
      "signers" : [
            "account" : "0x410b5658f92f9937ed7bdd4ba04c665d3bdbd8ae",
            "scopes" : "CalledByEntry"
      "netfee" : "1514520",
      "sender" : "NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB",
      "version" : 0,
      "confirmations" : 15,
      "witnesses" : [
            "invocation" : "DEDAFsqnEFjXighqESMUGAAZxR2vaDBpYfbMgH55C1Q8TFNl5AfQA7Cder+MCDjPLNu7S1KHqwp97XlZK2OpZGnf",
            "verification" : "DCEDhEhWuuSSNuCc7nLsxQhI8nFlt+UfY3oP0/UkYmdH7G5BVuezJw=="
      "blockhash" : "0x1fbfb494e669c03a4666fb8b2da9ed2f8205b07aabe55125311bb1f569e83d92",
      "hash" : "0xb0436603d27d14e3aa27280e1bc2cdb17d4def8cb8cda2204c3b6a203203e6bf",
      "vmstate" : "HALT"
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"


GetApplicationLog returns the contract log based on the specified transaction id.

Request application log for invocation transaction from step #4:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

With a single parameter:

  • 60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de - invocation transaction hash from step #7


   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "id" : 1,
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de",
      "executions" : [
            "gasconsumed" : "1967310",
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Any"
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "notifications" : []

Other Useful RPC calls

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5, "method": "getversion", "params": [] }' localhost:20331
curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5, "method": "getblockcount", "params": [] }' localhost:20331
curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5, "method": "getconnectioncount", "params": [] }' localhost:20331
curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 5, "method": "getcontractstate", "params": ["0xbfad19135422aaddf2fc86f86ec5d4b1371e8e93"] }' localhost:20331

List of supported by neo-go node RPC commands you can find here.


neo-go CLI provides query tx utility to check the transaction state. It uses getrawtransaction and getapplicationlog RPC calls under the hood and prints details of transaction invocation. Use query tx command to ensure transaction was accepted to the chain:

./bin/neo-go query tx 60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de -r http://localhost:20331 -v


  • 60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de - invocation transaction hash from step #7
  • -r http://localhost:20331 - RPC node endpoint
  • -v - verbose flag (enables transaction's signers, fees and script dumps)

The result is:

Hash:			60fbf79b06714e34a3f55e782bf509eedcc602661e49848f5611aaaf2f3442de
OnChain:		true
BlockHash:		da4b4959936208b4658136e338bec1608772cdd16124675efc4862d1b576cf74
Success:		true
Signer:			NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB (None)
SystemFee:		0.0196731 GAS
NetworkFee:		0.0117652 GAS
Script:			wh8MBG1haW4MFJOOHjex1MVu+Ib88t2qIlQTGa2/QWJ9W1I=
0        NEWARRAY0        <<
1        PUSH15       
2        PUSHDATA1    6d61696e ("main")
8        PUSHDATA1    938e1e37b1d4c56ef886fcf2ddaa22541319adbf
30       SYSCALL      System.Contract.Call (627d5b52)

From the OnChain field we can see that transaction was successfully accepted to the chain. Success field tells us whether transaction script was successfully executed, i.e. changes in tx has been persisted on chain and VM has HALT state after script execution.

Storage smart contract

Let's take a look at the another smart contract example: 2-storage.go. This contract is quite simple and, as the previous one, doesn't take any arguments. On the other hand, it is able to count the number of its own invocations by storing an integer value and increment it after each invocation. We are interested in this contract as far as it's able to store values, i.e. it has a storage which can be shared within all contract invocations. We have to pay some GAS for storage usage, the amount depends on the storage operation (e.g. put) and data size.

This contract also has a special internal _deploy method which is executed when the contract is deployed or updated. It should return no value and accept single bool argument which will be true on contract update. Our _deploy method is aimed to initialise the storage value with 0 when the contract will be deployed.

Now, when we learned about the storage, let's try to deploy and invoke our contract!

Step #1

Compile smart contract 2-storage.go:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract compile -i 2-storage/2-storage.go -c 2-storage/2-storage.yml -m 2-storage/2-storage.manifest.json


Compiled smart-contract: 2-storage.nef and smart contract manifest 2-storage.manifest.json

Step #2

Deploy compiled smart contract:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract deploy -i 2-storage/2-storage.nef -manifest 2-storage/2-storage.manifest.json -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json

... enter the password qwerty:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0210952
System fee: 10.0624424
Total fee: 10.0835376
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 58b98332ad8456da1ab6c9d162c1c557ed2ef85a67ae6bbec17e33cdad599c25
Contract: ccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741

Which means that our contract was deployed and now we can invoke it.

