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GitHub Action

SemVer workflow


SemVer workflow


SemVer workflow

Updates version tags, creates release branches and GitHub releases


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: SemVer workflow

uses: kvendingoldo/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in kvendingoldo/semver-action

Choose a version

Semantic Versioning Git Auto Tag Action

A GitHub action that generates SemVer compatible tag on repository commits.

Usage example

By default, the action will create Git version tag per commit to primary and release/* branches. Default format of tag: rc/x.y.z. Any user can create [RELEASE] <anything> commit, after that action will create release/x.y branch. Versions in a release branch will have a format x.y.z.

Input variables

  • primary_branch

    • The primary branch that will be used for setting RC tag versions
    • It's optional variable, default value is main
  • init_version

    • The initial project version
    • It's optional variable, default value is 0.0.0
  • enable_custom_branches

    • If true, script will produce sha/x.y.z version for custom branches
    • It's optional variable, default value is true
  • enable_github_releases

    • If true, GitHub releases will be created as well as Git branches. Requires github_token
    • It's optional variable, default value is 0.0.0
  • github_token

    • GitHub token that requires for operate under GitHub. You can use ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}, check example
    • It's optional variable, empty by default
  • release_tag_prefix

    • Prefix for Git release tags
    • It's optional variable, empty by default

Action example

name: My pipeline
      - 'main'
      - 'release/**'

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      contents: write
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0
        name: Set application version
        id: set_version
        uses: kvendingoldo/[email protected]
          enable_github_releases: true
          release_tag_prefix: "v"
          github_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
        name: Generated version
        run: echo ${{ steps.set_version.outputs.version }}

      # any other steps