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MaxD / vj userZero edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 1 revision


key parameter
a animationMode
b renderMode
c placeCenter
d breakLine
e enterpolator
f fillColor
g grid/size
h easingMode
i repetitonMode
j reverseMode
k strokeAlpha
l fillAlpha
m miscValue
n newItem
o rotation
p layer
q strkColor
r polka
s size
t tempo
u enabler
v segmentSelector
w strkWeigth
x beatMultiplier
y tracers
, showTags
/ showLines
. snapping
` `
] fixedLenght
[ fixedAngle
- decreaseValue
= increaseValue
$ saveTemplate
% loadTemplate
> steps
? clearSeq

ctrl keys

key action
ctrl+a selectAll
ctrl+c clone
ctrl+b groupAddTemplate
ctrl+d customShape
ctrl+i reverseMouse
ctrl+r resetTemplate
ctrl+s saveStuff
ctrl+o loadStuff
ctrl+l loadLED
ctrl+m masking
ctrl+k showLEDmap
ctrl+x swap
v for : PersegmentRender Description
0 AllSegments Renders all segments
1 SequentialSegments Renders one segment per beat in order.
2 RunThroughSegments Render all segments in order in one beat.
3 RandomSegment Render a random segment per beat.
4 FastRandomSegment Render a different segment per frame
5 SegmentBranch Renders segment in branch level augmenting every beat
6 RunThroughBranches Render throught all the branch levels in one beat.
q for : Colorizers Description
0 Colorizer None
1 Colorizer white
2 Colorizer red
3 Colorizer green
4 Colorizer blue
5 Colorizer black
6 PalletteColor Color of 0 index in colorPalette
7 PalletteColor Color of 1 index in colorPalette
8 PalletteColor Color of 2 index in colorPalette
9 PalletteColor Color of 3 index in colorPalette
10 PalletteColor Color of 4 index in colorPalette
11 PalletteColor Color of 5 index in colorPalette
12 PalletteColor Color of 6 index in colorPalette
13 PalletteColor Color of 7 index in colorPalette
14 PalletteColor Color of 8 index in colorPalette
15 PalletteColor Color of 9 index in colorPalette
16 PalletteColor Color of 10 index in colorPalette
17 PalletteColor Color of 11 index in colorPalette
18 RepetitionColor Cycles through colors of the pallette
19 RandomPrimaryColor Primary color that should change every beat.
20 PrimaryBeatColor Cycles through primary colors on beat.
21 HSBFade HSBFade stored on template/event.
22 FlashyPrimaryColor Random primary color every frame.
23 FlashyGray Random shades of gray.
24 RGB Random red green and blue value every frame.
25 Strobe Strobes white
26 Flash Flashes once per beat.
27 JahColor Red Green Yellow
28 CustomColor Custom color for template.
29 MillisFade HSB fade goes along with millis.
30 HSBLerp HSB fade through beat.
e for : Enterpolators Description
0 Interpolator Pics a position in relation to a segment
1 CenterSender Moves between pointA and center
2 CenterSender Moves between pointA and center
3 HalfWayInterpolator Moves along segment, but halfway to center.
4 RandomExpandingInterpolator Provides an expanding random position between segment and center.
5 RandomInterpolator Provides random position between segment and center.
6 DiameterInterpolator Rotates with segments as diameter.
7 RadiusInterpolator Rotates with segments as Radius.
8 SegmentOffsetInterpolator Prototype thing that offsets the position according to segments X position.
9 OppositInterpolator invert direction every segment
d for : segmentPainter Description
0 PointBrush Adjust its size with w.
1 line Perpendicular line brush
2 circle Brush witha circular appearance.
3 chevron Chevron v shaped style brush
4 square Square shaped brush
5 + + shaped brush
6 triangle Triangular brush.
7 sprinkle ms paint grafiti style
8 leaf legalize it
9 custom Template custom shape, add template to geometryGroup and press ctrl-d to set as custom shape.
a for : BrushSegment Description
0 BrusPainter Place brush onto segment. Affected by e.
a for : LineSegment Description
0 FunLine Makes a line between pointA and a position.
1 FullLine Draws a line on a segment, not animated.
2 MiddleLine line that expands from the middle of a segment.
3 TrainLine Line that comes out of point A and exits through pointB
4 Maypole Draw a line from center to position.
5 SegToSeg Draws a line from a point on a segment to a point on a different segment. Affected by e
6 AlphaLine modulates alpha channel, made for LEDs
a for : GeometryRender Description
0 Painter Paints stuff
1 Painter Paints stuff
a for : TextRenderMode Description
0 TextWritter Fit a bunch of text on a segment
1 ScrollingText Scrolls text, acording to enterpolator
a for : CircularSegment Description
0 Elliptic Makes a expanding circle with segment as final radius.
b for : RenderModes Description
0 BrushSegment Render mode for drawing with brushes
1 LineSegment Draw lines related to segments
2 PersegmentRender Things that render per each segment
3 GeometryRender RenderModes that involve all segments.
4 TextRenderMode Stuff that draws text
5 CircularSegment Circles and stuff
h for : repetition Description
0 linear Linear movement
1 square Power of 2.
2 sine Sine ish
3 cosine cosine
4 boost half a sine
5 random random unitInterval every frame
6 targetNoise fake audio response
7 fixed fixed at 1.0
8 fixed fixed at 0.5
9 fixed fixed at 0.0
10 EaseInOut Linera eas in and out
i for : Repeaters Description
0 single only draw template once
1 EvenlySpaced Render things evenly spaced
2 EvenlySpacedWithZero Render things evenly spaced with a fixed one at the begining and end
3 ExpoSpaced RenderMultiples but make em go faster
4 TwoFull Render twice in opposite directions
5 TwoFull Render twice in opposite directions
u for : EnablingModes Description
0 Disabler Never render
1 loop always render
2 Triggerable only render if triggered
3 Triggerable only render if triggered
4 SweepingEnabler render per geometry from left to right
5 SwoopingEnabler render per geometry from right to left
6 RandomEnabler Maybe render
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