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Grunt Cucumberjs

Grunt task to run Cucumber.js. Outputs results in various HTML themes. Runs Cucumber.js in Parallel

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Getting Started

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-cucumberjs --save-dev


  1. Install [email protected] for cucumber version < Cucumber@2

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Sample HTML Reports

  1. Bootstrap Theme Reports with Pie Chart
  2. Foundation Theme Reports
  3. Simple Theme Reports

Snapshot of Bootstrap Report

Alt text

The "cucumberjs" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named cucumberjs to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  cucumberjs: {
    options: {
      format: 'html',
      output: 'my_report.html',
      theme: 'bootstrap'
    my_features: ['features/feature1.feature', 'features/feature2.feature'],
    other_features: {
      options: {
        output: 'other_report.html'
      src: ['other_features/feature1.feature', 'other_features/feature2.feature']

If all your feature files are located in the default location of features/ then just leave the feature configuation as an empty array. See following:

cucumberjs: {
  options: {
    format: 'html',
    output: './public/report.html',
    theme: 'foundation'
  features : []


#runs all features specified in task
$ grunt cucumberjs

#you can override options via the cli
$ grunt cucumberjs --require=test/functional/step_definitions/ --features=features/myFeature.feature --format=pretty



Type: String Default: ''

Passes the value as --steps parameter to cucumber.


Type: String Default: ''

Passes the value as --require parameter to cucumber. If an array, each item is passed as a separate --require parameter. Use if step_definitions and hooks are NOT in default location of features/step_definitions


Type: String|Array Default: ''

Passes the value as --tags parameter to cucumber. If an array, each item is passed as a separate --tags parameter. We've seen issues in cucumberjs using the old style of negative tag expression such as '~@ignore'. Suggest that you use the expanded syntax 'not @ignore' instead.

Cucumber Tag Expressions


Type: String Default: 'foundation' Available: ['foundation', 'bootstrap', 'simple']

Specifies which theme to use for the html report


Type: String Default: 'features/templates'

Location of your custom templates. Simply name the template the same as the one you are trying to override and grunt-cucumberjs will use it over the default template


Type: String Default: 'features_report.html'


Type: String Default: 'html' Available: ['pretty', 'progress', 'summary', 'html']


Supports multiple formatter. Type: Array Available: ['pretty', 'progress', 'summary', 'html']

e.g. formats: ['html', 'pretty']

Enable debug: true to print pretty console.

Note: html formatter will provide Json as well as html report. Multiple formatter is supported for cucumber [email protected] or higher.


Type: Boolean Default: 'undefined' Available: ['true', 'false']

A flag to enable Parallel execution.

  • You can run Cucumber Features and/or Scenarios Parallel
  • `--parallel scenarios` runs scenarios parallel
  • By default or `--parallel features` runs features in parallel

For more information visit cucumber-parallel module


Type: Boolean Default: 'false' Available: ['true', 'false']

ends the suite after the first failure

it can also be activated without setting options.failFast and passing --fail-fast as a grunt task option


Type: Boolean Default: 'false' Available: ['true', 'false']

will cause cucumber to succeed even if there are undefined or pending steps.

it can also be activated without setting options.noStrict and passing --no-strict as a grunt task option


Type: Boolean Default: 'false' Available: ['true', 'false']

dry-run the suite and provides snippets for pending steps

it can also be activated without setting options.dryRun and passing --dry-run as a grunt task option


Type: Boolean Default: 'false' Available: ['true', 'false']

A flag to turn console log on or off


Type: Boolean Default: 'false' Available: ['true', 'false']

A flag to enabling debugging from IDE like WebStorm. Limitation of this flag is it only does not support the HTML output, yet ;)


Type: String Default: undefined

Rerun the failed scenarios recorded in the @rerun.txt file.

To Re-run failed scenarios:

  • Set the cucumber-js task format to rerun:@rerun.txt
options: {
     format: 'rerun:@rerun.txt',

It will record all the failed scenarios to @rerun.txt.

Take a look at options.formats to generate html report

  • Run failed scenarios by passing --rerun=path/to/@rerun.txt grunt option

N.B.: If @rerun.txt file does not exists or if file is empty, the grunt task will return success.


Type: String

Sets the Cucumber Compiler options. It can also be set by passing through command line --compiler


Type: Boolean Default: 'false' Available: ['true', 'false']

Reports total number of failed/passed Scenarios in headers if set to true. Reports total number of failed/passed Features in headers if set to false or undefined.


Type: Boolean

Automatically launch HTML report at the end of test suite

true: Launch HTML report in the default browser

false: Do not launch HTML report at the end of test suite


Type: JSON (optional) Default: undefined

Print more data to your report, such as browser info, platform, app info, environments etc. Data can be passed as JSON key-value pair. Reporter will parse the JSON and will show the Key-Value under Metadata section on HTML report. Checkout the below preview HTML Report with Metadata.

Pass the Key-Value pair as per your need, as shown in below example,

 metadata: {
        "App Version":"0.3.2",
        "Test Environment": "STAGING",
        "Browser": "Chrome  54.0.2840.98",
        "Platform": "Windows 10",
        "Parallel": "Scenarios",
        "Executed": "Remote"

Pie Charts

Sample pie chart is available at Bootstrap Theme Report with Pie Chart

Two pie charts are displayed on report

  1. Features: number of passed/failed features
  2. Scenarios: number of passed/failed/pending scenarios.

Please note that Pie Charts are available only for Bootstrap Theme.




Take a look at cucumber-html-reporter for more information on Attaching ScreenShots, Plain Texts, Pretty JSON to the HTML report