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This cli is a tool for generate clean code using template from Rodrigo Manguinhos clean-typescript

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Repository files navigation

Clean code Template cli

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Getting started

This cli is a tool for generate clean code using template from Rodrigo Manguinhos clean-typescript

1. Install command

Global install

npm i clean_code_template_cli -g

OR with npx

npx clean_code_template_cli

2. Name File

The name of the file must be used with camel Case or snake case or to put inside classNames and transfom correctly name of files like Like NameOfFile

3. Sub Folders

The sub folders can be created adding pre paths like /path/NameOfFile

4. Commands

all commands will be uses with clean_code_template_cli create


All commands must used with folder name like /name/ArquiveName


Will create a controller inside a folder /src/application/controllers

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -ctl

will create

import { Controller } from '@/application/controllers'

import { HttpResponse, ok } from '@/application/helpers'

import { ValidationBuilder as Builder, Validator } from 'library-validators'

import { CreateCustomer } from '@/domain/contracts/repos'

import { {{ className }}UseCase } from '@/domain/use-cases'

type HttpRequest = {

name: string

nickname: string

email: string

inscription: string

firstName: string

lastName: string

password: string

domain: string


type Model = Error | CreateCustomer.Output

export class {{ className }}Controller extends Controller {

constructor (private readonly {{ className }}: {{ className }}UseCase) {



async perform (input: HttpRequest): Promise<HttpResponse<Model>> {

const data = await this.{{ className }}(input)

return ok(data)


override buildValidators ({ name, email, inscription, firstName, lastName, password, domain }: HttpRequest): Validator[] {

return [

...Builder.of({ value: name, fieldName: 'name' }).required().build(),

...Builder.of({ value: email, fieldName: 'email' }).required().build(),

...Builder.of({ value: firstName, fieldName: 'firstName' }).required().build(),

...Builder.of({ value: lastName, fieldName: 'lastName' }).required().build(),

...Builder.of({ value: inscription, fieldName: 'inscription' }).required().build(),

...Builder.of({ value: password, fieldName: 'password' }).required().build(),

...Builder.of({ value: domain, fieldName: 'domain' }).required().build()





Will generate a contract file to use for a repository or gateway, does't have test file

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -cta

will create

export interface {{ className }} {

{{ classNameLower }}: (input: {{ className }}.Input) => Promise<{{ className }}.Output>


export namespace {{ className }} {

export type Input = {

{{ properties }}


export type Output = undefined | {

{{ properties }}




This command will generate Usecase file inside /src/domain/use-cases

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -use

will create

//import { LoadFacebookUser, TokenGenerator } from '@/domain/contracts/gateways'

//import { LoadUserAccount, SaveFacebookAccount } from '@/domain/contracts/repos'

//import { AccessToken, FacebookAccount, AuthenticationError } from '@/domain/entities'

type Setup = () => {{ className }}

type Input = { {{ properties }} }

type Output = { accessToken: string }

export type {{ className }} = (input: Input) => Promise<Output>

export const setup{{ className }}: Setup = () => async input => {



This command will generate Gateway file inside /src/infra/gateways

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -gat

will create

//import { {{ className }} } from '@/infra/gateways'

export class {{ className }} // implements



// private readonly httpClient: HttpGetClient,


async handle(input: {{ className }}.Input): Promise<{{ className }}.Output>{




This command will generate Repository file inside /src/infra/repos/postgres

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -rep

will create

//import { {{ className }}Show, {{ className }}Update } from '@/domain/contracts/repos'

import { PgRepository } from '@/infra/repos/postgres/repository'

import { Pg{{ className }} } from './entities'

export class Pg{{ className }}Repository extends PgRepository // implements {

async {{ className }} (input: {{ className }}.Input): Promise<{{ className }}.Output> {


async show ({ id }: {{ className }}Show.Input): Promise<{{ className }}Show.Output> {

const pg{{classNameLower}}Repo = await this.getRepository(Pg{{className}})

const {{classNameLower}} = await pg{{className}}Repo.findOne({ id })