Let's check that the storage value was initialised with 0. Use getapplicaionlog RPC-call for the deployment transaction:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["58b98332ad8456da1ab6c9d162c1c557ed2ef85a67ae6bbec17e33cdad599c25"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

The JSON result is:

   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x58b98332ad8456da1ab6c9d162c1c557ed2ef85a67ae6bbec17e33cdad599c25",
      "executions" : [
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "notifications" : [
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "Buffer",
                           "value" : "U3RvcmFnZSBrZXkgbm90IHlldCBzZXQuIFNldHRpbmcgdG8gMA=="
                     "type" : "Array"
                  "eventname" : "info"
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "eventname" : "info",
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "U3RvcmFnZSBrZXkgaXMgaW5pdGlhbGlzZWQ=",
                           "type" : "Buffer"
                  "contract" : "0xfffdc93764dbaddd97c48f252a53ea4643faa3fd",
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "QSfoQDUB0EgGxWbz6RcDDUQz1cw=",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                     "type" : "Array"
                  "eventname" : "Deploy"
            "stack" : [
               ...skipped serialized contract representation...
            "gasconsumed" : "1006244000",
            "trigger" : "Application"
   "id" : 1

Pay attention to the notifications JSON field: it contains two info notifications with base64-encoded messages. To decode them just use echo string | base64 -d CLI command, e.g.:

$ echo U3RvcmFnZSBrZXkgbm90IHlldCBzZXQuIFNldHRpbmcgdG8gMA== | base64 -d

which results in Storage key not yet set. Setting to 0 and

$ echo U3RvcmFnZSBrZXkgaXMgaW5pdGlhbGlzZWQ= | base64 -d

which is Storage key is initialised.

Step #3

Let's invoke our contract. As far as we have never invoked this contract, it should increment value from the storage (which is 0) and put the new 1 value back into the storage. Let's check:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json ccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741 main

... enter the password qwerty:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0117652
System fee: 0.0717313
Total fee: 0.0834965
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction bf92dbe258d9113f2a0684b6c782566b5b7bcda7524b349e085beb99147d8dc1

To check the counter value, call getapplicaionlog RPC-call for the invocation transaction:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["bf92dbe258d9113f2a0684b6c782566b5b7bcda7524b349e085beb99147d8dc1"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

The JSON result is:

   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0xbf92dbe258d9113f2a0684b6c782566b5b7bcda7524b349e085beb99147d8dc1",
      "executions" : [
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "gasconsumed" : "7173130",
            "notifications" : [
                  "eventname" : "info",
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "VmFsdWUgcmVhZCBmcm9tIHN0b3JhZ2U=",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "U3RvcmFnZSBrZXkgYWxyZWFkeSBzZXQuIEluY3JlbWVudGluZyBieSAx",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                     "type" : "Array"
                  "eventname" : "info",
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741"
                  "eventname" : "info",
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "TmV3IHZhbHVlIHdyaXR0ZW4gaW50byBzdG9yYWdl"
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Integer",
                  "value" : "1"

Pay attention to notifications field. It contains messages, which where passed to runtime.Notify method. This one contains base64 byte arrays which can be decoded into 3 messages. To decode them just use echo string | base64 -d CLI command, e.g.:

$ echo VmFsdWUgcmVhZCBmcm9tIHN0b3JhZ2U= | base64 -d

which results in:

Value read from storage

So, these 3 messages are:

  • Value read from storage which was called after we've got the counter value from storage
  • Storage key already set. Incrementing by 1 which was called when we realised that counter value is 0
  • New value written into storage which was called after the counter value was put in the storage.

The final part is stack field. This field contains all returned by the contract values, so here you can see integer value 1, which is the counter value denoted to the number of contract invocations.

