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Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.


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Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers. Requires Neovim >= 0.10.


Status column containing a fold column without fold depth digits, a custom sign segment that will only show diagnostic signs, a number column with right aligned relative numbers and a sign segment that is only 1 cell wide that shows all other signs.


For example with lazy.nvim:

  "luukvbaal/statuscol.nvim", config = function()
    -- local builtin = require("statuscol.builtin")
      -- configuration goes here, for example:
      -- relculright = true,
      -- segments = {
      --   { text = { builtin.foldfunc }, click = "v:lua.ScFa" },
      --   {
      --     sign = { namespace = { "diagnostic/signs" }, maxwidth = 2, auto = true },
      --     click = "v:lua.ScSa"
      --   },
      --   { text = { builtin.lnumfunc }, click = "v:lua.ScLa", },
      --   {
      --     sign = { name = { ".*" }, maxwidth = 2, colwidth = 1, auto = true, wrap = true },
      --     click = "v:lua.ScSa"
      --   },
      -- }


By default, the setup() function will configure the 'statuscolumn' option for you. This will yield a clickable 'statuscolumn' that looks the same as default neovim, still obeying most of neovim's options that modify the way the status column looks. Further customization is possible through various configuration variables in the setup() table.


Default options

local builtin = require("statuscol.builtin")
local cfg = {
  setopt = true,         -- Whether to set the 'statuscolumn' option, may be set to false for those who
                         -- want to use the click handlers in their own 'statuscolumn': _G.Sc[SFL]a().
                         -- Although I recommend just using the segments field below to build your
                         -- statuscolumn to benefit from the performance optimizations in this plugin.
  -- builtin.lnumfunc number string options
  thousands = false,     -- or line number thousands separator string ("." / ",")
  relculright = false,   -- whether to right-align the cursor line number with 'relativenumber' set
  -- Builtin 'statuscolumn' options
  ft_ignore = nil,       -- lua table with 'filetype' values for which 'statuscolumn' will be unset
  bt_ignore = nil,       -- lua table with 'buftype' values for which 'statuscolumn' will be unset
  -- Default segments (fold -> sign -> line number + separator), explained below
  segments = {
    { text = { "%C" }, click = "v:lua.ScFa" },
    { text = { "%s" }, click = "v:lua.ScSa" },
      text = { builtin.lnumfunc, " " },
      condition = { true, builtin.not_empty },
      click = "v:lua.ScLa",
  clickmod = "c",         -- modifier used for certain actions in the builtin clickhandlers:
                          -- "a" for Alt, "c" for Ctrl and "m" for Meta.
  clickhandlers = {       -- builtin click handlers
    Lnum                    = builtin.lnum_click,
    FoldClose               = builtin.foldclose_click,
    FoldOpen                = builtin.foldopen_click,
    FoldOther               = builtin.foldother_click,
    DapBreakpointRejected   = builtin.toggle_breakpoint,
    DapBreakpoint           = builtin.toggle_breakpoint,
    DapBreakpointCondition  = builtin.toggle_breakpoint,
    ["diagnostic/signs"]    = builtin.diagnostic_click,
    gitsigns                = builtin.gitsigns_click,

Custom segments

The statuscolumn can be customized through the segments table. Each segment can contain the following elements:

  text = { "%C" },       -- table of strings or functions returning a string
  click = "v:lua.ScFa",  -- %@ click function label, applies to each text element
  hl = "FoldColumn",     -- %# highlight group label, applies to each text element
  condition = { true },  -- table of booleans or functions returning a boolean
  sign = {               -- table of fields that configure a sign segment
    -- at least one of "name", "text", and "namespace" is required
    -- legacy signs are matched against the defined sign name e.g. "DapBreakpoint"
    -- extmark signs can be matched against either the namespace or the sign text itself
    name = { ".*" },     -- table of lua patterns to match the legacy sign name against
    text = { ".*" },     -- table of lua patterns to match the extmark sign text against
    namespace = { ".*" },-- table of lua patterns to match the extmark sign namespace against
    -- below values list the default when omitted:
    maxwidth = 1,        -- maximum number of signs that will be displayed in this segment
    colwidth = 2,        -- number of display cells per sign in this segment
    auto = false,        -- boolean or string indicating what will be drawn when no signs
                         -- matching the pattern are currently placed in the buffer.
    wrap = false,        -- when true, signs in this segment will also be drawn on the
                         -- virtual or wrapped part of a line (when v:virtnum != 0).
    fillchar = " ",      -- character used to fill a segment with less signs than maxwidth
    fillcharhl = nil,    -- highlight group used for fillchar (SignColumn/CursorLineSign if omitted)
    foldclosed = false,  -- when true, show signs from lines in a closed fold on the first line
  • The text and sign elements are mutually exclusive, except when text contains builtin.lnumfunc. In this case a sign segment can be added to control what is displayed in the number segment for 'signcolumn' == "number".
  • The text and condition elements should have the same length.
  • text and condition functions are passed an args table with the following elements:
  lnum = 43,     -- v:lnum
  relnum = 5,    -- v:relnum
  virtnum = 0,   -- v:virtnum
  buf = 1,       -- buffer handle
  win = 1000,    -- window handle
  nu = true,     -- 'number' option value
  rnu = true,    -- 'relativenumber' option value
  empty = true,  -- statuscolumn is currently empty
  fold = {
    width = 1,   -- current width of the fold column
    -- 'fillchars' option values:
    close = "", -- foldclose
    open = "",  -- foldopen
    sep = " "    -- foldsep
  -- FFI data:
  tick = 251ULL, -- display_tick value
  wp = cdata<struct 112 *>: 0x560b56519a50 -- win_T pointer handle

The values stored in this table are only updated when necessary and are used in the builtin segments for performance reasons. For custom text and condition functions it is recommended to use them as well rather than e.g. accessing vim.v.lnum or vim.api.nvim_get_option_value() directly:

local builtin = require("statuscol.builtin")
  segments = {
      text = {
        " ",                -- whitespace padding
        function(args)      -- custom line number highlight function
          return ((args.lnum % 2 > 0) and "%#DiffDelete#%=" or "%#DiffAdd#%=").."%l"
        " ",                -- whitespace padding
      condition = {
        true,               -- always shown
        function(args)      -- shown only for the current window
          return vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() ==
        builtin.not_empty,  -- only shown when the rest of the statuscolumn is not empty

Builtin segments

This plugin provides a few builtin functions that can be used as segment elements.


This is the line number function used by default that obeys '(relative)number' and can be configured through a few options.


This is a fold column replacement that does not print the fold depth digits.


This is a helper function that will return true or false depending on whether the status column is currently empty. It can be used to conditionally print static text elements. The default segments uses it for a " " separator.

Feature requests/additions for the builtin providers are welcome if they can reasonably be made to be configurable.

Custom click actions

Custom sign/click action pairs can be passed through the clickhandlers table. Each element is the name of a sign, or Lnum and FoldClose/Open/Other for the number and fold columns. To modify the default actions, pass a table with the actions you want to overwrite to the setup() function:

local cfg = {
  --- The click actions have the following signature:
  ---@param args (table): {
  ---   minwid = minwid,            -- 1st argument to 'statuscolumn' %@ callback
  ---   clicks = clicks,            -- 2nd argument to 'statuscolumn' %@ callback
  ---   button = button,            -- 3rd argument to 'statuscolumn' %@ callback
  ---   mods = mods,                -- 4th argument to 'statuscolumn' %@ callback
  ---   mousepos = f.getmousepos()  -- getmousepos() table, containing clicked line number/window id etc.
  --- }
  clickhandlers = {
    FoldOther = false,  -- Disable builtin clickhandler
    Lnum = function(args)
      if args.button == "l" and args.mods:find("c") then
        print("I Ctrl-left clicked on line "..args.mousepos.line)


Default click actions

Note that some of the default actions are for optional dependencies, and that right click requires 'mousemodel' == "extend" Below follows a list of builtin click actions. Sign/click action pair suggestions are welcome!

Sign/Namespace Button Modifier Action
Lnum Left Toggle DAP breakpoint
Lnum Left clickmod Toggle DAP conditional breakpoint
Lnum Middle Yank line
Lnum Right Paste line
Lnum Right x2 Delete line
FoldClose Left Open fold
FoldClose Left clickmod Open fold recursively
FoldOpen Left Close fold
FoldOpen Left clickmod Close fold recursively
FoldClose/Other Right Delete fold
FoldClose/Other Right clickmod Delete fold recursively
Fold* Middle Create fold in range(click twice)
diagnostic/signs Left Open diagnostic float
diagnostic/signs Middle Select available code action
gitsigns Left Preview hunk
gitsigns Middle Reset hunk
gitsigns Right Stage hunk

Optional dependencies:


Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.







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