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valiDrops is an R package for detecting high-quality barcodes in droplet-based single-cell or single-nucleus RNA-seq datasets. In addition, valiDrops is capable of detecting and flagging apoptotic cells.


valiDrops can be installed directly from GitHub using either {devtools} or {remotes}. In addition to valiDrops, it is high advisable to install {presto}, which yields a 80 - 100X speed-up when using valiDrops. Both packages can be installed using the following commands:



valiDrops uses the raw count matrix as input and produces a series of plots as well as a data.frame containing various quality metrics, which can be used to select barcodes for further analysis. Here, we demonstrate how to load data processed using either STARsolo or CellRanger, but any preprocessing tools that produce unfiltered count matrices are applicable. For example, data processed with alevin-fry can be imported using {fishpond}. Next, we show how to run valiDrops on the imported data, and create a {Seurat} object for further processing. For getting started with further processing we refer users to the Seurat vignettes.

## Load libraries

## Loading data
# Load STARsolo data
data <- Matrix::readMM("path_to_data/raw/matrix.mtx")
barcodes <- read.delim("path_to_data/raw/barcodes.tsv", header=FALSE)
features <- read.delim("path_to_data/raw/features.tsv", header=FALSE)
colnames(data) <- barcodes[,1]
rownames(data) <- features[,1]

# Load CellRanger data
data <- Matrix::readMM("path_to_data/outs/raw_feature_bc_matrix/matrix.mtx.gz")
barcodes <- read.delim("path_to_data/outs/raw_feature_bc_matrix/barcodes.tsv.gz", header=FALSE)
features <- read.delim("path_to_data/outs/raw_feature_bc_matrix/features.tsv.gz", header=FALSE)
colnames(data) <- barcodes[,1]
rownames(data) <- features[,1]

## Run valiDrops
valid <- valiDrops(data)

## SIMPLE: Create a Seurat object with the barcodes that pass quality control
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(data[, colnames(data) %in% valid[ valid$qc.pass == "pass","barcode"]], min.cells = 1, min.features = 1)

## ADVANCED: Create a Seurat object with the barcodes that pass quality control and import metadata calculated by valiDrops
# Setup data to import the metadata collected by valiDrops
valid.subset <- valid[ valid$qc.pass == "pass",]
rownames(valid.subset) <- valid.subset[,1]
valid.subset <- valid.subset[, grep("fraction", colnames(valid.subset))]
data.subset <- data[,colnames(data) %in% rownames(valid.subset)]
data.subset <- data.subset[,match(rownames(valid.subset), colnames(data.subset))]

# Create a Seurat object
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(data.subset, project = "valiDrops", = valid.subset, min.cells = 1, min.features = 1)

Detecting dead cells

valiDrops can detect dead cells by providing a flag to the valiDrops() function or by running the label_dead() function seperately. Here, we demonstrate how to label dead cells are part of the valiDrops workflow assuming you have already loaded libraries and imported your datasets.

## Run valiDrops
# Uncomment the line below to run without parallel processing in the dead cell prediction 
# valid <- valiDrops(data, label_dead = TRUE)

# Comment the line below to stop running with parallel processing in the dead cell prediction
# Depending on your system, you may use SnowParam() instead of MulticoreParam(). Get more information in the BiocParallel vignette.
valid <- valiDrops(data, label_dead = TRUE, bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam())

## SIMPLE: Create a Seurat object with the barcodes that pass quality control and are predicted to be live
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(data[, colnames(data) %in% valid[ valid$qc.pass == "pass" & valid$label == "live","barcode"]], min.cells = 1, min.features = 1)

## ADVANCED: Create a Seurat object with the barcodes that pass quality control, import metadata calculated by valiDrops including live/dead labels
# Setup data to import the metadata collected by valiDrops
valid.subset <- valid[ valid$qc.pass == "pass",]
rownames(valid.subset) <- valid.subset[,1]
valid.subset <- valid.subset[, c(grep("fraction", colnames(valid.subset)),8)]
data.subset <- data[,colnames(data) %in% rownames(valid.subset)]
data.subset <- data.subset[,match(rownames(valid.subset), colnames(data.subset))]

# Create a Seurat object
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(data.subset, project = "valiDrops", = valid.subset, min.cells = 1, min.features = 1)

Obtaining data for testing valiDrops

Testing data can be easily obtained using the DropletTestFiles and DropletUtils packages from Bioconductor.

## Load libraries

## Import a dataset for testing
path <- getTestFile("tenx-2.1.0-pbmc4k/1.0.0/raw.h5", prefix=TRUE)
data <- DropletUtils::read10xCounts(path, type = "HDF5")

## Run valiDrops
valid <- valiDrops(data)


If you use valiDrops in your work, please consider citing our manuscript:

Kavaliauskaite G and Madsen JGS Automatic quality control of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq using valiDrops (2023) bioRxiv