Step #4

To ensure that all works as expected, let's invoke the contract one more time and check, whether the counter will be incremented:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json ccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741 main

... enter the password qwerty:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0117652
System fee: 0.0717313
Total fee: 0.0834965
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 4edf5fcceef8fddd6c145cafaad52fee6ebe83f166d28c1ad862349182f5550d

To check the counter value, call getapplicaionlog RPC-call for the invocation transaction:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["4edf5fcceef8fddd6c145cafaad52fee6ebe83f166d28c1ad862349182f5550d"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

The JSON result is:

   "id" : 1,
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x4edf5fcceef8fddd6c145cafaad52fee6ebe83f166d28c1ad862349182f5550d",
      "executions" : [
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "notifications" : [
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "VmFsdWUgcmVhZCBmcm9tIHN0b3JhZ2U="
                     "type" : "Array"
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "eventname" : "info"
                  "eventname" : "info",
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "U3RvcmFnZSBrZXkgYWxyZWFkeSBzZXQuIEluY3JlbWVudGluZyBieSAx",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                     "type" : "Array"
                  "eventname" : "info",
                  "contract" : "0xccd533440d0317e9f366c50648d0013540e82741",
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "TmV3IHZhbHVlIHdyaXR0ZW4gaW50byBzdG9yYWdl"
                     "type" : "Array"
            "stack" : [
                  "value" : "2",
                  "type" : "Integer"
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "gasconsumed" : "7173130"
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

The stack field contains now 2 integer value, so the counter was incremented as we expected.

Workshop. Part 3

In this part we'll know about NEP-17 token standard and try to write, deploy and invoke more complicated smart contract. Let’s go!


NEP-17 is a token standard for the Neo blockchain that provides systems with a generalized interaction mechanism for tokenized smart contracts. The example with implementation of all required by the standard methods you can find in nep17.go

Let's take a view on the example of smart contract with NEP-17: token.go

This smart contract initialises nep17 token interface and takes operation string as a parameter, which is one of:

  • symbol returns ticker symbol of the token
  • decimals returns amount of decimals for the token
  • totalSupply returns total token * multiplier
  • balanceOf returns the token balance of a specific address and requires additional argument:
    • account which is requested address
  • transfer transfers token from one user to another and requires additional arguments:
    • from is account which you'd like to transfer tokens from
    • to is account which you'd like to transfer tokens to
    • amount is the amount of token to transfer
    • data is any additional parameter which shall be passed to onNEP17Payment method (if the receiver is a contract) Let's perform several operations with our contract.

Step #1

To compile token.go you can use configuration.

Compile smart contract:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract compile -i examples/token/token.go -c examples/token/token.yml -m examples/token/token.manifest.json

Deploy smart contract:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract deploy -i examples/token/token.nef -manifest examples/token/token.manifest.json -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json

... enter the password qwerty:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0308452
System fee: 10.0107577
Total fee: 10.0416029
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction ab6f934a5e2137d008613977b41b0a791e5497c2e97a2a84aed0bb684af2c5c3
Contract: c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a

Which means that our contract was deployed and now we can invoke it.

Step #2

Let's invoke the contract to perform different operations.

To start with, query Symbol of the created NEP-17 token:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a symbol


  • c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a is our contract hash from step #1
  • symbol is operation string which was described earlier and returns token symbol

... and don't forget the password of your account qwerty.


Network fee: 0.0117852
System fee: 0.0141954
Total fee: 0.0259806
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 1e9d018b4ea8fc3442229ae437bc8451e876216dd04a9c071672753437c9ada5

Now, let's take a detailed look at this invocation transaction with getapplicationlog RPC call:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["1e9d018b4ea8fc3442229ae437bc8451e876216dd04a9c071672753437c9ada5"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp


   "id" : 1,
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x1e9d018b4ea8fc3442229ae437bc8451e876216dd04a9c071672753437c9ada5",
      "executions" : [
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "stack" : [
                  "value" : "QU5U",
                  "type" : "ByteString"
            "notifications" : [],
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "gasconsumed" : "1419540"
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

At least, you can see that stack field of JSON result is not empty: it contains base64 byte array with the symbol of our token.

Following commands able you to get some additional information about token:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a decimals
$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a totalSupply

Step #3

Now it's time for more interesting things. First of all, let's check the balance of NEP-17 token on our account by using balanceOf:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a balanceOf NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB

... with qwerty password. The result is:

Network fee: 0.0120452
System fee: 0.0249927
Total fee: 0.0370379
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 2f9d830cfc52747c6d0658aeb25c75e334afd1e4badd1dc946c706a22a7d1e10

And take a closer look at the transaction's details with getapplicationlog RPC-call:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["2f9d830cfc52747c6d0658aeb25c75e334afd1e4badd1dc946c706a22a7d1e10"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp


   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x2f9d830cfc52747c6d0658aeb25c75e334afd1e4badd1dc946c706a22a7d1e10",
      "executions" : [
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Integer",
                  "value" : "0"
            "notifications" : [],
            "gasconsumed" : "2499270",
            "trigger" : "Application"

As far as stack field contains integer value 0, we have no token on the balance. But don't worry about that. Just follow the next step.

