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BLE_p2pServer Application Description

How to demonstrate Point-to-Point communication using BLE (as GATT server).

p2pServer application advertises and waits for a connection from either:

  • p2pClient application running on STM32WBAxx devices
  • ST BLE Toolbox smartphone application

Once connected, p2pServer can receive message from the Client and send notification to it.


Connectivity, BLE, BLE protocol, BLE pairing, BLE profile

Directory contents

  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/app_common.h App Common application configuration file for STM32WPAN Middleware
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/app_conf.h Application configuration file for STM32WPAN Middleware
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/app_entry.h Interface to the application
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/main.h Header for main.c file. This file contains the common defines of the application
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/stm32wbaxx_hal_conf.h HAL configuration file
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/stm32wbaxx_it.h This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/stm32wbaxx_nucleo_conf.h STM32WBAXX nucleo board configuration file. This file should be copied to the application folder and renamed to stm32wbaxx_nucleo_conf.h
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Inc/utilities_conf.h Header for configuration file for STM32 Utilities
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/app_ble.h Header for ble application
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/ble_conf.h Configuration file for BLE Middleware
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/ble_dbg_conf.h Debug configuration file for BLE Middleware
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/p2p_server.h Header for p2p_server.c
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/p2p_server_app.h Header for p2p_server_app.c
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/bpka.h This file contains the interface of the BLE PKA module
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/host_stack_if.h This file contains the interface for the stack tasks
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/ll_sys_if.h Header file for ll_sys_if.c
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/ADC_Ctrl/adc_ctrl_conf.h Configuration Header for ADC controller module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/CRC_Ctrl/crc_ctrl_conf.h Configuration Header for CRC controller module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Debug_GPIO/app_debug.h Real Time Debug module application APIs and signal table
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Debug_GPIO/app_debug_signal_def.h Real Time Debug module application signal definition
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Debug_GPIO/debug_config.h Real Time Debug module general configuration file
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Flash/simple_nvm_arbiter_conf.h Configuration header for simple_nvm_arbiter.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Log/log_module.h Configuration Header for log module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/LowPower/app_sys.h Header for app_sys.c
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/LowPower/peripheral_init.h Header for peripheral init module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/LowPower/user_low_power_config.h Header for user_low_power_config.c
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/hw.h This file contains the interface of STM32 HW drivers
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/hw_if.h Hardware Interface
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/stm32_lpm_if.h Header for stm32_lpm_if.c module (device specific LP management)
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/timer_if.h configuration of the timer_if.c instances
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/usart_if.h Header file for stm32_adv_trace interface file
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/adc_ctrl.h Header for ADC client manager module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/ble_timer.h This header defines the timer functions used by the BLE stack
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/crc_ctrl.h Header for CRC client manager module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/dbg_trace.h Header for dbg_trace.c
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/otp.h Header file for One Time Programmable (OTP) area
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/scm.h Header for scm.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/stm_list.h Header file for linked list library
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/temp_measurement.h Header file for temperature measurement module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/utilities_common.h Common file to utilities
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/baes/baes.h This file contains the interface of the basic AES software module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/baes/baes_global.h This file contains the internal definitions of the AES software module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/flash_driver.h Header for flash_driver.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/flash_manager.h Header for flash_manager.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/rf_timing_synchro.h Header for rf_timing_synchro.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/simple_nvm_arbiter.h Header for simple_nvm_arbiter.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/simple_nvm_arbiter_common.h Common header of simple_nvm_arbiter.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/MemoryManager/advanced_memory_manager.h Header for advance_memory_manager.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/MemoryManager/stm32_mm.h Header for stm32_mm.c module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Nvm/nvm.h This file contains the interface of the NVM manager
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RFControl/rf_antenna_switch.h RF related module to handle dedictated GPIOs for antenna switch
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RTDebug/debug_signals.h Real Time Debug module System and Link Layer signal definition
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RTDebug/local_debug_tables.h Real Time Debug module System and Link Layer signal
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RTDebug/RTDebug.h Real Time Debug module API declaration
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RTDebug/RTDebug_dtb.h Real Time Debug module API declaration for DTB usage
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/SerialCmdInterpreter/serial_cmd_interpreter.h Header file for the serial commands interpreter module
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Src/app_entry.c Entry point of the application
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Src/main.c Main program body
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Src/stm32wbaxx_hal_msp.c This file provides code for the MSP Initialization and de-Initialization codes
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Src/stm32wbaxx_it.c Interrupt Service Routines
  • BLE_p2pServer/Core/Src/system_stm32wbaxx.c CMSIS Cortex-M33 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/app_ble.c BLE Application
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/p2p_server.c p2p_server definition
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/App/p2p_server_app.c p2p_server_app application definition
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/bleplat.c This file implements the platform functions for BLE stack library
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/bpka.c This file implements the BLE PKA module
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/host_stack_if.c Source file for the stack tasks
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/linklayer_plat.c Source file for the linklayer plateform adaptation layer
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/ll_sys_if.c Source file for initiating the system sequencer
  • BLE_p2pServer/STM32_WPAN/Target/power_table.c This file contains supported power tables
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/ADC_Ctrl/adc_ctrl_conf.c Source for ADC client controller module configuration file
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/CRC_Ctrl/crc_ctrl_conf.c Source for CRC client controller module configuration file
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Debug_GPIO/app_debug.c Real Time Debug module application side APIs
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/Log/log_module.c Source file of the log module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/LowPower/user_low_power_config.c Low power related user configuration
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Config/LowPower/peripheral_init.c Source for peripheral init module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/hw_aes.c This file contains the AES driver for STM32WBA
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/hw_otp.c This file contains the OTP driver
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/hw_pka.c This file contains the PKA driver for STM32WBA
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/hw_rng.c This file contains the RNG driver for STM32WBA
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/pka_p256.c This file is an optional part of the PKA driver for STM32WBA. It is dedicated to the P256 elliptic curve
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/stm32_lpm_if.c Low layer function to enter/exit low power modes (stop, sleep)
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/timer_if.c Configure RTC Alarm, Tick and Calendar manager
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Interfaces/usart_if.c Source file for interfacing the stm32_adv_trace to hardware
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/adc_ctrl.c Header for ADC client manager module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/app_sys.c Application system for STM32WPAN Middleware
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/ble_timer.c This module implements the timer core functions
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/crc_ctrl.c Source for CRC client controller module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/otp.c Source file for One Time Programmable (OTP) area
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/scm.c Functions for the System Clock Manager
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/stm_list.c TCircular Linked List Implementation
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/temp_measurement.c Temperature measurement module
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/baes/baes_cmac.c This file contains the AES CMAC implementation
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/baes/baes_ecb.c This file contains the AES ECB functions implementation
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/flash_driver.c The Flash Driver module is the interface layer between Flash management modules and HAL Flash drivers
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/flash_manager.c The Flash Manager module provides an interface to write raw data from SRAM to FLASH
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/rf_timing_synchro.c The RF Timing Synchronization module provides an interface to synchronize the flash processing versus the RF activity to make sure the RF timing is not broken
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Flash/simple_nvm_arbiter.c The Simple NVM arbiter module provides an interface to write and/or restore data from SRAM to FLASH with use of NVMs
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/MemoryManager/advanced_memory_manager.c Memory Manager
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/MemoryManager/stm32_mm.c Memory Manager
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/Nvm/nvm_emul.c This file implements the RAM version of the NVM manager for STM32WBX. It is made for test purpose
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RFControl/rf_antenna_switch.c RF related module to handle dedictated GPIOs for antenna switch
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RTDebug/RTDebug.c Real Time Debug module API definition
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/RTDebug/RTDebug_dtb.c Real Time Debug module API definition for DTB usage
  • BLE_p2pServer/System/Modules/SerialCmdInterpreter/serial_cmd_interpreter.c Source file for the serial commands interpreter module

