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working with ModularSensors src

neilh edited this page Nov 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

( the way this works I'm still discovering, if I've got it wrong or there is a shorter way please let me know)

For changes to ModularSensors\src, these are not included directly in the build.
The platformio uses "lib_deps =" to gather the src.
For a standard release it looks like this
lib_deps =

This can be replaced by the source of where you want it to come from
lib_deps =
or could be a specific commit, obtained from "git log -1"

Assuming building and working in ModularSensors\examples\logging_to_EnviroDIY,
the src is in ModularSensors\examples\logging_to_EnviroDIY.piolibdeps\EnviroDIY_ModularSensors\src
Copy the files into ModularSensors\examples\logging_to_EnviroDIY\lib\ModularSensors...
Modify, build and test them here. Changes can be seen with
$git status
Then when complete, merge them into the files ModularSensors\src and submit them back to git.

Merge changes

With an active development, changes in need to be updated and merge in to Git is very good at this, and unless the exact same two lines are changed together it is usually very easy.
Git calls this a 'conflict' and requires manual merging. Normally the process in your own repo $ git pull #see

It can be a complex time to merge conflicts - and beyond this description here - but having the multiple repos, stages the changes and I've found allows me to compare and manage the changes to all merge together.