Step #4

Before we are able to start using our token (e.g. transfer it to someone else), we have to mint it. In other words, we should transfer all available amount of token (total supply) to someone's account. There's a special function for this purpose in our contract - Mint function. However, this function uses CheckWitness runtime syscall to check whether the caller of the contract is the owner and authorized to manage initial supply of tokens. That's the purpose of transaction's signers: checking given hash against the values provided in the list of signers. To pass this check we should add our account to transaction's signers list with CalledByEntry scope. So let's mint token to our address:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a mint NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB:CalledByEntry


  • -- is a special delimiter of transaction's cosigners list
  • NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB is the signer itself (which is our account)

... with qwerty pass. The result:

Network fee: 0.0119952
System fee: 0.1371123
Total fee: 0.1491075
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 9a54e07e54550e57ab9d7d1a1a001516ae2514bae23f6691632f2a3bc1c2d8b7

getapplicationlog RPC-call for this transaction tells us the following:

   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x9a54e07e54550e57ab9d7d1a1a001516ae2514bae23f6691632f2a3bc1c2d8b7",
      "executions" : [
            "stack" : [
                  "value" : true,
                  "type" : "Boolean"
            "notifications" : [
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "Any"
                           "value" : "rtjbO11mTKBL3XvtN5kv+VhWC0E=",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                           "type" : "Integer",
                           "value" : "1100000000000000"
                  "contract" : "0xc36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a",
                  "eventname" : "Transfer"
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "gasconsumed" : "13711230"
   "id" : 1

Here we have true at the stack field, which means that token was successfully minted. Let's just ensure that by querying balanceOf one more time:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a balanceOf NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB

... with qwerty pass. The result:

Network fee: 0.0120452
System fee: 0.0274533
Total fee: 0.0394985
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 870607e5bbffdaef9adb38cf4ca08125481554bf674d6a63e79c3779c924017c

... with the following getapplicationlog JSON message:

   "id" : 1,
   "result" : {
      "executions" : [
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "gasconsumed" : "2745330",
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Integer",
                  "value" : "1100000000000000"
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "notifications" : []
      "txid" : "0x870607e5bbffdaef9adb38cf4ca08125481554bf674d6a63e79c3779c924017c"
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

Now we can see integer value at the stack field, so 1100000000000000 is the NEP-17 token balance of our account.

Note, that token can be minted only once.

Step #5

After we are done with minting, it's possible to transfer token to someone else. Let's transfer 5 tokens from our account to NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm with transfer call:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a transfer NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm 500000000 null -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB:CalledByEntry

... with password qwerty and following result:

Network fee: 0.0123652
System fee: 0.1188695
Total fee: 0.1312347
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction a796fc3d5b75f6c5289aca9d2f77d6e50c5d9fdbd860068fb5771b99ff747e96

Our favourite getapplicationlog RPC-call tells us:

   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0xa796fc3d5b75f6c5289aca9d2f77d6e50c5d9fdbd860068fb5771b99ff747e96",
      "executions" : [
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Boolean",
                  "value" : true
            "gasconsumed" : "11886950",
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "notifications" : [
                  "eventname" : "Transfer",
                  "contract" : "0xc36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a",
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "rtjbO11mTKBL3XvtN5kv+VhWC0E="
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "50l6vFaauRKm8hPVkr3Aw2CeHQs="
                           "type" : "Integer",
                           "value" : "500000000"
            "trigger" : "Application"

Note, that stack field contains true, which means that token was successfully transferred. Let's now check the balance of NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm account to ensure that the amount of token on that account = 5:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json c36534b6b81621178980438c18796f23a463441a balanceOf NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm

The getapplicationlog RPC-call for this transaction tells us the following:

   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "txid" : "0x40f3f3c12d3eeba7e282bbaf76af944310b82504dcb3c09db3ea6c6d8418bb6b",
      "executions" : [
            "gasconsumed" : "2745330",
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Integer",
                  "value" : "500000000"
            "notifications" : []

Here we are! There are exactly 5 tokens at the stack field. You can also ensure that these 5 tokens were debited from NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB account by using balanceOf method.

Workshop. Part 4

In this part we'll summarise our knowledge about smart contracts by investigating 4-domain smart contract. This contract contains code for domain registration, transferring, deletion and getting information about registered domains.

Let’s go!

