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Misc scripts used in building specific vulkan packages for LunarG. Call scripts with -h or -? args for usage help.

  • .pbuilderrc

    A symlink to this should go in your home directory, to make the cowbuild-\* scripts work properly

  • .aptly.conf-template

    This file should be copied, modified, and placed in ~/.aptly.conf, to make the aptly-\* scripts work properly


    Common variables used by all the following scripts.

  • generate-version-string

    This is a utility script which attempts to generate (and returns) a descriptive package version string based on what it finds in the changelog, the nearest release git tags, and upstream git tags.

    Usage:   generate-version-string [-v] [-g GIT_OPTS] [-u UPSTREAM_COMMIT] [-l LAST_BUILD_UPSTREAM_COMMIT] [-d DEBIAN_COMMIT]

    • -v: Verbose. Outputs diagnostic information and alternate version strings to stderr (to help if you don't like the one it returns).
    • -g GIT_OPTS: This must be a single-quoted string, which will be passed to the git executable as parameter(s). Useful for modifying where git looks for tags, etc...
    • -u: Upstream Commit: This is the upstream commit/tag/branch that will be used to calculate the version string. Default: upstream-unstable
    • 'l: Last Build Upstream Commit: This is the upstream commit ID of the last build (usually stored in the debian/lunarg-build-commit file). This argument is required to build an accurate version string if there are no new upstream tags to base off since the last build.
    • -d: Debian Commit: The commit ID of the debian packaging source to be used in building the package. Default: debian-unstable
  • tag-release-build

    This script is used to create an annotated tag the git repository in a form which the build-package-from-commitid script recognizes as a release tag.

    Usage:   tag-release-build [-b BUILD_VERSION] [-m TAG_MESSAGE]

    • -b BUILD_VERSION: This allows you to specify a build number, if the same package commit is built multiple times. Default: 1
    • -m TAG_MESSAGE: Message passed to git as the annotation on the tag. If this parameter is not passed, git will interactively ask for a message.
  • build-package-from-commitid

    This script checks out the commit given in the -c argument into the branch specified by -t, merges debian packaging from the debian-unstable branch, constructs an appropriate package version string from the existing changelog and any release tags and other optional arguments, and uses all of the above to kick off a cowbuilder build of the packages in question.

    Usage:   build-package-from-commitid -c COMMIT_ID [-i] [-n] [-b BUILD_NUMBER] [-t TEMP_BRANCH] [-s BUILD_SUFFIX] [-g GEN_VERS_ARGS]

    • -c COMMIT_ID REQUIRED: This is the git commit ID you want to build the package from. It can be in the form of a SHA hash, tag name, branch name, etc...
    • -i: Interactive. Before before any git commits, and before the version string is embedded into the changelog, interactively allow the user to modify comments or the package version string.
    • -n: No Build. Perform all of the steps up until the last changelog commit and build, then exit, leaving the temp branch with a modified (but not commited) changelog.
    • -b BUILD_NUMBER: This allows you to specify a build number, if the same package commit is built multiple times. Default: 1
    • -t TEMP_BRANCH: This is the git branch upon which all of the checkout, merging, and commits done by this script will be performed. Default: "build"
    • -s BUILD_SUFFIX: String appended to the end of the version string, immediately prior to BUILD_VERSION. Often useful when building the same package for different purposes. e.g. could be "~ci" for a CI build, or "test" for a testing build. Default: "~autobuild"
    • g GEN_VERS_ARGS: The quoted string following this flag will be passed unmodified to generate-version-string Default: ""

    The script makes the following assumptions:

    • It assumes it's invoked from inside an updated/current git clone of the repository which the package is built from

    • It assumes there is a "debian-unstable" branch in the git repository which contains the latest, working debian packaging from the last release build.

    • It assumes the repository is tagged upstream using some sort of versioning scheme, and that the previous release build in the repository was tagged in the following form:

      <source package name>_<upstream version>-<debian version>_<build version>

    • It assumes that the latest debian/changelog entry corresponds to (and has the same version string as) the previously mentioned release build tag.

  • build-sdk-release

    This script reads the SDKs/common/config.json file from the LunarHub-Doc repository, and checks to see if any of the described repositories have changed since the last package build. If so, it attempts to build the package with build-package-from-commitid. There are many hardcoded assumptions in this script, including where the local working directories for these git repositories are located, the structure of the config.json file, and the list of buildable packages. See the script for more details.

  • cowbuild-package-lunarg

    Usage:   cowbuild-package-lunarg [-b BUILD_VERSION] [-s BUILD_SUFFIX]

    • -b BUILD_VERSION Number which will be appended to the end of the package version string. Default: "1"
    • -s BUILD_SUFFIX: String appended to the end of the version string, immediately prior to BUILD_VERSION. Often useful when building the same package for different purposes. e.g. could be "~ci" for a CI build, or "~lunarg" for a release build. Default: ""

    The script makes the following hard-coded assumptions:

    • It must be executed inside the target package source directory.
    • It expects the source to be in a git working directory, and be in a clean state.
    • The debian/changelog file must have an UNRELEASED entry on top, with a clean numeric package version string (i.e. 1.2.3-1, not 1.2.3-1xenial2), and must be checked into HEAD in the git repository (the script calls git reset --hard before modifying the changelog and building).
    • it assumes there exists an updated $DISTRO-amd64 pbuilder chroot for each distro named in
    • It assumes the default pbuilder/cowbuilder chroot location: i.e. /var/cache/pbuilder
    • It depends on the ~.pbuilderrc config file in this repository existing (can be a symlink) in the user's home directory.
  • cowbuild-update-chroots

    Simple script to update the chroots mentioned above. This should be run before the first build of the day, or any time the dependent repositories are updated.

  • cowbuild-delete-build-results

    This script is used to periodically clean out the pbuilder results directories, after packages have been uploaded or stored elsewhere. Requires confirmation, as can be dangerous.

    WARNING: This script is a very blunt instrument. It simply removes all the files from the results directory, with no consideration to what's there.

  • aptly-add-pbuilder-lunarg

    This script takes no arguments. It simply looks for any *.changes files under the pbuilder directory (/var/cache/pbuilder), and adds them to the appropriate aptly base repos

  • aptly-snapshot-lunarg

    Usage:   aptly-snapshot-lunarg <prefix>

    This script takes a uniquely named immutable snapshot of all the appropriate aptly repos. The snapshot name must be the only argument to this script, and must be uniquely named.

  • aptly-publish-lunarg

    Usage:   aptly-publish-lunarg [-p <prefix>] [-s <snapshot_prefix>]

    This script publishes either a set of LunarG snapshots, or the base LunarG repos, depending on the arguments it's passed. The default <prefix> is "testing", and so the script publishes the base LunarG repositories to ${rootDir}/vulkan/testing (where ${rootDir} is defined in ~/.aptly.conf by default. The publish prefix can be overwritten with the -p option, and publishing a snapshot may be accomplished with the -s option. Usually, these two options are used together to publish a release snapshot.


Misc scripts used in building packages for LunarG







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