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i18next for Solid

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The purpose of this library is to provide ability to support i18next library in Solid applications with <TransProvider /> and <Trans /> components.

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
    1. Simple Example
    2. Add Resources
    3. Change a Language
    4. T Function
    5. i18next Plugins and Utils
    6. i18next Instance
  2. Interpolation
    1. Nested JSX
    2. Pluralization
  3. API
    1. Components
    2. Utilities



npm install @mbarzda/solid-i18next i18next --save

Simple Example

<TransProvider /> must wrap Solid application's most parent component (e.g. <App />). <Trans /> component's key property is mandatory.

Default value can be wrapped with <Trans /> component or set with options or children property.

// esm
import { TransProvider, Trans } from '@mbarzda/solid-i18next';

// cjs
const { TransProvider, Trans } = require('@mbarzda/solid-i18next');

render(() => (
      <Trans key="greeting" />
      {/* or */}
      <Trans key="greeting">Hello!</Trans>
      {/* or */}
      <Trans key="greeting" options={{ defaultValue: 'Hello!' }} />
      {/* or */}
      <Trans key="greeting" options="Hello!" />
      {/* or */}
      <Trans key="greeting" children="Hello!" />

Add Resources

Resources can be added on initialization with options property in <TransProvider /> or by calling addResources method from TransContext, which can be got with useTransContext().

import { Trans, TransProvider, useTransContext } from '@mbarzda/solid-18next';

const resources = {
    lt: {...},
    pl: {...},

render(() => <TransProvider options={{ resources }} children={<App />} />, container);

{/* or */}

const Component = () => {
    const [, actions] = useTransContext();
    actions.addResources('lt', 'translation',;
    actions.addResources('pl', 'translation',;

    return <Trans key="greeting">Hello!</Trans>;

Change a Language

Default language can be provided to <TransProvider /> with lng or options property.

options.lng overrides lng property.

<TransProvider lng="lt" children={...} />
<TransProvider options={{lng: 'pl'}} children={...} />

To change a language you need to use TransContext and call changeLanguage.

import { useTransContext } from '@mbarzda/solid-18next';

const Component = () => {
  const [, { changeLanguage }] = useTransContext();

  return (
      <button type="button" onClick={() => changeLanguage('en')}>
      <button type="button" onClick={() => changeLanguage('lt')}>

T Function

i18next have t function, which is essential and sometimes there is need to use it without <Trans /> component. TransContext provides it in case you need it.

const Component = () => {
  const [t] = useTransContext();
  const messages = {
    get greeting() {
      return t('greeting', 'Hello!');
    get bye() {
      return t('bye', 'Bye!');

  return <>{isLogin() ? messages.greeting : messages.bye}</>;

i18next Plugins and Utils

i18next has many plugins and utils. They can be loaded with i18next.use method. You need to have an i18next instance for that.

There is possible to use default i18next instance or create a separate one.

<TransProvider /> initializes i18next (i18next.init()) under the hood, so you need to create an instance before initialization of the component.

Plugins options and other i18next options must be provided with options property.

import { TransProvider, Trans } from '@mbarzda/solid-i18next';
import i18next from 'i18next';
import HttpBackend from 'i18next-http-backend';

// Use plugin with default instance.
render(() => {

  const backend = { loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json' };

  return (
    <TransProvider options={{ backend }}>
        <Trans key="greeting">Hello!</Trans>

// Use plugin with separate instance.
// New instance must be provided to `TransProvider` with `instance` property.
render(() => {
  const instance = i18next.createInstance();

  const backend = { loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json' };

  return (
    <TransProvider instance={instance} options={{ backend }}>
        <Trans key="greeting">Hello!</Trans>

i18next Instance

If there is need something more than this library provides, you can get i18next instance from TransContext and to do something with it. If you are using default instance, you also can use i18next global.

const Component = () => {
    const [, { getI18next }] = useTransContext();
    getI18next().on('loaded', () => {...});

    {/* or, if you are using default instance */}

    i18next.on('loaded', () => {...});

    return <></>;


Default interpolation uses {{ and }} as prefix and suffix. Solid uses { and } for properties propagation. In that case messages with default interpolation must be put as string. Placeholder values should be provided through options property of <Trans /> component.

<Trans key="greeting" options={{ name: 'John Doe' }}>
  {'Hello {{name}}!'}

i18next also allows to define custom interpolation prefix and suffix.

const resources = { lt: { greeting: 'Labas, ##name##!' } };
const interpolation = { prefix: '##', suffix: '##' };

<TransProvider options={{ interpolation, resources }}>
  <Trans key="greeting" options={{ name: 'John Doe' }}>
    Hello ##name##!

Nested JSX

This library supports nested JSX messages, like react-i18next. If you want use this feature, you need to install html-parse-string separately:

npm i html-parse-string

Then you can define your translation strings, like described in How to get the correct translation string?.

const resources = {
  lt: { translation: { greeting_nested: '<0>Sveiki, {{fullName}}! </0><1>Tavo profilis</1>.' } },

<TransProvider options={{ interpolation, resources }}>
  <Trans key="greeting_nested" options={{ name: 'John Doe' }}>
    {'Hello {{ name }}! '}
    <a href="/profile">Your Profile</a>.

Keep in mind that elements, with interpolation, must be a string, e.g: 'Hello {{name}}!'.


i18next provides default pluralization feature. Note, that pluralization keys were changed since i18next@21.

Translation keys may be inconsistent through different languages and you would prefer something like ICU format.

For that case I recommend i18next-icu plugin. Note, that default interpolation would change.

npm i i18next-icu
import i18next from 'i18next';
import ICU from 'i18next-icu';

const instance = i18next.createInstance();

const resources = {
    lt: {
        photos: 'Tu { numPhotos, plural, 0 {neturi nuotraukų} other {turi { numPhotos, plural, one {# nuotrauką} few {# nuotraukas} other {# nuotraukų} }} }.'

<TransProvider instance={instance} options={{ resources }}>
    <Trans key="photos" options={{ numPhotos: 10 }}>
        {'You have {numPhotos, plural, =0 {no photos} =1 {one photo} other {# photos}}.'}



<TransProvider />

Property Description Required
instance i18next instance, see: i18n No
lng default language, options.lng overrides it No
options i18next init options, see: InitOptions No

<Trans />

Property Description Required
key translation key or keys TFunctionKeys Yes
options t function's options, see: TOptions | string No



useTransContext function returns TransContext as array: [TFunction, TransProviderActions].

The first item is t function, second - the list of actions, which are listed below.


Function Description
  bundleOptions?: { deep?; overwrite? }
adds translation resources, see addResourcesBundle
changeLanguage(lng) changes language and sets new t function
getI18next returns i18next instance, see i18n