Step #1

Let's take a glance at our contract and inspect it. The contract takes an action string as the first parameter, which is one of the following:

  • register checks, whether domain with the specified name already exists. If not, it also adds the pair [domainName, owner] to the storage. It requires additional arguments:
    • domainName which is the new domain name.
    • owner - the 34-digit account address from our wallet, which will be used for contract invocation.
  • query returns the specified domain owner address (or false, if no such domain was registered). It requires the following argument:
    • domainName which is requested domain name.
  • transfer transfers domain with the specified name to the other address (of course, in case if you're the actual owner of the domain requested). It requires additional arguments:
    • domainName which is the name of domain you'd like to transfer.
    • toAddress - the account address you'd like to transfer the specified domain to.
  • delete deletes the specified domain from the storage. The arguments:
    • domainName which is the name of the domain you'd like to delete.

In the next steps we'll compile and deploy smart contract. After that we'll try to register new domain, transfer it to another account and query information about it.

Step #2

Compile smart contract 4-domain.go with configuration

$ ./bin/neo-go contract compile -i 4-domain/4-domain.go -c 4-domain/4-domain.yml -m 4-domain/4-domain.manifest.json

... and deploy it:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract deploy -i 4-domain/4-domain.nef --manifest 4-domain/4-domain.manifest.json -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json

... enter the password qwerty:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0303652
System fee: 10.0107577
Total fee: 10.0411229
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 69548dfecf70c190e2bc872aa210d53ff7faa7956074154c90a27d4c94420562
Contract: 9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7

You know, what it means :)

Step #3

Invoke the contract to register domain with name my_first_domain:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json 9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7 register my_first_domain NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB:CalledByEntry

... the strongest password in the world, guess: qwerty

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0122052
System fee: 0.0894353
Total fee: 0.1016405
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction d9f05af09ee497ceb523be3274483143f83f7f24038f37799a962c8dee640357

Also you can see the log message in the console, where you run neo-go node:

2022-07-05T13:42:36.592+0300	INFO	runtime log	{"tx": "d9f05af09ee497ceb523be3274483143f83f7f24038f37799a962c8dee640357", "script": "9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7", "msg": "RegisterDomain: my_first_domain"}

Well, that's ok. Let's check now, whether our domain was registered with getapplicationlog RPC-call:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["d9f05af09ee497ceb523be3274483143f83f7f24038f37799a962c8dee640357"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

The result is:

   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "executions" : [
            "stack" : [
                  "type" : "Boolean",
                  "value" : true
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "notifications" : [
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "rtjbO11mTKBL3XvtN5kv+VhWC0E=",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                           "value" : "bXlfZmlyc3RfZG9tYWlu",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                  "contract" : "0x9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7",
                  "eventname" : "registered"
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "gasconsumed" : "8943530"
      "txid" : "0xd9f05af09ee497ceb523be3274483143f83f7f24038f37799a962c8dee640357"
   "id" : 1

Especially, we're interested in two fields of the json:

First one is notifications field, which contains one notification with registered name:

  • bXlfZmlyc3RfZG9tYWlu byte string in base64 representation, which can be decoded to my_first_domain - our domain's name
  • ecv/0NH0e0cStm0wWBgjCxMyaok= byte array, which can be decoded to the account address NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB.

The second field is stack with true value, which was returned by the smart contract.

All of these values let us be sure that our domain was successfully registered.

Step #4

Invoke the contract to query the address information our my_first_domain domain:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json 9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7 query my_first_domain

... the pass qwerty:

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0119552
System fee: 0.0412161
Total fee: 0.0531713
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 4d1b15e3c891b4e5efe6f093e54c1090476dc0ed0069b228f58578c9360ee1f2

and log-message:

2022-07-05T13:44:21.681+0300	INFO	runtime log	{"tx": "4d1b15e3c891b4e5efe6f093e54c1090476dc0ed0069b228f58578c9360ee1f2", "script": "9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7", "msg": "QueryDomain: my_first_domain"}

Let's check this transaction with getapplicationlog RPC call:

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["4d1b15e3c891b4e5efe6f093e54c1090476dc0ed0069b228f58578c9360ee1f2"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

... which gives us the following result:

   "result" : {
      "executions" : [
            "stack" : [
                  "value" : "rtjbO11mTKBL3XvtN5kv+VhWC0E=",
                  "type" : "ByteString"
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "gasconsumed" : "4121610",
            "notifications" : [],
            "vmstate" : "HALT"
      "txid" : "0x4d1b15e3c891b4e5efe6f093e54c1090476dc0ed0069b228f58578c9360ee1f2"
   "id" : 1,
   "jsonrpc" : "2.0"

with base64 interpretation of our account address NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB on the stack, which means that domain my_first_domain was registered by the owner with received account address.

