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flexi training environment

This repo sets up a training environment using Open OnDemand within the NeSI RDC platform using Terraform and Ansible.

Terraform and Ansible need to be installed on your system to run this.

This setup also requires Kubernetes Cluster API to be running within your NeSI RDC project. To bootstrap one we have the following repo to get you started NeSI RDC CAPI Bootstrap.

You also need to install kubectl on your system.


Configure Terraform using environment variables:

export TF_VAR_key_pair="NeSI_RDC_KEYPAIR_NAME"
export TF_VAR_key_file="/path/to/nesi-rdc/private_key"
export TF_VAR_vm_user="ubuntu"


  • NeSI_RDC_KEYPAIR_NAME is your Key Pair name that is setup in NeSI RDC
  • NeSI_RDC_KEYFILE is the local location for your ssh key

You will need to download the clouds.yaml file from the NeSI RDC dashboard and place it in ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml so that Terraform can authenticate with NeSI RDC. It is recommended that you use Application Credentials rather then your own credentials.

At the end of your clouds.yaml file ensure you ahve the line verify: false example below

      application_credential_id: "SECRET"
      application_credential_secret: "SUPER_SECRET"
    region_name: "akl-1"
    interface: "public"
    identity_api_version: 3
    auth_type: "v3applicationcredential"
    verify: false

Set environment variables for authenticating with the object store (for the state file), e.g.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="EC2_User_Access_Token"
export AWS_SECRET_KEY="EC2_User_Secret_Token"


  • EC2_User_Access_Token is set to your EC2 access token
  • EC2_User_Secret_Token is set to your EC2 secret token

If you don't have any EC2 credentials then use the following CLI command to generate new ones:

openstack ec2 credentials create

Set environment variables for authenticating with AWS Route 53



  • AWS_ROUTE53_KEY is set to your AWS access token
  • AWS_ROUTE53_SECRET is set to your AWS secret token

Install Ansible dependencies:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Copy template ondemand config and edit:

cp vars/ondemand-config.yml.example vars/ondemand-config.yml

and edit, in particular set oidc_settings.OIDCCryptoPassphrase with a randomly generated password, e.g. the output of openssl rand -hex 40. Also change keycloak_admin_password and ldap_admin_password.

You will also need the kube config from the CAPI cluster to so you can create k8s clusters, this should reside within ~/.kube/config, if running as root then under /root/.kube/config

Note about terraform workspaces

The terraform workspace must have already been created before running the below command. This will always be the case for the "default" workspace but if you want to create another workspace you should do it manually by running:

cd terraform
terraform init
terraform workspace select -or-create=true <workspace_name>

Then continuing with the ansible-playbook command below, substituting in the name of your workspace instead of "default".

Destroy environment

To destroy a previously created environment run:

./ destroy [workspace_name]

Create the environment

First, create the terraform resources:

./ create [workspace_name]

By default 2 training user accounts will be created, training1 and training2. Passwords for these users will be stored in the users sub-directory:

$ ls users/
password_training1.txt  password_training2.txt

More users can be added by changing the num_users_create variable in vars/ondemand-config.yml.

Separate trainer user accounts are also created, controlled by num_trainers_create in vars/ondemand-config.yml. The trainer accounts differ in that they have read access to all the home directories of the training users.

You will need to modify your hosts file with the IP addresses from host.ini, on Linux this file is /etc/hosts, on Windows it is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

# /etc/hosts snippet

# this one should be the IP for webnode from host.ini ood.flexi.nesi

# this one should be the IP for servicesnode from host.ini ood-idp.flexi.nesi

Connect via https://ood.flexi.nesi.