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forked from hiepnd/Screw

Screw aims to bring native Facebook SDK functionalities to cocos2d-x.

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Screw aims to bring native Facebook SDK functionalities to cocos2d-x.

Run the Project

The project accompanies with a simple sample for demo. You should run the project to explore the basic functionalities of Screw. Besides, examining the sample files (Home.cpp and RequestScene.cpp) is a good reference. In Android, due to the requirement of adding a Key Hash (which is developer specific) in App Dashboard, you must use your own Facebook app and follow Facebook instruction to setup your app.

Note to use your own Facebook app: You must configure your app to include:

  • A Fish object type
  • A Catch fish action type
  • An Eat fish action type
  • A sample Fish id

And then scan Home.cpp and RequestScene.cpp to update these info.


  • iOS/Android
  • cocos2d-x v3.0beta or higher (Not compatible with cocos2d-x 2.x)
  • Screw is built against Facebook SDK 3.14 (both iOS and Android), but older SDKs may work



  • Facebook Login with permissions, default audience, login behavior parameters
  • Request new read/publish permissions
  • Facebook logout/deauthorize
  • 'Nearly' full native Graph API calls
  • WebDialog's functionalities include send app requests, update status
  • Dialog's functionalities include share links, status update and publish Open Graph stories (share photo is not yet supported)
  • Various builders to send app requests, publish Open Graph stories and share link/status
  • Callback as std::function


  • App Requests Manager (screw::facebook::AppRequests)
  • screw::PhotoLoader to download profile photos and load textures
  • screw::Data to read/write plist file with convenient path based key getters/setters
  • screw::facebook::Facebook to fetch/cache Facebook profiles/scores and more
  • Many other utils


All the sources lie under Classes/screw, proj.ios_mac/screw, and, so basically you should mimic this structure in your project. ###Integrate Screw into your iOS cocos2d-x app###

  • Copy Classes/screw and proj.ios_mac/ios/screw to the corresponding folders and add them as groups into your Xcode project
  • Modify your AppDelegate.cpp to include screw/screw.h and add screw::facebook::Session::start(); as the first command in AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()
  • Modify - (BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation in your to invoke [FBAppCall handleOpenURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication];
  • Copy fb-default.png to Resources folder and add it to Xcode project

###Integrate Screw into your Android cocos2d-x app###

  • Copy Classes/screw to your project if you haven't
  • Modify AppDelegate.cpp as with iOS project
  • Copy and to corresponding locations in your project
  • Make jni/screw part of NDK_MODULE_PATH
  • Update your to have LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += screw_static and $(call import-module,screw)
  • In AppActivity.onCreate add Facebook.onActivityCreate(this, savedInstanceState);
  • In AppActivity.onPause add Facebook.onActivityPause();
  • In AppActivity.onResume add Facebook.onActivityResume();
  • In AppActivity.onActivityResult add Facebook.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
  • Copy fb-default.png to Resources folder (if you haven't)


The codes below assume that you have #include "screw/screw.h" and using namespace screw::facebook. ###Login/Logout Open loaded session without UI

if (Session::getActiveSession()->getState() == Session::State::CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED) {


Session::getActiveSession()->open(true, {"user_friends"},

Set status callback

Session::getActiveSession()->setStatusCallback([=](Session *session, SessionError *error){
        this->sessionStatusCallback(session, error);



###Request new permissions


###Fetch User Details Using screw::facebook::Request directly

Request::requestForMe([](int error, GraphUser *user){
    // Log it out
    CCLOG("Fetch User Details Callback: error = %d, user = %s", error, 
        user ? user->getValue()->getDescription().c_str() : "(null)");
    // user does not persist anywhere, so this is the only chance to deal with it

Using screw::facebook::Facebook. Every results of fetch* by screw::facebook::Facebook are store locally for further get*