Step #5

Invoke the contract to transfer domain to the other account (e.g. account with NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm address):

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json 9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7 transfer my_first_domain NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB

... the password: qwerty

Enter account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB password >


Network fee: 0.0122052
System fee: 0.0748064
Total fee: 0.0870116
Relay transaction (y|N)> y
Sent invocation transaction 937ec7539a31246ff88eb0bdda74cf7d9613d4a8ad1b7b33f0a785e458d76a14

and log-message:

2022-07-05T13:46:06.746+0300	INFO	runtime log	{"tx": "937ec7539a31246ff88eb0bdda74cf7d9613d4a8ad1b7b33f0a785e458d76a14", "script": "9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7", "msg": "TransferDomain: my_first_domain"}

Perfect. And getapplicationlog RPC-call...

curl -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "getapplicationlog", "params": ["937ec7539a31246ff88eb0bdda74cf7d9613d4a8ad1b7b33f0a785e458d76a14"] }' localhost:20331 | json_pp

... tells us:

   "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
   "result" : {
      "executions" : [
            "vmstate" : "HALT",
            "gasconsumed" : "7480640",
            "trigger" : "Application",
            "stack" : [
                  "value" : true,
                  "type" : "Boolean"
            "notifications" : [
                  "contract" : "0x9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7",
                  "eventname" : "deleted",
                  "state" : {
                     "type" : "Array",
                     "value" : [
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "rtjbO11mTKBL3XvtN5kv+VhWC0E="
                           "type" : "ByteString",
                           "value" : "bXlfZmlyc3RfZG9tYWlu"
                  "eventname" : "registered",
                  "state" : {
                     "value" : [
                           "value" : "50l6vFaauRKm8hPVkr3Aw2CeHQs=",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                           "value" : "bXlfZmlyc3RfZG9tYWlu",
                           "type" : "ByteString"
                     "type" : "Array"
                  "contract" : "0x9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7"
      "txid" : "0x937ec7539a31246ff88eb0bdda74cf7d9613d4a8ad1b7b33f0a785e458d76a14"
   "id" : 1

The notifications field contains two events:

  • First one with name deleted and additional information (domain my_first_domain was deleted from account NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB),
  • Second one with name registered and additional information (domain my_first_domain was registered with account NgzuJWWGVEwFGsRrgzj8knswEYRJrTe7sm). The stack field contains true value, which means that our domain was successfully transferred.

Step #6

The last call is delete, so you can try to create the other domain, e.g. my_second_domain and then remove it from storage with:

$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json 9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7 register my_second_domain NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB:CalledByEntry
$ ./bin/neo-go contract invokefunction -r http://localhost:20331 -w my_wallet.json 9042814f07d65d2b835fa1f07d21c22c6e1cbdf7 delete my_second_domain -- NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB

Workshop. Part 5

In this part we'll take a look at the example of a decentralized application for the Neo ecosystem written in Go. The example demonstrates how to use NeoGo RPC Client and a set of helpers to work with wallets, deployments, invocations, data retrieval, blockchain events, auto-generated smart contract RPC bindings and such.

Step #1

Ensure that private network created at the Preparation part step is up and running. We'll also need a NbrUYaZgyhSkNoRo9ugRyEMdUZxrhkNaWB account from the wallet with some GAS on it. Take a look at the dApp example: dApp.go. The example includes all basic API usages you need to be aware of to start your dApp development for Neo:

Carefully read the dApp example and comments to the blocks of code. Follow the provided links and read the corresponding documentation. Before running the example, clone the NeoGo repo to the same folder where the workshop repo is placed and compile the example Storage contract:

$ git clone
$ cd neo-go
$ make build
$ ./bin/neo-go contract compile -i ./examples/storage/storage.go -c ./examples/storage/storage.yml -o examples/storage/storage.nef -m ./examples/storage/storage.manifest.json

The last preparation step is to check that variable transferTxH contains the actual hash of GAS transfer transaction from the Preparation part.

Step #2

Change working directory to the dApp package and run the dApp.go example:

$ cd ./dApp
$ go run dApp.go 

Inspect the resulting output in the console, investigate the dApp example code snippets and build your own dApp for Neo!

Thank you!

Useful links


NeoGo smartcontracts workshop






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