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Auxo Tokens Subgraph

This subgraph is used to index the Auxo Tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. It heavily derives from the OpenZeppelin Subgraphs, for ERC20 balances and Approvals, with additional functionality for tracking ARV and PRV staking.


  1. Install the dependencies: yarn install
  2. Build packages: yarn build
  3. Ensure tests pass yarn test or yarn coverage for coverage report
  4. Deploy to Graph (Hosted Service ATM): yarn deploy


Good chunks of this codebase are autogenerated, the main working directories are:

  • abis: Contains the ABIs for the contracts we are indexing
  • handlers: assemblyscript functions that are called when events are emitted, and are used to update the state of the subgraph
  • queries: some prebuilt queries for testing and examples
  • schema: the graph expects a single schema.graphql file, which defines the entities and their fields. We use a simple script to concatenate the graphql files in this folder into a single schema file in the root. You can edit these files separately to keep things modular and then run yarn build to generate the schema file.
  • tests: matchstick tests for unit testing subgraph logic
  • types: some type bindings I find useful to supress valid assemblyscript from showing as errors in the IDE
  • scripts: integration and nodejs scripts


Sample Queries can be found in the queries folder. Some results are saved in the results folder, these can be used for testing or as illustrative examples.

Visit to query the subgraph, this can also be found in the Subgraphs section of the docs


ERC20 Event Lifecycle

Please refer to the OpenZeppelin subgraph as the flow is lifted entirely from their implementation.

ARV Event Lifecycle

Throughout this lifecycle, smart contract events trigger the creation of corresponding entities in the GraphQL schema to capture snapshots of the changes in the user's locked tokens and lock duration. The ARVLock entity keeps a running total of the locked tokens and the remaining lock time for each user's account.

  1. Deposited (Smart Contract Event): When a user deposits tokens into the locker, the Deposit event is emitted by the smart contract. This event triggers the creation of the ARVDeposit entity in the GraphQL schema, logging a snapshot of the delta, including the user's account address, the amount of tokens deposited, the amount of ARV minted, the lock duration, and the timestamp of the deposit.

  2. ARVLock (GraphQL Entity): After the deposit, an ARVLock entity is created or updated with the deposit information. It stores the running total of the locked amount, remaining lock time, and other lock-related information for the user's account.

  3. IncreasedAmount (Smart Contract Event): If the user decides to increase the amount of tokens locked, the IncreaseAmount event is emitted by the smart contract. This event triggers the creation of the ARVIncreaseAmount entity in the GraphQL schema, logging the account address, the additional amount of tokens (deposited and minted), and the timestamp of the change.

  4. ARVLock (GraphQL Entity): The associated ARVLock entity is updated with the new total locked amount after the user increases their locked tokens.

  5. IncreasedDuration (Smart Contract Event): If the user wants to extend the lock duration, the IncreaseDuration event is emitted by the smart contract. This event triggers the creation of the ARVIncreaseDuration entity in the GraphQL schema, logging the account address, the additional lock time, and the timestamp of the change, along with any additional tokens and minted.

  6. ARVLock (GraphQL Entity): The corresponding ARVLock entity is updated with the new lock duration when the user extends the duration.

  7. Withdrawn, BoostedToMax, Ejected, EarlyExit (Smart Contract Events): When the user withdraws tokens, boosts their lock to the maximum ratio, gets ejected, or exits early, respective events are emitted by the smart contract. Each event triggers the creation of the corresponding ARVWithdrawal, ARVBoostToMax, ARVEject, or ARVEarlyExit entity in the GraphQL schema, logging the relevant details about the user's account, the amount of tokens affected, and the timestamp of the action.

  8. ARVLock (GraphQL Entity): After any of the above events (withdrawal, boost to max, ejection, or early exit), the ARVLock entity is updated to reflect the new state of the user's locked tokens, including the remaining lock time and the updated token amount. Ejected or EarlyExit will reset the lock to zero.

RollStaker Event Lifecylce

  1. Deposited (Smart Contract Event): When a user deposits tokens in the RollStaker contract, the DepositEvent is emitted by the smart contract. This event triggers the creation of the PRVDeposit entity in the GraphQL schema, logging information such as the depositor, receiver, amount, and timestamps.

  2. PRVStakingBalance (GraphQL Entity): After the deposit, an PRVStakingBalance entity is created or updated with the deposit information. It stores the running total of the staked amount.

  3. Withdrawn (Smart Contract Event): When a user withdraws tokens from the RollStaker contract, the WithdrawEvent is emitted by the smart contract. This event triggers the creation of the PRVWithdraw entity in the GraphQL schema, logging the receiver, amount, timestamp, and other relevant data.

  4. Exited (Smart Contract Event): When a user exits the RollStaker contract, the ExitEvent is emitted by the smart contract. This event triggers the creation of the PRVExit entity in the GraphQL schema, logging the receiver, amount, timestamp, and other pertinent information.

  5. PRVStakingBalance (GraphQL Entity): After any of the above events (withdrawal or exit), the PRVStakingBalance entity is updated to reflect the new state of the user's staked tokens.Exiting will reset the balance to zero.


Token and Staking information for the Auxo Protocol






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