// You first need to add an Event Listener to listen to FacebookUserDetailDidFetchNotification event 
// (Assume that these codes are executed inside an instance method of a Node)
EventListenerCustom *listener = EventListenerCustom::create(FacebookUserDetailDidFetchNotification, [=](EventCustom *event){
    // Get the user object from Facebook
    GraphUser *user = Facebook::getInstance()->getUser();
    // Always make this check
    if (user) {
        // Update UI, etc
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);

// And then call, the event is fired upon request finishes

###Fetch Friends Using screw::facebook::Request

Request::requestForFriends([](int error, const Vector<GraphUser *> &friends){
    // This friends list is only available in this callback

Using screw::facebook::Facebook as helper (the same pattern as with fetching user details)

EventListenerCustom *listener = EventListenerCustom::create(FacebookFriendsDidFetchNotification, [=](EventCustom *event){
    // Get the friend list from Facebook
    Vector<GraphUser *> friends = Facebook::getInstance()->getFriends();
    // Do something with the friends list
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);

// Friends fetched with this call is stored 

###Fetch Scores Using screw::facebook::Request

Request::requestForScores([](int error, const Vector<GraphScore *> &scores){
    for (auto s : scores) {
        CCLOG("(user %s, score %ld)", s->getUser()->getName().c_str(), s->getScore());

Using screw::facebook::Facebook as helper (the same pattern as with fetching user details

EventListenerCustom *listener = EventListenerCustom::create(FacebookScoresDidFetchNotification, [=](EventCustom *event){
    // Get the friend list from Facebook
    // Friends along with scores are stored persistently if you fetch them via screw::facebook::Facebook so you can also get them outside callback 
    Vector<GraphUser *> friends = Facebook::getInstance()->getFriends();
    for (auto f : friends) {
        CCLOG("(user %s, score %ls)", f->getName(), f->getScore());
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);


###Post Score

// This call first fetches score from facebook, and if the fetched score  is less than the passed score it then posts the new score

###App requests Screw helps support 'typed' app requests by implementing the 'data' extra field of a request as a JSON string and provides helper functions to manipulate this data.

Simplest form

RequestDialogBuilder *builder = new RequestDialogBuilder();
builder->setMessage("I'm sending an app request");

Need a callback, add this prior to builder->build()->show()

builder->setCallback([](int error, const string &requestId, const list<string> &recipients){
    if (requestId.length()) {
        // Request succeeded

Send to specific friend(s)

builder->setTo({"id1", "id2"})

Explicitly state an object and action - the request will appear in notification as "Mark sent you a fish" instead of boring "Mark sent you a request"

builder->setActionType("send"); // May be 'askfor' if you want to ask for a fish
builder->setObjectId("773781669301483"); // A fish object id

Support 'typed' requests (Screw specific, not official facebook functionality)

// First declare some types
enum {
    RequestTypeSendFish = 1,

// To send a 'SendFish' request, add following. This results in a 'data' extra field as "{_t:1}"

// You can add more to 'data'
builder->setData("count", "10"); // ==> data = "{_t:1,count:10}", ie. send 10 fishes

Fetch app requests - use screw::facebook::AppRequests as app request manager. Upon app requests fetched, AppRequests:

  • Removes non-JSON 'data' fields and parses JSON 'data' into ValueMap
  • Deletes requests from facebook (read AppRequests::didFetchAppRequests for details)
  • Store the requests locally for further get*
EventListenerCustom *listener = EventListenerCustom::create(FacebookRequestsDidFetchNotification, [=](EventCustom *event){
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);


Get the fetched app requests from AppRequests

Vector<GraphRequest *> getRequests(); // Get all requests
Vector<GraphRequest *> getRequests(int type); // Get requests with type as specified in builder->setType(type)
GraphRequest *getRequest(const string &rid); // Get request with specific id

