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Gatos – Backend

This monorepo contains the backend component of Gatos.


  • {names withheld}

Deployed Software

The backend component is deployed at however users will not directly interact with this.

Please see the frontend README about how to access the software.


Quick Start

You must provide some secrets in a .env file in the root of the project, the following variables are required (learn more about how to create these here):

AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=[Auth0 client ID]
AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=[Auth0 client secret]
AUTH0_ISSUER=[Auth0 issuer URL]
AUTH0_AUDIENCE=[Auth0 API audience]
AUTH0_TOKEN_URL=[Auth0 API token URL, looks like https://<domain>/oauth/token]
AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_AUDIENCE=[Auth0 Management API audience]
DISCORD_TOKEN=[Discord token]

Start the API:

dotenv ./gradlew :api:bootRun

To run and generate a run configuration for the backend in IntelliJ you can open api/src/main/java/club/mondaylunch/gatos/api/ and press the play button.

The API will be available at http://localhost:8080.

Building for Production

This repository comes equipped with CI to automatically build production Docker images from the main branch.

To build this yourself, simply run:

docker build -t -f Dockerfile.api .

You may want to use a different tag, but this will replace your deployment image if you are using the default configuration.

Run Tests

./gradlew :api:test

To run and generate a run configuration for the backend tests in IntelliJ, ctrl click all the test folders in all the modules, right-click one of them, and select Run 'All Tests'.

Reference List

Some code has been taken from library documentation, this is mentioned where relevant in the code.