Hardware and Software environment

  • This application runs on STM32WBA55 Nucleo board.
  • Another Nucleo board may be necessary to run p2pClient or p2pRouter application.

How to use it?

In order to make the program work, you must do the following :

  • Open your preferred toolchain
  • Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
  • Run the example

You can interact with p2pServer application with a smartphone:

  • Install and launch ST BLE Toolbox application on android or iOS smartphone

  • Open ST BLE Toolbox application: select the P2PS_WBAxx in the device list, where xx is the 2 last digits of the BD ADDRESS.

  • On p2pServer device B1 click, a notification message is sent toward connected smartphone.

  • On smartphone interface, click on the LED icon to switch On/Off LED1 of the Nucleo board.

Antother possibility is to interact with p2pServer application with another STM32WBA55 Nucleo board:

  • Power up p2pClient devices next to p2pServer device.

  • On p2pClient device, click on button B1 to launch a scan. A connection is initiated if a p2pServer device is detected.

    • On p2pServer device, click on button B1 to send a notification message toward connected p2pClient device.
    • On p2pClient device, click on button B1, to write a message toward connected p2pServer device.
  • Adertising is stopped after 60s, button B1 click allows to restart it.

  • When not connected, button B2 click allows to clear security database.

  • Once connected, button B3 click allows to update connection interval parameters.

Multi connection support:

  • Pressing button B2 while the device is already connected starts a new advertising to allow multi-connection.