Examine the request

Vector<GraphRequest *> requests = AppRequests::getInstance()->getRequests();
for (GraphRequest *r : requests) {
    CCLOG("Request %s", r->getId().c_str());
    CCLOG("    Type = %d", r->getType()); // O if not set
    CCLOG("    Data = %s", r->getDataObject() ? r->getDataObject()->getDescription().c_str() : "(null)");
    // If the request was sent with action type and object specified
    CCLOG("    Action type = %s", r->getString("action_type").c_str());
    if (!r->get("object").isNull()) {
        CCLOG("    ObjectID = %s", r->getString("object/id").c_str());

Clear app request


###Sharing Share a link

ShareDialogParams *params = ShareDialogParams::create();
//    params->setName("A name");
//    params->setCaption("A caption");
//    params->setDescription("A description");
//    params->setFriends({"100008289311268"});
//    params->setDataFailuresFatal(false);
// Check if can share via Share Dialog 
if (Dialog::canPresent(params)) {
    Dialog::present(params, [](GraphObject *result, int error){
        if (result && result->getString("completionGesture") == "post") {
            // Share succeeded
} else {
    // Fallback to web view
    CCLOG("Cannot show share dialog, fallback to webview");
    FeedDialogBuilder *fbd = new FeedDialogBuilder();
    fbd->setCallback([](int error, const string &rid){
        if (rid.length()) {
            // Share succeeded
    delete fbd;

Share status: identical to share link without providing a link parameter

Share Open Graph Story

// Share a "Catch Fish" story
OpenGraphActionShareDialogParams *params = OpenGraphActionShareDialogParams::create();
GraphObject *fish = GraphObject::createForPost();
fish->set("type", "screwfb:fish");
fish->set("title", "Selfish");
fish->set("description", "The biggest fish in the sea!!!");
//    fish->set("url", "");
//    fish->set("image", "");
OpenGraphAction *action = OpenGraphAction::create();
action->set("fish", fish->getValue());
//    action->set("fish", "773781669301483"); //For catching a fish with its id
if (Dialog::canPresent(params)) {
    Dialog::present(params, [=](GraphObject *result, int error){
        if (result && result->getString("completionGesture") == "post") {
            // Share succeeded
} else {
    // Fallback to app request: require "publish_actions" permission and a litte more work

###Photo Loader Download profile picture

PhotoLoader::getInstance()->download(uid, size);

Upon donload finished, PhotoLoader saves image under facebook-images folder inside writable directory.

Handle download finish event and load texture

EventListenerCustom *listener = EventListenerCustom::create(PhotoLoaderLoadedNotification, [=](EventCustom *event){
    PhotoLoaderEvent *ev = (PhotoLoaderEvent *) event;
    Texture2D *texture = PhotoLoader::getInstance()->loadTexture(ev->getUid());
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);


  • PhotoLoader::getInstance()->loadTexture(uid) guarantees to return a non-nil texture (if the image for uid doesn't exist, it loads the default texture, so don't forget to copy fb-default.png to your Resources folder)
  • Textures returned by PhotoLoader::getInstance()->loadTexture are not managed by TextureCache (except the defaut texture)


If you decide to use screw::facebook::Facebook

  • You must NOT set up your own session callback via screw::facebook::Session::setStatusCallback, instead observing status changes via FacebookLoginStatusChangedNotification event.
  • You should use screw::facebook::Facebook::fetch* methods, observe fetch completion via event dispatcher and get the data via screw::facebook::Facebook::get*
  • Although all fetch* method accept a callback, you should not use it to reduce the overhead of managing objects life cycle

If you decide to use screw::facebook::AppRequests

  • You MUST use screw::facebook::AppRequests::fetchAppRequests instead of Request::requestForAppRequests



Screw aims to bring native Facebook SDK functionalities to cocos2d-x.






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  • C++ 57.0%
  • Java 14.9%
  • Objective-C 13.3%
  • C 10.2%
  • Objective-C++ 2.6%
  • Python 0.4%
  • Other 1.6%