if ({{classNameLower}} !== undefined) {

return {

id: {{classNameLower}}.id,

contactId: {{classNameLower}}.contactId,

email: {{classNameLower}}.email,

default: {{classNameLower}}.default as boolean,

created_at: {{classNameLower}}.createdAt,

updated_at: {{classNameLower}}.updatedAt




async store (input: {{ className }}Store.Input): Promise<{{ className }}Store.Output> {

const pg{{ className }}Repo = await this.getRepository(Pg{{ className }})

const contactEmail = await pg{{ className }}

return {


contactId: contactEmail.contactId,


default: contactEmail.default as boolean,

created_at: contactEmail.createdAt



async update ({ emailId, ...input }: {{ className }}Update.Input): Promise<{{ className }}Update.Output> {

const pg{{ className }}Repo = await this.getRepository(Pg{{ className }})

const result = await pg{{ className }}.update({ id: emailId }, input)

return result.affected != null && result.affected > 0


async delete ({ id }: {{ className }}Delete.Input): Promise<{{ className }}Delete.Output> {

const pg{{ className }}Repo = await this.getRepository(Pg{{ className }})

const result = await pg{{ className }}Repo.delete({ id })

return result.affected != null && result.affected > 0




This command will generate Entities file inside /src/domain/entities

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -ent

will create

export class {{ className }} {

constructor( {{ properties }} ){}

execute(): Promise<void>{}



This command will generate Error file inside /src/domain/entities/errors

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -err

will create

export class {{ className }} extends Error {

constructor () {

super('{{ className }}') = '{{ className }}'




This command will generate Adapter file inside /src/main/adapter

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -adp

will create

import { Controller } from '@/application/controllers'

import { RequestHandler } from 'express'

type Adapter = (controller: Controller) => RequestHandler

export const adapt{{ className }}: Adapter = controller => async (req, res) => {

const { statusCode, data } = await controller.handle({ ...req.body, ...req.locals, ...req.params, ...req.query })

const json = [200, 204].includes(statusCode) ? data : { error: data.message }




clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -dec

This command will generate Decorator file inside /src/aplication/decorator

import { {{ className }} } from '@/application/contracts'

import { Controller } from '@/application/controllers'

import { HttpResponse } from '@/application/helpers'

import { Validator } from '@/domain/contracts'

export class {{ className }}Controller extends Controller {

constructor (

private readonly decoratee: Controller,

private readonly db: {{ className }}

) {



override buildValidators (httpRequest: any): Validator[] {

return this.decoratee.buildValidators(httpRequest)


async perform (httpRequest: any): Promise<HttpResponse> {

await this.db.openTransaction()

try {

const httpResponse = await this.decoratee.perform(httpRequest)

await this.db.commit()

return httpResponse

} catch (error) {

await this.db.rollback()

throw error

} finally {

await this.db.closeTransaction()





clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -rot

This command will generate Decorator file inside /src/main/routes

import { adaptExpressRoute as adapt } from '@/main/adapters'

import { make{{ className }} } from '@/main/factories/application/controllers'

import { Router } from 'express'

export default (router: Router): void => {'/message/send', adapt(make{{ className }}()))



clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -val

This command will generate Decorator file inside /src/main/routes

// import { InvalidFieldError } from '@/application/errors'

import { Validator } from './validator'

export class {{ className }} implements Validator {

constructor (

private readonly value: Date,

private readonly field: string

) { }

validate (): Error | undefined {

// if (isNaN(Date.parse(this.value.toString()))) return new InvalidFieldError(this.field)



5. Combined Commands


This command need be combined with ctl,use,gat,rep,ent to generate a test

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -ctl -test


This command need be combined with ctl,use,gat,rep,ent and add properties file

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -pro


This command need be combined with ctl,use,gat,rep,ent to generate only a test file

clean_code_template_cli create {{nameFile}} -onlyTest


  • Lucas Pereira


This cli is a tool for generate clean code using template from Rodrigo Manguinhos clean-typescript







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