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System wide autocorrect

Python script that automatically corrects text as you type.
Uses hunspell or aspell to check for mistakes and obtain correction.


This script can be run individually or as service on Linux and Windows 10 and 11, on Linux it works with Wayland and X11.
Aspell package is required on Linux.
Aspell-win32 is required on Windows.
Default toggle ON/OFF key combination is CTRL+SHIFT+E.
Default language cycle key combination is CTRL+SHIFT+R.
Default blacklist word key combination is CTRL+SHIFT+B.
To blacklist word, type it, but don't press space, then press key combination.
Blacklisted words are saved in blacklist.json which can be found next to config.ini.
Custom replacements can be added in custom directory, for each language.
Keyboard layout in your system must be changed to matching language.



Notes: everything must be installed as root, including evdev.
Dependencies that must be manually installed: python-evdev, hunspell/aspell. and requirements.txt are for Windows.
config.ini is in /etc/autocorrect/config.ini

Linux - Service

This will install dependencies and configure script as service that runs at startup.

git clone
cd SystemAutocorrect
sudo pip install evdev
# if environment is externally managed:
sudo pacman -S python-evdev
# install dependancy: hunspell or aspell, with your package manager

Linux - Manual

If you don't want it to be installed as service:

git clone
cd SystemAutocorrect
sudo pip install evdev
# if environment is externally managed:
sudo pacman -S python-evdev
# install dependancy: hunspell or aspell, with your package manager
# Then just run:
sudo python
# or add it as system command:
sudo cp /usr/local/sbin/autocorrect
# in that case, also create config:
sudo mkdir /etc/autocorrect/
sudo cp config.ini /etc/autocorrect/config.ini


When run, no window will be open, so if you want to stop it, you must kill it from task manager.
Dependency that must be manually installed: aspell-win32. Don't install x64 version.
Dictionary for specific language must be installed alongside aspell base program.
Autocorrect WILL NOT WORK without aspell and dictionary.
install.shm and autocorrect.service are for Linux.

Windows - Build

  1. Install Python
  2. Clone this repository, unzip it
  3. Open terminal, cd to unzipped folder
  4. install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run build script: python

Windows - Run from source

Same as above, but instead python run: python


For linux, config is searched for in 2 locations: /etc/autocorrect/config.ini and in same dir as script file.
For Windows, aspell installation path may be different, so make sure it is correct in config.ini

Adding languages

Languages that have irregular characters, with diacritics, etc. must have kaymap.
Language must be installed in order to be used with aspell.
For Linux: check (eg. aspell-en) with your package manager (also on AUR for Arch), alternatively languages can be downloaded here. See readme in downloaded archive for install instructions. For Windows: languages can be downloaded from aspell-win32 repo. To install language, run downloaded exe file.
Added languages can be added in config.ini to be cycled when key combination is pressed. Leave only one language to use instead english.

Language keymaps

Languages with irregular characters, with diacritics, etc. must have keymap in keymaps directory (can be found next to config.ini).
Keymap is used to remap this character to its keyboard key. For example german letter "Ü" is remapped to "[".
Also note that keyboard layout in your system must be changed to matching language.
If language is not in keymaps directory, you can write your own keymap, see
WARNING: On Windows, aspell may return text in wrong encoding, which will cause some letters to be written in byte format, or even crash autocorrect.

Custom replacements

Similar to language keymaps, for each language you can specify custom replacements list.
Word to replace and replaced word will not be processed through aspell.
Replacements are located in custom directory.
See for details on editing.
Custom replacements can be blacklisted.

How it works

Keyboard module is used to record typed text. After space or enter key is recorded, typed word is sent to aspell, who returns corrected word. Then using pynput: backspace is pressed to delete old word and type new one, really fast.


Skip after click
Automatically add word to dictionary
Record capital letters
Capitalize after ". "