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Morpho Blue Points SDK

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The Morpho Blue Points SDK facilitates the distribution and management of points within the ecosystems of Morpho and MetaMorpho users. It provides tools to accurately and efficiently compute and distribute these units of measure, enhancing rewards distribution over market positions.


  • Shard: A unit of measure representing a user's participation in a market. Users accrue 1e-6 points per market share per second. The precision of points equals the precision of underlying market shares plus six decimal places. For example, the precision for supply points in a market with USDC as the loan asset is 18 (6+6+6).

Points are used for proportion computations due to their precision.


Distribute points on the user markets

The primary feature is the distribution of points to users based on their market positions over time. This process utilizes a subgraph for indexing points.

To do so, you have to use a subgraph that is indexing the points. You can check an example here

import { getSnapshotFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getSnapshotFromSubgraph(subgraphUrl, {
    lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
    timestamp: 1707488903,

  //dump the full state.

Compute the points between two snapshots

Generally, you need to compute the points between two timestamps. To do so, you can use the following function:

import { getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  //dump the full state.

retrieve the user points

The computation is redistributing to all the users.

import { getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  const userAddress = "0x12345";
  const userPointsPerMarkets = Object.values(pointsState.positions).filter(
    ({ user }) => user === userAddress

  const userPointsPerMetaMorpho = Object.values(pointsState.metaMorphoPositions).filter(
    ({ user }) => user === userAddress

  //dump the full state.
  console.log(userPointsPerMarkets, userPointsPerMetaMorpho);

Note: The metamorpho points are not the markets points. They represent the proportion of the user inside of the metamorpho vault. If you want to recover the markets points earned through the metamorpho vault, you have to check the redistribution section


Redistribute the points of the MetaMorpho vaults

MetaMorpho vaults acts as a proxy of multiple users and are accumulating points as the supply position on the morpho market is the vault itself. If you want to compute the markets points of the vault users, you have to redistribute the points.

After a redistribution, metamorpho users have now a virtual position on blue with their market points accrued through the vault. We substract all the points redistributed to the vault position. Due to some approximation, the vault can have a small amount of points that are not redistributed.

Note: if the user has a position in the market, the points are summed with the market points earned through the vault.

import { redistributeMetaMorpho, getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  const redistributedPoints = redistributeMetaMorpho(pointsState);

  //dump the full state.

There is also the possibility to redistribute only for a specific vault, and also a specific market if needed.

Redistribute the points of a MetaMorpho vault as collateral.

Morpho supports MetaMorpho as collateral in his model. It means that the Vault shares are transmitted to Morpho. In this case, Morpho itself is accruing vault points.

You can redistribute these points to the users that are using MetaMorpho as collateral. This is creating virtual vault positions for the users that are using the shares as collateral.

import { redistributeVaultAsCollateral, getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  const { metaMorphoPositions } = redistributeVaultAsCollateral(pointsState);

  //dump the metamorpho positions state.

Redistribute all markets points

Generally, you will need to redistribute all the market points. To do so, you have to first redistribute vault points if they are used as collateral, and then redistribute to metamorpho users. There is an helper function to do that:

import { redistributeAll, getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  const { positions } = redistributeAll(pointsState);

  //dump the positions state.


Modules are functions that take a state and return a modified state. They are used to modify the state to add custom functionalities.

Blacklist module

The blacklist module remove all the points earned by a user (market & metamorpho points).

import { blacklistingAddress, getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  const blackListedAddress = "0x"; // Can also be an array of addresses.
  const stateWithoutBlackListed = blacklistingAddress(pointsState, blackListedAddress);
  //dump the full state.


Checkers permits to apply some checks on the state. For example you can check if the market points are consistent with the sum of the positions points

import { checkPointsConsistency, getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: subgraphUrl,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,

  const { hasInconsistencies } = checkPointsConsistency(pointsState);

since there is no division on the points accounting, the points should always be consistent.

The consistency checkers are returning the state with the market & the vault points reduced from the positions. It can help you to dump the state and check the inconsistencies.

Quorum security

The main security concern of this kind of distribution mechanism is the reliability of a subgraph. To mitigate that, you can fetch multiple states from different subgraphs and check if the states are the same.

import { getTimeframeFromSubgraph } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraphUrl: string) => {
  const satsumaSubgraphUrl = "";
  const selfHostedSubgraphUrl = "";
  const hostedServiceUrl = "";
  const pointsState = await getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
    subgraphs: [
        url: satsumaSubgraphUrl,
        init: {
          headers: {
            "X-API-KEY": process.env.SATSUMA_API_KEY!,
        url: selfHostedSubgraphUrl,
        init: {
          headers: {
            token: "Bearer " + process.env.SELF_HOSTED_API_KEY!,
    from: {
      lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
      timestamp: 1704895619,
    to: {
      lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
      timestamp: 1707488903,



The client is a simple way to interact with the points. It provides you getters, loaders, and a modular way to interact with the points.

import { PointsClient, RedistributorModule } from "@morpho-org/blue-points-sdk";

const distribute = async (subgraph: string) => {

  const client = await PointsClient.getTimeframeFromSubgraph({
        subgraphs: subgraph,
        from: {
          lastBlockNumber: 18977038,
          timestamp: 1704895619,
        to: {
          lastBlockNumber: 19191167,
          timestamp: 1707488903,
        filters: {
          markets: ["0x12345"], // All markets by default
          metaMorphos: ["0x12345"], // All metamorphos by default
          users: ["0x12345"], // All users by default
        modules: [new RedistributorModule()],
  const { markets, metaMorphos } = client.getAllUserPoints("0x12345");
  console.log(markets, metaMorphos);